Club In Free-fall

Discuss all things Wigan Warriors. Comments and opinions on all aspects of the club's performance are welcome.
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Re: Club In Free-fall

Post by THE JUDGE »

When I first started to watch Wigan at Central Park, the players always emerged from the tunnel to the strains of `Entry Of The Gladiators` Now I feel our theme tune must be `Memories`, because that is all we have. Our once world famous club, has become at best mediocre, and at worst pathetic. From top to bottom, we lack vision, desire and pride, and this apathy has to stop right now. We must get back to only employing the very best people, whether they be administrators, coaches or players. We used to lead the world, but now we observe from a great distance as others show us the way. John Monie once said that his team would always go out `Fired with ENTHUSIASM` and if they weren`t they would be `FIRED with Enthusiasm` I feel that is the policy the club must now adopt without delay. I want to see the day`s of the Gladiators return, so that we can build on our good memories. Come on IL this is WIGAN we are talking about....act now without any further delay.
Following a Judicial Review of my computer, I hope I have now resolved my inability to participate
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Re: Club In Free-fall

Post by Matthew »

Who ever comes in to sort this mess out - must do so for the right reasons and that isn't because of a huge pay cheque.

If we have to chase someone to come and coach/play for Wigan then they must be the best person in their position and open to lots of offers. If the lure of the history of the club and the challenge itself is not enough to attract someone; then they aren't coming here for the right reasons.

This has been demonstrated over and over again with signings - from DV to Fielden to Riddell. We have signed countless players who came here to get paid.

The only member of our team to make the "dream team" last year was a 30+ Western Samoan who was paid a pittance but played his heart out. Says it all really!
"And Martin Offiah, trying to make some space, now then..." - Ray French, Wembley 1994
Interviewer: So that obviously means that you're not going to St Helens and you're not going to Leeds?

Frano: I don't know why I would ever want to go to St Helens or Leeds
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Re: Our Club

Post by shaunedwardsfanclub »

Woodentop07 wrote:After another shocking day, I am finding it hard to think of any reasons to be positive about our once great club.
Poor performances
Poor style of Rugby
Radlinski's comments about the state of our club
Now the Gareth Hock saga

I must admit I am gutted.
My friend who works for Wish FM and used to cover the rugby has told me that most of our players were very up themselves.
Kris radlinski stated players think they have made it just because they are at Wigan.
Our club needs an overhaul, someone to come in and kick some ass. It could take years but it has to start somewhere.
At the moment I would rather watch 13 fans play their hearts out than players with talent who don't care.
If you want somebody to sort the players out then there is only one choice - Ellery Hanley. It wont be pretty and the players wont like it, ask any of the Saints players who were under his command! But what we will get is individuals who are fit, motivated, proud to wear the colours of our great club, fine ambassadors and a winning mentality.
Winning is down to 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration - Shaun Edwards
The Eclipse
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Re: Club In Free-fall

Post by The Eclipse »

MrDave wrote:This once great club is going down hill very very quickly.

- 10th in the League.
- 7 years without honours.
- Failure to attract big players.
- Poor style of Rugby League.
- Unpopular coach.
- Chairman who goes behind the coaches back.
- Falling attendances
- Embarrassment of salary cap breaches.
- Embarrassing results.
- Don't have their own stadium.
- Club losing money.
- Transition between academy and first team not working.
- Player banned for drugs.

Compare that with Saints:
- 1st in the League
- Challenge Cup winner three years in a row
- One of the most entertaining teams in Super League
- Quality coach
- Chairman who has kept the club going and successful even after being hit by money problems.
- New stadium in the pipe-line
- Young player coming into the Saints squad all the time and doing well.
- Plenty of internationals in the squad.

The whole Wigan club needs to get its act together otherwise it will be a very long time before Wigan is even half the club it used to be.
Add to the list:
10 players not qualified for England (Wigan should be leading the way in this area)
A coach who has stated on more than one occasion that Wigan youngsters are over rated.
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Re: Club In Free-fall

Post by cpwigan »

I am at the point where I hope Wigan RLFC start applying standards beyond the norm in RL. If we lose players and some games due to the Wigan RLFC standard then so be it.

In the long term I think we will win if we do.

As already stated. Certainly in the short term, if the club cannot secure world class coaches they could do a lot worse than ask Ellery to take over. His standards are the stasndards I think most if not all Wigan RLFC fans want.
Exiled Wiganer
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Re: Club In Free-fall

Post by Exiled Wiganer »

I am a lone voice crying in the wilderness, but I think that now would not be a bad time to take over the club.
1 - expectations are at an all time low;
2 - Smith, Phelps, Coley, Bailey and Hock (so so sadly) are all out of contract so we could sign some real talent;
3 - our young players are coming through at a higher quality and in higher numbers than at any time I can remember, and in Sam T we have a play maker we could build a team round;
4 - they simply can't get less motivated/more poorly coached than they are now. You could ask them to coach themselves and they would probably do a better job.
Look at what Brown has done with far thinner resources at the Giants, or McDermott at Quins. The comparisons are embarrassing; and
5 - there are so many fans who have stood by the club through thick and thin in frankly astonishingly high numbers. Offer us entertainment and commitment and we will back the team to the hilt.
I would love to see a coach with recent NRL experience (even Graham Murray who turned Leeds around), Edwards or Hanley. Please no Farrell or Wane.
There will be better days, and we will enjoy them all the more when they come.
old hooker
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Re: Club In Free-fall

Post by old hooker »

A great player Hanley may have been but he will not be our saviour.He is far too hot headed and at the first sign of not getting his own way would walk.IL is the man with the money and he will ensure that he spends it his way.Hanley would not accept that,he would want his own way but would not get it .
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Re: Club In Free-fall

Post by jimofwigan »

MrDave wrote:This once great club is going down hill very very quickly.

- 10th in the League.
- 7 years without honours.
- Failure to attract big players.
- Poor style of Rugby League.
- Unpopular coach.
- Chairman who goes behind the coaches back.
- Falling attendances
- Embarrassment of salary cap breaches.
- Embarrassing results.
- Don't have their own stadium.
- Club losing money.
- Transition between academy and first team not working.
- Player banned for drugs.

Compare that with Saints:
- 1st in the League
- Challenge Cup winner three years in a row
- One of the most entertaining teams in Super League
- Quality coach
- Chairman who has kept the club going and successful even after being hit by money problems.
- New stadium in the pipe-line
- Young player coming into the Saints squad all the time and doing well.
- Plenty of internationals in the squad.

The whole Wigan club needs to get its act together otherwise it will be a very long time before Wigan is even half the club it used to be.




IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!


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Re: Club In Free-fall

Post by Kittwazzer »

I much prefer his cakes over his poems! :D
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Joined: Thu Feb 23, 2006 12:55 pm

Re: Club In Free-fall

Post by jackoh »

I must agree with this thread , but it`s not just happened , we`ve been declining for years .
Thought Lenegan was the answer , but obviously he`s not .
We need a new coach , back room staff included a publicity manager .
I would have said a new owner , but who`ld want to buy us .
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