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Re: Training

Post by cpwigan »

I think some people have put 2 = 2 together and got 5.

Players at Wigan have either had jobs or been in education for a long time. Liam Farrell was working for the Metro flagging etc. Often the young players receive so little contract money they have to either work or their parents support them.

Not convinced people are fully on the money etc re train ing. I think training varies across the season in intensity / nature and for example it doe not matter who the coach is, the day after playing a match is a recovery session day.
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Re: Training

Post by DaveO »

cpwigan wrote:I think some people have put 2 = 2 together and got 5.

Players at Wigan have either had jobs or been in education for a long time. Liam Farrell was working for the Metro flagging etc. Often the young players receive so little contract money they have to either work or their parents support them.
The implication of the original post was they were going to be required to do these jobs.
Not convinced people are fully on the money etc re train ing. I think training varies across the season in intensity / nature and for example it doe not matter who the coach is, the day after playing a match is a recovery session day.
As someone else said just because they are there 10 till 4 does not mean they will be doing physical work outs for 6 hours.

I think its you who have got the wrong end of the stick :wink:

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Re: Training

Post by cpwigan »

Not really Dave. The implication was a sudden transformation of club policy. To suggest as such is somewhat insulting to Brian Foley and co. Every Wigan junior has either been in further education or working. It is nothing new as several have suggested / implied.

I believe the full time players have always had to be available as and when. If fans expect the players to be flogged in some new found penal style regime I think they are sadly mistaken.

I expect the new coaching set up will produce a better team, better RL and better results. It will do so through working hard but also by working incredibly smart. I am far more positive about the future than the majority here seem to be.
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Re: Training

Post by DaveO »

cpwigan wrote:Not really Dave.
Yes really.
The implication was a sudden transformation of club policy. To suggest as such is somewhat insulting to Brian Foley and co. Every Wigan junior has either been in further education or working. It is nothing new as several have suggested / implied.
I know Wigan have young players carry on their education but there is a difference in getting players to have a taste of manual labour type jobs to show them how lucky they are compared to making sure they keep up with education and training in case they never end up signing full time for the club. It's not insulting to Foley at all. He did a grand job of making sure education and training was not neglected but I think this is subtly different and is so for a reason.
I believe the full time players have always had to be available as and when. If fans expect the players to be flogged in some new found penal style regime I think they are sadly mistaken.
I certainly don't expect them to be flogged but being required at the club between 10 and 4 is hardly a hardship.

It is also not a new idea and a timely link in the context of this thread appeared on rlfans about Inga's book.

Here is the relevant quote from Inga with pertinent bits in bold highlighted by me:

"It also took me a little while to get my head around the whole 'professional' aspect to playing sport. You were paid to play and train. Initially the regime came as a complete shock: regimented training sessions and programmes to follow that started early in the morning. You were told what time you had to turn up and what you had to do. We trained twice a day, early mornings and afternoons. We got to go back home in between and come back later in the afternoon which was good as I got to pick up my kids from school and spend time with them.

"Back in New Zealand you went to work and trained only twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and then played on Saturdays. The current routine was vigorous. On top of training every day and playing once a week, on the day before the game there was the 'captain's run' (when the team captain takes the team for a workout). It was not as intense but you had a good burst."

Here is the link: ... 457&pnum=2

It's a three page article and a good read in its own right but the bit quoted above is in my opinion the kind of regime MM & SW want to impose again. Given Wane was familiar with it as a player and saw the success it helped bring it comes as no surprise history is seemingly about to repeat itself.
I expect the new coaching set up will produce a better team, better RL and better results. It will do so through working hard but also by working incredibly smart. I am far more positive about the future than the majority here seem to be.
The board seems very optimistic to me especially over the coaching situation and the part of this discussion about a new training regime is just what people want to see IMO. It has been a common thread on this forum over the recent years about a lack of professionalism and lack or fitness and preparedness. If MM & SW want to educate the younger players they are on to a good deal and if they want to revert to the kind of training regime Inga benefited from I think this is just yet more cause for optimism.

Panchitta Marra
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Re: Training

Post by Panchitta Marra »

Get them fit and rotate the squad well.
Better than starting out of the blocks like squashed cabbages.
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right cross
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Re: Training

Post by right cross »

cmon guys do you think that mm does'nt know what he is doing ? fitness is first and foremost in my book , look at saints when anderson took over they all lost wieght and imo were the best saints team for years, and while training don't you think that mm will be assesing them and wittleing out the players who he thinks are here just for the ride.
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Re: Training

Post by cpwigan »

DaveO wrote:
cpwigan wrote:Not really Dave.
Yes really.
The implication was a sudden transformation of club policy. To suggest as such is somewhat insulting to Brian Foley and co. Every Wigan junior has either been in further education or working. It is nothing new as several have suggested / implied.
I know Wigan have young players carry on their education but there is a difference in getting players to have a taste of manual labour type jobs to show them how lucky they are compared to making sure they keep up with education and training in case they never end up signing full time for the club. It's not insulting to Foley at all. He did a grand job of making sure education and training was not neglected but I think this is subtly different and is so for a reason.
I believe the full time players have always had to be available as and when. If fans expect the players to be flogged in some new found penal style regime I think they are sadly mistaken.
I certainly don't expect them to be flogged but being required at the club between 10 and 4 is hardly a hardship.

