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Post by Kittwazzer »

We are all aware that you are a schoolteacher and you obviously have a lot of spare time on your hands during the endless holidays you people enjoy.

That said, someone should point out that this forum is not an extension of your own personal classroom and the people who post on it are not snotty nosed pupils whom you can talk down to without warranting a response!

Your ceaseless rantings following last night's meeting are becoming a little tiresome. Mr Leneghan's comments obviously irritated you but when he alluded to fans, he did not just mean you personally. Notwithstanding you consider yourself to be THE Number 18, there are a few thousand others of us!

Furthermore, I think your representation of Mike Binders membership and posting history on the 'Riversiders' thread was well below the belt.

Lets review, as my despised Maths Teacher used to say!

He has been a member 8 months longer than you have, is that a problem for you? That said, you have over 4,000 posts more than him.

In fact, in the 4 years of your membership, you have over 13,500 postings to your credit. That equates to over 9 posts per day. Every day. Including Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Including Close Season!

CPW You really do need to find another hobby. Your obsession with this forum must far outweich your interest in Rugby League!

Ever thought of taking up golf? :blush:
THE 18th Man
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Re: CPWigan

Post by THE 18th Man »

3 words that many people that seem to have forgot on this site 'FREEDOM OF SPEECH' if CP wants to post about the club he supports or anybody else does then its should be no business of yours, mine or anybody elses as long as it doesnt insult posters.

its no secret that CP has expressed his opinions on this site but i have never read one of his post since iv'e been here which comes across as talking down to someone
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Re: CPWigan

Post by ajsefc »

seems to be unfair and slightly bitter rant IMO. It's a forum where everbodies opinion will differ.

I would hope CP does think his opinion is better than anybody elses, I certainly think mine are. As long as he his open to debate, which I find him to be, there is no issue.

and judging someone for too much posting after the effort you put in to that rant is a bit hypocritical
'I have a good stand up wash in that sink once a week'
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Re: CPWigan

Post by Kittwazzer »

God wrote:
Have you ever thought of taking up reading the definition for freedom of speech??
Liberty to express opinions and ideas without hindrance, and especially without fear of punishment

Which is exactly what I did!
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Re: CPWigan

Post by cpwigan »

KW not that it matters but I was posting on the net when Wigan RLFC had its own forum,. when the two forums were Paperdragons and Mikes. I lost logins etc. However, that is immaterial IMO. I do not care if somebody has posted 1 day, 1 year or 10 years.

IL? I said beforehand that fans should not expect anything miraculous. I actually think the presentation was done very well. The Q & A was very poor. He wasn't speaking about me or to me. Where on earth do you get that idea from?

I go to the JJB or whatever one wants to call it to watch Wigan RL. I never boo / abuse players. Nor do I clap like a demented seal. I watch the game. I don't drink and I do not shake pom poms in the South Stand Bar. That is not my thing. Personally, I stopped thinking of sportsmen as heroes etc etc when I became an adult.

I make balanced comments on here regarding the games / players. Some positive / some negative. Now if it comes as a shock to some fans, at every game some players will play well, some will play badly. I am a big fan of Joel Tomkins. He stank v Saints and I said so. No doubt Joel thought exactly the same. I defended Roberts because I felt the criticism of him was OTT. Now why should I be annoyed with IL when he actually said what I said to everybody who wanted to read it beforehand. I have my own views. Jon H on Rlfans who is a quality poster had the same views. I will be shouting / hoping Joel has a great game on Saturday. Coming to blows with Bryn Hargreaves in Wigan Town Centre was not very impressive by Joel IMO BTW.

The presentation side should be expanded. Simon Collinson should get a spot. Mick Hogan more time. I actually have repeatedly advocated that SL CEOs should be on the same status as NRL CEOs.

