Hock Latest?

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Re: Hock Latest?

Post by cpwigan »

Cockayne? Pryce first time? The two Leeds players?

Hock drank alcohol and it led to drugs, Feka drank alcohol and it led top violence. Maybe both cases are fairly similar. Two players losing self control due to drinking alcohol.
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Re: Hock Latest?

Post by Sutty »

I can see what you are trying to say, and I'm all for giving Hock another chance, but to put Feka in the same bracket as Cocayne, Pryce etc is silly. Cockayne's attack was brutal and sustained, he even went after the bloke to have another go. Pryce has been in trouble before and his second offence hardly came as a surprise. Can't comment on Reardon because I don't know if it was his first offence, it was incredibly foolish, whatever.
Feka's was bourne out of either provocation, alcohol or whatever. It was out of character and it was just the one punch (a lot will say that shouldn't make a difference), which in comparison to the Yorkshire thugs mentioned above, it seems to pale into insignificance.

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Re: Hock Latest?

Post by Lifetimer »

I have heard he is to be involved with coaching the youth teams (a very good source).

They will learn how to stay close to the white line.

This is a disgrace, our once Proud Club letting a known drug user teach Kids.

If my kids were in the Service area I would be pulling them out and sending them to a club with morals.
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Re: Hock Latest?

Post by wink »

HOw's this for an excuse. It's a pity Hock did not have a good lawyer. This article is taken from the Daily Telegraph.


Richard Gasquet, a former Wimbledon semi-finalist who tested positive for cocaine at a tournament in Miami in March, has been cleared to return to the tour.
An independent anti-doping tribunal concluded "it is more likely than not" that the cocaine entered the frenchman's system when he kissed a girl called Pamela in a nightclub the evening before.
Gasquet went to a nightclub during the Winter Music Conference festival in Miami. The tribunal accepted his evidence that he had kissed Pamela about seven times that evening. He gave a urine sample the next day.
The tribunal said: "We conclude that Pamela had deliberately or otherwise, ingested cocaine, before contaminating the player. The player has discharged the onus on him of showing how the prohibited substance entered his system, and is therefore in principle entitled to rely on the defences of 'no fault or negligence', or 'no significant fault or negligence'.
However, the tribunal said Gasquet "placed himself in an environment where contamination with a prohibited substance was a risk".

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Re: Hock Latest?

Post by fred_flintstone »

It's good to see that there's a number of members on this forum of such a high moral standing that they are in a position to pass such a damning judgement on Gaz. I only wish that I, and those close to me had such a pure existence that I could be so sanctimonious, must be a nice feeling. Oh well.

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Re: Hock Latest?

Post by Lifetimer »

Non of us are angels, but we are not in the spotlight either.
Gaz Hock made his own choices nobody put his arm up his back.
All this prattle about at least he admitted it, he only admitted it when he got caught.

These guys earn good amounts of money and enjoy a lifestyle that some of us can only dream about, that lifestyle is funded by us the season ticket holders and loyal fans of the club.

I do not want to buy drugs and that's what Gaz Hock has done with my money.
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Re: Hock Latest?

Post by cpwigan »

That is a bit much isn't it. Buying drugs with your money. By his own admission he has never bought drugs. Fronm what I read, he went out with friends to various places, somebody produced some and started offering it around and under the influence he was stupid.

How do youb feel about Feka? Wasn't our previous CEO involved in an incident that as a player cost him a GB tour spot? Jon Clarke?
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Re: Hock Latest?

Post by medlocke »

Nobodys saying ban Hock from Rugby for life or that he shouldn't be given another chance, i'm saying he shouldn't be given a second chance at Wigan, all other clubs that have had drug cheats banned have washed their hands of them, which is what we should be doing and like i have stated before, the only reason people are worrying about Gaz and want the club to keep him sis because of his talent, if it was somebody mediocre nobody would be wanting that player anywhere near the team, would everybody be wanting the club to stick behind Dennis Moran (if it had been him), i think not, big pack of Hypocrits. :eusa18:
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Re: Hock Latest?

Post by Lifetimer »

By his own admission he never bought any, come on get real.

Have you ever seen some of the drop-outs he knocked about with? hangers on with no pot to pee in.

Do you trust anything Gaz Hock says? You need a scan if you do.

As a player I thought he was Great, as a human being I now think he is the lowest of the low.

He has let down his Team his Town & his Country nor bad going for a lad from Norley.
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Re: Hock Latest?

Post by cpwigan »

Who do we believe then. I mean given events Kris Rads autobiog is damaged too as he actually endorses Hocks choice of friends etc etc.

From what little I know, cocaine is getting like weed in that you do not have to have much money to buy some.
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