It is also not a new idea and a timely link in the context of this thread appeared on rlfans about Inga's book.

Here is the relevant quote from Inga with pertinent bits in bold highlighted by me:

"It also took me a little while to get my head around the whole 'professional' aspect to playing sport. You were paid to play and train. Initially the regime came as a complete shock: regimented training sessions and programmes to follow that started early in the morning. You were told what time you had to turn up and what you had to do. We trained twice a day, early mornings and afternoons. We got to go back home in between and come back later in the afternoon which was good as I got to pick up my kids from school and spend time with them.

"Back in New Zealand you went to work and trained only twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and then played on Saturdays. The current routine was vigorous. On top of training every day and playing once a week, on the day before the game there was the 'captain's run' (when the team captain takes the team for a workout). It was not as intense but you had a good burst."

Here is the link: ... 457&pnum=2

It's a three page article and a good read in its own right but the bit quoted above is in my opinion the kind of regime MM & SW want to impose again. Given Wane was familiar with it as a player and saw the success it helped bring it comes as no surprise history is seemingly about to repeat itself.
I expect the new coaching set up will produce a better team, better RL and better results. It will do so through working hard but also by working incredibly smart. I am far more positive about the future than the majority here seem to be.
The board seems very optimistic to me especially over the coaching situation and the part of this discussion about a new training regime is just what people want to see IMO. It has been a common thread on this forum over the recent years about a lack of professionalism and lack or fitness and preparedness. If MM & SW want to educate the younger players they are on to a good deal and if they want to revert to the kind of training regime Inga benefited from I think this is just yet more cause for optimism.

Dear God Dave yes it is insulting to the work of Brian Foley et al and it shows the ignorance of fans in adding 2 + 2 and making 5. Why oh why do not fans not think before they come out with half baked and often wrong comments.

Young players have always EITHER be in education or employment. Getting players to have a taste of manual labour type jobs to show them how lucky they are compared to making sure they keep up with education and training in case they never end up signing full time for the club. Liam Farrell is one such example. Neil Holland another. I suppose fans conveniently forgot several young players going on Army training courses too. WHAT YOU ARE ALL TALKING ABOUT IS NOTHING NEW. Even worse the reason Shaun Wane asked for a job, again something he has done previously was the young players receive very little money. The lad needed some money to top up his contract.

Unless many of you missed something there are no mines to send them down and not much heavy manual jobs. It's anecdotal bullshit.

What is wrong with players continuing in education BTW? Paul Prescott probably works harder than most current professionals. I do not think it makes him a better player BTW.

Oddly Shaun Edwards never had a job, Ellery Hanley never had a job, Gary Connolly never had a job, Dennis betts ...

So this wonderful fan theory breaks down because it is riddled with self serving feel good bullshit. "Getting players to have a taste of manual labour type jobs to show them how lucky they are compared" = just that.

Mosty important IMO whatever players do is that their days are occupied and EVEN MORE IMPORTANT and this is the message that Shaun Wane and co have always been driving home is that signing for aprofessional club is just the start, not to pat themselves on the back but put more and more effort in because only a small number will progress to play SL for Wigan and possibly SL for any club.

Maguire will be fantastic for Wigan RLFC but again if fans think players will be physically training hour upon hour day after day then you are sadly mistaken. Wigan will train smarter and play smarter under Maguire. The intensity will be far greater.

If you want to throw anecdotal quotes in. The great Wigan players hated it when a coach made the sessions too long to maintain interest / intensity and when Shaun Edwards assisted Westy with sessions there are quotes of him ending a 1 hour session after 30 minutes because the session was perfect. Oh wait that does not fit fan bullshit.

Wigan will fare far better than many fans think under Maguire and co.
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Re: Training

Post by jobo »

Truth is the young players do have work or education outside their rugby training. Fact is, it isn't the young ones who need this sort of lesson, there has never been a problem with their work ethic and enthusiasm. It's some of the overpaid under-performing antipodeans that should be going on work experience, along side 6 hours training each day.

Maybe then they'd appreciate that coming to play for Wigan isn't just a well paid jolly.
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Re: Training

Post by Kittwazzer »

I do wish that those 2 people who are so proud of having attended University would conduct their tedious conversations in private!

It is so arrogant of them to assume that everyone who comes on here clings to their every chosen word as if they, and they alone, are the voice of WRL!!

Especially when one of them has already made a lengthy departure speech!!
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Re: Training

Post by cpwigan »

Kittwazzer wrote:I do wish that those 2 people who are so proud of having attended University would conduct their tedious conversations in private!

It is so arrogant of them to assume that everyone who comes on here clings to their every chosen word as if they, and they alone, are the voice of WRL!!

Especially when one of them has already made a lengthy departure speech!!
I think you will find many have. Why do you have an issue with it? I am just glad you deleted your post before Nitsua saw it.

Is this not a free country? Do I post here now other than very rarely. I only do so after receiving a PM etc. You should be glad it is a free country it gives you the freedom to offer asinine views on RL and possibly racist ones on Question Time. You do realise that 92% of Britain is wso called indigenous.
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