The Q and A sesson was embarassing. Nobody connected with any club should describe the behaviour of the clubs fans as disgraceful which whether you like it or not says those fans are a disgrace. Nobody should look at those fans and say you are fools especially given his own behaviour at the 2nd fans forum. What does make me smile is that a Riversidetrs committe member has tried to turn this into lets blame the two fans forum. Pardon my French it is utter bollocks. Why well firstly Mike Binder decided to mock forum posters saying the club does not pay any attention to such posts. Could somebody tell Mike Binder what IL said in his opening sentences, we listen to internet forums.

Again, IL did not attack this forum or RLfans. His main gripe was the fans at matches. That includes everybody who attends matches. So IL labelled fans as a disgrace and fools. So why on earth should I be upset personally. I think it was a very bad move especially given Ils behaviour at fans forum 2. I will put a bet on with anybody that when Trent's autobiography is published he will criticise IL big time for the second fans forum.

I have no axe to grind with anybody. I am an opinionated SOB. I am honest. My beef is the cowardice of fans. I consider Mike Binder a friend. I know Mike. His actions in the last week/fortnight have been fairly shameful. I never thought Mike would not front up in his views. He has been readying his pistol and sniping for a few days. He has made accusations regarding this forum and posters, one of who is obviously me, do you think the others do not deserve some honesty. He has claimed Mick Hogan has criticised posters / this site. I will be contacting Mick Hogan myself to clarify whether these claims are true or false. He has then not had the decency to back these up. Whatsmore as a friend I have spoken to Mike several time this season where he has said you know what I think but I cannot say so because I am a Riversiders Committee member and we have to maintain good relations with Wigan RLFC. He knows that, I know that but he will not say so publically. Why?

Anything I say on the net I will say in person. I will sit down with them and say that I think Fielden and Feka are damaging Wigan RLFC with their drain on the salary cap. I suspect IL thinks exactly the same but will not say so. Nor should he.

I am sick and tired of the Riversiders clique trying to back one another up, criticising the two fans forums, thinking they are somehow better. It is the double standards of fans that sticks in my throat.

I am an opinionate SOB but what I say I do so honestly. I do not care if you like me or not. I joined a forum to discuss RL not a lonely hearts/friendship group. I help other forum members whenever I can.

The only poster I have ever want to strangled is the one I have the most respect for. That is Dave O. Why because he posts what he thinks and he validates what he thinks and withstands all the abuse / ridicule heaped on him. Now why on earth would my admiration be for such a bloody pig awkward debater if I wanted people to agree with me. I don't, I think those that whine do though. Me I respect debate, I enjoy it. Many posters do not IMO.

So no a Riversiders Clique backing Mike Binder when he has uncharacteristically been out of order makes no impact on me.
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Re: CPWigan

Post by cpwigan »

KW you are perfectly entitled to your view. However, be up front. Are you a member of the Riversiders, a friend of Mike Binders? Mrs Feka's earlier rant. Mrs F is a Riversider and a friend of the Binder's.
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Re: CPWigan

Post by cpwigan »

mike binder

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Re: nobby
I may not rate him as a coach Mike but I do not blame him. He cannot work with IL given what has happened. I do not understand why pro Noble fans do not rip into IL rather than other fans. I had been told that Vievers was on his way out at the end of the season anyway and seems to have been downgraded even by Noble. I wish him luck coaching in the Championship. It seems a thankless task bar the very few clubs that have money and resources.

I think the club is now run far better on a day to day basis but there are huge question marks over the role IL in signing players / the input that the coach actually has v what he should have and even delivering key signings be they coaches or players. I think the club is very badly hampered by the salary cap and that is in the main pre IL but he has done the same with Gleeson. If you pay big money for a player in the salary cap they have to deliver otherwise your club is effectively competing under the cap limit. the advantage we have over other clubs is the quality of our youngsters. Young Ainscough may not turn out to be as good as some fans think. Everybody I talk to thinks Sam T will be a fantastic player for us.

