Sheffield Eagles vs Wigan RL - memories?

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Re: Sheffield Eagles vs Wigan RL - memories?

Post by j658 »

cpwigan wrote:Oddly it never felt anywhere near as bad as the journey back from Watersheddings in 1986? or the defeat in 96? to Salford.
I was devastated on the bus back from the Willows. Felt like the end of the world. Fax in '88 was my 1st cup final when I was 9 so until Salford I hadn't really tasted proper defeat. I felt hardened to it after that!!!

The Sheffield game felt like an anti climax on the way down, poor atmosphere at the ground, then when it became apparent the team wasn't up for it everyone seemed to give up.
My abiding memory was Wigan fans chanting "Where were you when we were sh*t" at other Wigan fans before the game. Bizarre to say the least, though it shows the expectation in the fans at the time that 2 seasons without a trophy and the team are officially sh*t. I felt a bit despondant about it all after that.
Anyways, that low moment sort of sums the day up for me.
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Re: Sheffield Eagles vs Wigan RL - memories?

Post by josie andrews »

I was living in Aberdeen at the time & went to Pittodrie, I had been relegated to watching football & union as there wasn't much televised league only the CC & Regal Trophy.

Anyway, went to watch Aberdeen play Rangers, had on my Cherry & White hat, scarf, jacket & a Wigan shirt. Aberdeen played in red & white.

Now as you know football was segregated, especially in Scotland. The games with Rangers, who I supported were always sell outs.

I went with some friends who were Aberdeen season ticket holders, about 20 of us all together. There was some great banter going on & a few innocuous 'Teddy Bears' were sitting behind me in the Aberdeen stand enjoying it all as well. No problem. The Dons supporters in front decided to have a bet on the outcome of the game with the Teddy Bears behind me. I, as a supposedly 'neutral' was nominated to hold the bets, £100.

Everything was fine until there was some great play from the Gers, & the guys behind got a little bit excited. This was notice by the police at the back. They quickly moved to remove the Rangers lads. I turned round to give the lads back their £50 & was clocked by the police sergeant who was at the end of the row.

The next thing Ally McCoist scored his hundredth league goal for Rangers. Foolishly, on reflection, I jumped up to applaud this feat.

You have never seen anything like it in your life. The police came swarming to our row, grabbed hold of me saying I 'shudna' be in that stand.
People in front, to either side & behind me started to protest my innocence as I had only 'applauded Coisty', who, was a favourite everywhere in Scotland. All to no avail to these football police, it fell on deaf ears, so much so that........ & about twenty odd Aberdeen season ticket holders were thrown out & ended up watching the 1998 Challenge Cup final on tv in the Howff on Union Street, my local.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It was all very funny at the time, as we sat with a few bevies & we looked back at the days events......

.....until the result end result that is :(

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Re: Sheffield Eagles vs Wigan RL - memories?

Post by Matthew »

I was there - I'd bought a new shirt for the occasion.

While we were parking the car; a drunken fan who was with a minibus full of non Wigan fans, chanting "Yorkshire, Yorkshire" at my brother, my mate and me - trying to get a reaction. Thankfully; one of his sober mates dragged him away and apologised.

The atmosphere before the match was good (singing alternative lyrics to "daydream believer outside Wembley); but there didn't seem to be any Sheffield fans there.

I remember Gabrielle performing before the match - and being drowned out by chants of "Wigan! Wigan!"; much to her annoyance and I remember singing abide with me and thinking it was much more enjoyable than Gabrielle!

I also remember how uncomfortable the old Wembley seats were!

As soon as the game kicked off - it was obvious that Wigan weren't at the races. The team were poor and didn't look up for it at all. At half time I remember hoping that Wigan would come to life; but apart from the try they never did and I remember counting down the minutes with us over a score behind realising that it was too late.

I still recollect how it felt on the drive home; my brother saying "what the **** happened there?" and the long periods of silence. I watched Wigan play (and soundly beat) Sheffield the next week and far from making me feel better; it made me remember it all over again.

I bought a programme (and a scarf); so I'll have to dig it out and put it on eBay!
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Re: Sheffield Eagles vs Wigan RL - memories?

Post by DaveO »

gpartin wrote:I was there and even before the result it was not like the other times I have been to Wembley. There were hardly any Sheffield fans so the atmosphere was really dull for most of the day.
I agree it was a very odd day out.
One thing I like about going to Wembley is the banter in the services and on the walk upto the stadium and there was none of it. As much as the RFL try to make out its good for the game to have smaller teams at Wembley, some of the recent attendances have shown that they are far better off with the likes of Wigan and leeds :D
True and I was lucky enough to be there in 1985 (94,000 on the ground) and for the Leeds finals and the difference (not just the results) is vast. The Wire final was a great day too. Fax was also good as even they brought a lot down.

Sheffield was a none event from start to finish.

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Re: Sheffield Eagles vs Wigan RL - memories?

Post by gpartin »

mickw wrote:the cas final was a bit flat to,we did`nt really perform but still had enough to win
was that the year hampo finally played having been injured a few times before our other finals? Think I remember him doing flips or cartwheels after the game. Been so many times I can't remember them all but the Classy Cas final was when our fans on coaches were putting their hand up and mouthing 'five' to us up the motorway I think.
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Re: Sheffield Eagles vs Wigan RL - memories?

Post by MiThor »

98 how bad can things get, went to Wembley on the sat LOST, absolutely gutted,
Mon flew to Aus for the first time, pig sick all the way,
Can it get any worse? YES
We had hired a campervan, went to pick it up met by an english lad who has married an Aus,
What is he? A soddin stains supporter, not a good weekend

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Re: Sheffield Eagles vs Wigan RL - memories?

Post by Kittwazzer »

cherrywarrior wrote:Bad memories, my one and only trip to the challenge cup final in London!
That is sad. My first trip was in 1966 when we lost to Stains. Colin Clark had received a ban and we had Tom bloody Woosey at hooker. Murphy had a field day!

Never missed a Wembley after that but I couldn't be arsed going to the Sheffield match. Frankly, I had become bored with it all and didn't see the point of going all that way for what should have been a total non-event. Still glad I didn't go!

I'll be there again this year though!

I'm sure of it!
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