Wire Idiots

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Re: Wire Idiots

Post by cpwigan »

I think it is a valid point re hot liquids. Maybe all drinks should have to be drunk with one of those lids they give you to put on to make it safer to carry. Not sure it would be enjoyable sipping a pint but so be it.

If I liked a pint I think I would go to a decent pub for 1 before the match and another or two (if I wasn't driving)after the match. During the match I would be too busy watching the match. At the Crusaders match I could have happily throttled a fan who made everybody stand up, sit down a dozen times during the match.

I am actually in favour of the suggestion that self inflicted patients should have to make a financial contribution to the NHS but that is a real can of worms.

We cannot as a nation continue funding self abuse given we need more and more money to support pensioners etc.
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Re: Wire Idiots

Post by platt-warrior »

I do believe it is you who is off the mark consig,the cost to the tax payer re drink related offenses and NHS probs run into billions of OUR POUNDS.
An earlier post mentioned pubs and clubs giving a good service but i would suggest that more pubs and clubs are closing faster than has been seen before.
This will carry on all the time kids can buy a 24 pack of lager for buttons from Neto or Aldi
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Re: Wire Idiots

Post by ancientnloyal »

Pubs and clubs are closing yes but some people dont realise it is brewaries who own them that have upped rents at the same time as falling punters (smoking ban) They are hanging themselves and it is landlords who suffer in most cases. read in Private Eye (someone posted on wikipedia: The Eye states that the committee's findings had "at last shed light on an industry in freefall, with 40 pubs closing [in the UK] every week. Pubcos are essentially greedy property companies with a cuddly name – and they own nearly half the country’s pub freeholds." )

"Tenants' leases oblige them to buy alcoholic drinks from nominated suppliers at up to twice the open-market price"

James Slevin
Ces Mountford
And the “kind of rugby player you’d want to be in your dreams” James Leytham
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Re: Wire Idiots

Post by cpwigan »

consigliere wrote:I think you mean some british people can't behave when they are drinking.
I don't know if you ever go out to pubs or if the behaviour of a well publicised minority have put you off, but you are so far off the mark its laughable.

You can't brand an entire nation like that.

Come on lets try to be real.

All thats needed is a few police men actually doing what they are supposed to be doing. Upholding law and ORDER.
had there been just a handful of plod around likely as not this would not of happened.
I go in plenty of pubs Mike. I used to drink alcohol. I drank is well under age etc Nearly all my family are alcohol drinkers. I think like most people I started drinking alcohol simply due to peer pressure when I was old enough and sensible enough to think for myself I decided I preferred the taste of other non alcoholic drinks. I might occasionally have a drop of whisky because it provides an enjoyable sense of warmth / feeling.

Drinking alcohol / pubs I think context is everything. A proper beer garden is a fantastic place to socialise. Going for a walk up in the lakes and afterwards returning to a traditional public house for a bite to eat with and a drink of whatever in front of a blazing fire is wonderful.

I will always be at a loss as to what enjoyment can be derived from feeling glass crunching under your feet / your shoes sticking to the beer stain floor. The so called enjoyment of Pemps by people who deride so called run down areas of Wigan yet happily pay to frequent such a scummy hole.

As for alcohol. I have worked in Blackpool so I got to see the damage first hand that it causes. In terms of alcoholics, Blackpool is the UK's No 1 and daylight second. So we have towns destroyed by alcohol abuse which is not a minority and whenever Brits congregate in significant numbers and consume alcohol be it in this country or abroad then we show time and time again we cannot handle alcohol. I don't want to see legless people, famles looking like trollops, somebodys daughter getting raped, young men and increasingly women getting glassed.

Put too many Brits together and they cannot behave in a decent adult manner.
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Re: Wire Idiots

Post by platt-warrior »

A& L I was eluding to social/labour clubs.But my point re supermarkets adding to drink related problems still stands imo.
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Re: Wire Idiots

Post by cpwigan »

The reduction in public drinking establishments had to happen and in many respects should be welcomed by those strong enough to survive. I fully concur with PW, anybody who sells alcohol should make a significant financial contribution to the public coffers. Supermarkets / Offdoors should not escape.
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Re: Wire Idiots

Post by ancientnloyal »

Fair point, didn't we used to have a ban on selling alcohol before a given time in supermarkets? Im sure there should be some legislation put in place to have temporary bans on supermarkets/shops close to sporting venues banning the sale of and consumption of alcohol when there is an event on. Very hard legally to do anything but it would work.

James Slevin
Ces Mountford
And the “kind of rugby player you’d want to be in your dreams” James Leytham
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Re: Wire Idiots

Post by consigliere »

the biggest season they are closing is the smoking ban.
Where are all the non smokers who were so called waiting to flood in once the smell of smoke had gone?
The secondary problem is the restriction that was introduced on the number of pubs that a brewery could own. This gave rise to pubs being owned through massive groups and their managers being forced into buying their ale through the landlords at inflated rates.
Don't believe me? Look into it.

This is all very well but moving to do with solving what happened. Face it an awful lot of people enjoy having a drink at the rugby and cause no trouble what so ever. We need to deal with the few who do.
Not stop the majority.


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Re: Wire Idiots

Post by georgeorwell »

I'm not a tambourine banging member of the Salvation Army by any means but think that alcohol at a sporting venue is a pain. At the KR game last week I got an aisle seat -bad move. Next to me was a guy my own age, mid sixties, with other younger blokes. All through the game one or other of them was going for more beer, or, I assume, more peeing. Towards the end of the game the older guy next to me was incoherent, swaying in his seat and threatening at any time soon to deposit the contents of his plastic beer container over my trousers. He left ten minutes before the end, staggering up the terrace. Why bother coming to a game? Do us all a favour and watch the game in a pub. That way you can have as much beer as you want without spoiling things for everyone else.

Here endeth my rather embarrassed rant!
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Re: Wire Idiots

Post by cpwigan »

It is a real pain when you have to keep getting up and down and struggle to watch the game. Excellent post George.

Big Mike, your a man who knows his beer I would hazard at a guess so how good or bad is the stuff served at the DW?
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