I cannot even remember if I posted it but if they couldbnot get the right man they would have been better with Noble at least for 12 months. Why would he stay though when I am pretty certain he could walk into a new job straight away. If you were the Hull Chairman and had signed the players they have and Noble became available you would be mad not to want him.
I have blanked out the PM by Mike. It is his choice to post what he said but I will say this I have nothing to hide.
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Re: CPWigan

Post by cpwigan »

To: Mick Hogan
Subject: RE: Wigan Reserves v Leeds Reserves Match Report

Hi Mick,

Friday was amazing. The ground was 'bouncing' I wrote Leeds off point wise and it seemed like the game would run to form especially with Bailey out on top of Lockers and Hock. It struck me that Leeds were cocky and arrogant thinking they could score from virtually every play. It was a privellege to see Buderus play. Irrespective of what the Big One promotion achieved whole club wise, it seemed to motivate the players. I daresay it is a very long time since Leeds failed to score any points in a half of RL and we were rampant in that second half. The reverse pass from Sam T was a touch of magic. Star players like Sam T are rare but there are plenty of players in the Wigan ranks with SL Quality. Not a Cameron Phelps fan but he had his best game for Wigan v Leeds. If he does not sort his head position though when tackling he is going to potentially pay a heavy price one day. Pig is playing better too. Only 1 player needs to step up. Mr Fielden.

We had an intersting post on the web site that shows the value of promotions like the Big One and quality performances.


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Re: Sam Tomkins

Right, Im new here so thought I'd say something, a new Warrior supporter too (The home team at my first game). I have followed most of Super League XIV and attended Wigan Vs Leeds and was very impressed by the home team and I didnt support a club so Im a Warrior.

Back on topic, I have thought highly of Sam Tomkins (no relation by the way) since I watched SL and seeing him play last Friday was great. He is brilliant. Definitely my favourite player.

Anyway, Thanks and Goodbye


Cherry And White Since 24/07/2009.
Proud To Be One.
Sammy Tomkins Is Ace!
Come On Warriors!

I send DVDs of our matches at all grades to an ex Paramatta player in Aus and he said the following about Sam T;

With a lot fans talking about Myler and Eastmond i actually think Sam T is the one who will have the best career, he just seems so instinctive and has the mental toughness needed to go all the way. The main thing though is he is so smart, thats what i love in a player and is what separates the great players from the good players.

Personally I also think Eastmond is a special young player but Sam is far ahead of Myler.

Onwards and upwards


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Re: CPWigan

Post by cpwigan »

To: Mick Hogan
Subject: RE: Heinz

Hi Mick,

I daresay the mood has lightened across the club albeit the injuries cast a shadow, Lockers a very big one. He has been world class in recent matches.

Just to say, the Heinz North Stand iniative was fantastic. I hope we can repeat it with Heinz or other companies/organisations in the future when we play Quins, Cats, Celts and even Huddersfield in the future. The atmosphere was something else. I actually went in the North Stand and gave my normal seat to a RL live virgin. A distant relation of Joe Egan and he had bever been to a live game before but he came away saying it was better than football.

The North Stand was tremendous. Many large groups from grandparent to grand children, lots of women. Never heard a swear word once and no grumbling, mumbling fans. Incredibly positive experience. The feedback on both wigan warriors fans.com and rlfans.com has been incredibly positive.

Any chance of posting a short update on the young fella who was injured at halftime on the club website? Might not be a bad move to bring him onto the pitch at the next or near future game to gee the fans up. Quality response when he was taken off.

A week is a long time in RL, not only politics lol


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Re: CPWigan

Post by cpwigan »

To: Mick Hogan


Fortunately I didn't. The fans I have spoken to were not happy but that is only to be expected. I think the fans were frustrated by the repeated one man drives and the poor mistakes particularly with kicking and tackling. Josie Andrews knows Feka fairly well and she told me Feka was mortified by his knock on so I think the players do care. I have yet to meet a player who does not go out with the intention of winning. Only once have I seen a Wigan team seemingly not try to win and that was in the RT Final v Castleford during the John Dorahay era.

