Is it time now for our own stadium

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Re: Is it time now for our own...

Post by OAMJSONA »

well said geoff

i think we all should sent our heart felt congratulations (NOT) to IL on the above e mail

Wigan is and always will be a town of Cherry & White

josie andrews
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Re: Is it time now for our own...

Post by josie andrews »

GeoffN wrote:
AncientWarrior wrote:Am I missing something here?
The indecent haste with which the venue has been changed leads me to believe that no-one had foreseen the conflict in our fixture and the Latics match with Sunderland. I find this mind-bogglingly inefficient bordering on the inept. A casual glance in the diary should have set the alarm bells ringing some time ago. I know we were playing poo rugby at the time but there was still an outside chance of a home play-off tie.

IMO the fault does not lie with Sky, Whelan, Wigan Athletic or the RLFC but with Wigan Warriors mis-management

The Saints fans chanting "You're not famous anymore" was correct. Any residual status from our successes in the 80's and 90's has now disappeared. Unless and until we have a management structure in place to effectively complement the team's efforts on the field we are not likely to achieve any fame in the future.
That's my take on it, pretty much, but it goes even further back than just this game.
This is what I e-mailed to the club last night:
Dear Mr Lenagan.

Just to let you know that my family and I (4 season ticket holders) will not be going to the playoff game against Bradford, if it is in fact being played away from home. I strongly suspect we won't be the only ones to make that decision.

We have known for some weeks now that we would be in the playoff games this weekend, and that Latics had a home game scheduled; it beggars belief that no contingency plans were in place before Saturday's games. With enough notice, for example, the two Wigan v Sunderland (home and away) fixtures could have been switched.

I fail to understand how such a successful businessman as yourself could have agreed to such one-sided lease conditions with Whelco. We avoid home fixtures early in the season, move a Challenge Cup game to a Monday night, postpone fixtures to allow the pitch to be relaid, and now lose our home advantage in a playoff game that makes or breaks our season. Is it any wonder that we are seen as second class citizens at the JJB?

"Under the terms of the lease, where there is a conflict, the Stadium Company has the right to decide priority" clearly translates as "football always has priority".

“We have explored fully with the RFL the options of playing on Thursday or Sunday but neither is possible for competition integrity issues" translates as "SKY won't switch their schedule".

You and Mr. Whelan between you, with the connivance of the RFL and SKY TV have made us the laughing stock of Wigan and both the RL and football communities.
No reply, as yet.
Much the same as I sent last night Geoff, the only difference being that I will be going to the game wherever it is played. We need to get behind the players as they need us now more than ever. We need to support them in our thousands and prove to the pathetics that this is and always will be a Rugby town. It was only last week that Whelan said that they don't deserve a football team because the support is atrocious. So let us show him and them proper supporters who will follow their team no matter what.
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ian b
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Re: Is it time now for our own stadium

Post by ian b »

spot on black pearl!!.I emailed the club today to vent my anger and said pretty much what you said in your post.Whelan is a w---er and should change his sh--e little football clubs fixture not ours,we are the bigger club by far!!!.
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Re: Is it time now for our own stadium

Post by jaws1 »

Correct me if i'm wrong but when DW sold the club one of the stipulations was that Wigan Warriors stayed at the JJB.
IL is happy with the rent he is paying 10% of the gate money.Kit sponsorship will now be in the hands of Mr Hogan who transformed Newcastle Falcons.What Wigan Warriors need know is a place of their own to sell their goods .The car showroom near the Seven Stars pub is empty will make a good superstore for the club its near to the ground on a main road and has car parking space been empty for a while could get it cheap or better still turn it into a supporters club buy the pub next door as an overflow.
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Re: Is it time now for our own...

Post by doc »

How can the RFL, who regularly fiddle the challenge cup draw, complain about switching the date affecting the "integrity of the competition".

Surely giving up home advantage just so we don't damage the pitch for the Latics also damages the integity of the competition.[/quote]
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Re: Is it time now for our own...

Post by DaveO »

doc wrote:How can the RFL, who regularly fiddle the challenge cup draw, complain about switching the date affecting the "integrity of the competition".

Surely giving up home advantage just so we don't damage the pitch for the Latics also damages the integity of the competition.

They have changed their tune slightly.

The "integrity of the competition" is being used as the reason why it can't be switched to Bradford.

They are now saying it can't be switched to a different date because of Sky TV. At least they are being honest now.

It should have been foreseen by the club as a possibility this could happen and given we change our fixtures for Latics they should set their fixtures with respect to us at this time of the season.

It would not be hard. At most you can play two home games in the play-offs regardless of where you finish (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th) but this is over a three week period if you finish outside the top 2.

So what we need is Latics to agree to an away game for the 1st weekend of the playoff, a Monday game at home for the second week and an away game for the third. That keeps them on a home/away fixture list and at least two days behind for the middle fixture.

Unless this is the agreement drawn up for the future I can't see how the club can promise it won't happen again.

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Re: Is it time now for our own...

Post by GeoffN »

josie andrews wrote:
Much the same as I sent last night Geoff, the only difference being that I will be going to the game wherever it is played. We need to get behind the players as they need us now more than ever. We need to support them in our thousands and prove to the pathetics that this is and always will be a Rugby town. It was only last week that Whelan said that they don't deserve a football team because the support is atrocious. So let us show him and them proper supporters who will follow their team no matter what.
I should perhaps have clarified that it's not a protest, I simply can't get there in time (work), and neither can my son (college)- and mum's too frail to get there without me these days. If it had been a genuine away game I couldn't have gone either.
josie andrews
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Re: Is it time now for our own...

Post by josie andrews »

GeoffN wrote:
josie andrews wrote:
Much the same as I sent last night Geoff, the only difference being that I will be going to the game wherever it is played. We need to get behind the players as they need us now more than ever. We need to support them in our thousands and prove to the pathetics that this is and always will be a Rugby town. It was only last week that Whelan said that they don't deserve a football team because the support is atrocious. So let us show him and them proper supporters who will follow their team no matter what.
I should perhaps have clarified that it's not a protest, I simply can't get there in time (work), and neither can my son (college)- and mum's too frail to get there without me these days. If it had been a genuine away game I couldn't have gone either.
Sorry Geoff, it wasn't a pop at you or any other Warriors fans at all, when I highlighted 'proper supporters' it was meant as a jibe at the pathetics not any of our fans at all as I know a lot of our fans have work/school/ other committments that would make it very difficult to get to Widnes even some of my friends and family will find it a very tight squeeze to even get to Widnes never mind the *** stadium for the free coaches.

And because it is unreserved seating, some ambulant/disabled supporters will struggle for convenient seats, as happened the last time we played there at the beginning of the season, where some struggled and some couldn't get up the steps, as there wasn't a lift, to get to empty seats after all the lower ones were taken.

Again sincere apologies :blush:
Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
But to stand behind a team, to defend a team when it is down and really needs you,
that takes a lot of courage. #18thMan
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