We certainly do miss Lockers and Hocky but I think fans would argue that we should still be able to beat Celtic who are still struggling to come to terms with SL and were missing several players too. They have been without Duggan all season and he is their star attacking player. I think the Celtic game exposed our limitations.

Our system of play is too crude. Too simplistic. Especially the bread and butter sets, the exit sets, the basics that get teams momentum. I know it was not popular with a lot of fans but I could understand letting Higham go last season because the desire to have a playmaking hooker that moves laterally / diagonally and brings forwards onto the ball was a sound one IMO. KC has done it well for years. Many NRL hookers do and Scott Moore does so at Huddersfield this season. Whatever, the reason Piggy does not. I think it is in part because Moore want to do that being an ex half back but also becausde they have little set plays to facillitate it. I may be wrong but it amazes me that RL teams spend so little time on their bread and butter plays that they repeat time after time every match but spend lots of time on opposition 20 set plays. Our bread and butter plays being predictable negated a good last tackle kick and momentum that we are then not on the front foot when defending. Reading between the lines we have simplified everything to increase our ball retention but if the bread and butter plays were better retention would follow because we would be on the front foot and have momentum. The opposition too often feel they can stay in the game v us and get a win.

A poor system of play means we become dependent on individual brilliance and if those players are missing the rest have nothing to fall back on. To me that is where coaching or coaches earn their crust. I think it is great that Wigan fans have finally woken up and realised how good Lockers is. I hope they read what Kris Radlinski says about captaincy too. I grew tired of arguing the same point. Shouting and barking pleases fans but leading by example is captaincy and Lockers has always done that. He's also a far better 'footballer' to use the Aussie term than he is ever given credit for. I maintain he is better at loose forward than the second row. Hock is a freak and Mr Noble owes him an awful lot IMO. I am led to believe and I know all players play injured but Hock has been far from fit for a long time and was scheduled to have a knee clean up op until a second opinion said play on. He's playing needled regularly if my sources are correct. The big problem is v the best teams they defend our left heavily knowing that is where the threat is and gang up on Hock who can get frustrated because with all due respect he is not overly smart up top. In those circumstances he can make mistakes by trying too hard. I think Leeds did a real number on him in last season's GF eliminator.

Not sure all the reorganisation of the backline on top of missing our best 2 players helped. I would have left the backs as they were and slotted Ian Thornley in for Carmont. I hate this duty of care nonsense. I watched Jamal Idris for the Bulldogs this weekend he has some rough edges but he is a star in the making. Same age as Thornley. Watkins did very well for Leeds too. If you are good enough you are old enough as they say. I understand re Ainscough and his weaknesses. That is for the coaching teams to rectify provided the player listens and learns.

I was told Flannagan did okay. Some fans felt the cut out passes bypassing him for Gleeson were not always correct. Saying that Farrel has been the form player in the reserves. Flannagans form has dipped slightly from a month ago when he was on fire.

I have been told Pryce has been given a year contract. If true, I hope you 'flog him' hard because he is not in the right physical condition to play SL. Salford reserves targetted him last week and he struggled. I would play him at prop in the reserves to make him work non stop. Or even say no game time, fitness work for a month, 2 months until you are were we want you physically.

Never envisaged us not making the 8 but I can only see 6th to 8th possible now. Hull KR is going to be tough after their bad defeat to Quins. I think everybody is hoping re the CC because IMO despite still being better than the rest, Saints are weaker and a Potter coaches Saints team suits us far more than an Anderson coaches Saints. Still we have to beat Wire first.

Do you not find sport a bizarre industry. You improve off the field, lots of great iniatives etc yet you are still very dependent upon what happens on the playing side. For me it makes it true when people say you cannot treat sport as a normal business.

SL is a tough competition. It is not advancing at the top but all below are evening out. Competitive rather than excellence.

Hope IL returned from Aus with some good news.

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