cpwigan's ban (split thread)

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Re: Wigan 16 Warrington 23

Post by gpartin »

Dave not being funny but as a mod on RLFans you know the discussion that went on about CP there and you know who it is yet you fail to act. The comments about CP knowing everything and never being wrong are comments people have attributed to you in the past and you are fully aware of how I felt when I believed it had gone too far. Your little warning on the Catalans thread just before CP was banned where Medlocke started playing the victim has been the catalyst for all this. Medlocke knows the part he has played in goading CP here and in other places and so do you if you're honest. You're way too involved with this situation to be able to take a step back and see things through neutral eyes but look how reaction to Feka is dealt with by certain posters and how you yourself use his exclusion by widnes to demonstrate this 'I told you so' attitude you profess not to like about CP. Whether CP posts as CP or anyone else on here its better for the site than without him, so whats the big deal? the fact is this could have been dealt with in a more adult way. I admit I may be a bit biased due to the fact I like CP but I don't know him personally and as far as I'm aware none of the people who have commented today know him either and I certainly haven't asked them to come online and give their opinions yet most are saying the same about you and him. These are people who are regularly online, read the exchanges etc there's even an ignore function which Medlocke could have used but chose not to yet you've fallen for it hook line and sinker because it fits your preconceived idea about who CP is and his motives and its clear the thing about being driven away from site refers in part to this. In the same way people attempt to bait CP he will do the same back, as would I in the same situation when his so called trivial complaints are ignored, and you don't have to look too far to find anti CP activity. The really annoying thing about this is that we get to find out on RLfans from someone who isn't even a mod. If you want proof there's stuff going on in the background there it is.
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Re: Wigan 16 Warrington 23

Post by Kittwazzer »

Is it me or did this thread get shorter in the last 24 hours? :doz:
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Re: Wigan 16 Warrington 23

Post by DaveO »

gpartin wrote:Dave not being funny but as a mod on RLFans you know the discussion that went on about CP there and you know who it is yet you fail to act.
I have no idea what you mean. I know who banned him (but I only recently found out who did and why) but how I am supposed to act, well I don't really know what you are getting at. Don't bother to inform me either. I am not interested.
The comments about CP knowing everything and never being wrong are comments people have attributed to you in the past and you are fully aware of how I felt when I believed it had gone too far.
If I have made a mistake in my responses to CPW on the past it has been rising to his bait. It is always CPW who takes the posts down to the personal level and that is why Mike decided to ban him. For all his knowledge of the game he can't resist the personal comments and so he (and you) can hardly be surprised if people give as good as they get.

It's pointless trying to suggest CPW is the victim because everyone (you included) knows he isn't.
Your little warning on the Catalans thread just before CP was banned where Medlocke started playing the victim has been the catalyst for all this.
Perhaps it was and if so, so what? My patience ran out and if you think the way he behaved in that tread would have not resulted in an immediate ban on any other site you are mistaken. As far as I am concerned I simply did what you would want from a mod which was asking people to play nicely rather then just issue a ban outright.

As I said in that thread I had never banned anyone on here previously and believe in free speech but he went too far. You also might like to recall my suggestion to give it all a rest in that thread was met with approval from other posters.

You simply do not have anything to complain about here IMO.
Medlocke knows the part he has played in goading CP here and in other places and so do you if you're honest. You're way too involved with this situation to be able to take a step back and see things through neutral eyes but look how reaction to Feka is dealt with by certain posters and how you yourself use his exclusion by widnes to demonstrate this 'I told you so' attitude you profess not to like about CP. Whether CP posts as CP or anyone else on here its better for the site than without him, so whats the big deal? the fact is this could have been dealt with in a more adult way. I admit I may be a bit biased due to the fact I like CP but I don't know him personally and as far as I'm aware none of the people who have commented today know him either and I certainly haven't asked them to come online and give their opinions yet most are saying the same about you and him. These are people who are regularly online, read the exchanges etc there's even an ignore function which Medlocke could have used but chose not to yet you've fallen for it hook line and sinker because it fits your preconceived idea about who CP is and his motives and its clear the thing about being driven away from site refers in part to this. In the same way people attempt to bait CP he will do the same back, as would I in the same situation when his so called trivial complaints are ignored, and you don't have to look too far to find anti CP activity. The really annoying thing about this is that we get to find out on RLfans from someone who isn't even a mod. If you want proof there's stuff going on in the background there it is.
I stopped reading after my last comment about. I know Mike has been in touch with you to put you right about my role the situation so I await your apology for the unfounded tripe you continue to post on this matter.

You won't have much longer to put up with me anyway as I am off to South Africa on holiday (on a rugby tour in fact) on Wednesday and I will not be looking in on here while I am away. Whether I bother with the site on my return is debatable as I am as board as Mike is about the whole thing.

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Re: Wigan 16 Warrington 23

Post by gpartin »

yes Mike has been in touch and I have responded. Just go and look at my PM's if you want and see what I put. You see to me its like if a player throws a punch on the pitch and a player retaliates they both get sinbinned yet on here this hasn't happened which clearly leaves people with a sour taste in their mouths. Having admitted baiting CP you are as guilty as anyone to whom he has reacted and Mike in his post to me said amongst other things that he (CP) had been told these people will be dealt with. When/if this happens I will accept CP's ban and apologise for any unfounded comments I may have made. Until then I will continue to give my opinion that CP should not have been banned and should be reinstated for the sake of fairness and the site itself.
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Re: Wigan 16 Warrington 23

Post by DaveO »

gpartin wrote:yes Mike has been in touch and I have responded. Just go and look at my PM's if you want and see what I put. You see to me its like if a player throws a punch on the pitch and a player retaliates they both get sinbinned yet on here this hasn't happened which clearly leaves people with a sour taste in their mouths. Having admitted baiting CP you are as guilty as anyone to whom he has reacted and Mike in his post to me said amongst other things that he (CP) had been told these people will be dealt with.
I have not admitted to baiting CP because I never have. I have only ever responded to being baited (that I do admit to)! Am I doing that now by the way? You tell me.

I should really learn to let the jibes pass me by. You do not have any foundation for these continued accusations that I have in any way baited CP and the suggestions I would be devious enough to set him up (or even could do his) is ridiculous. CP has only himself to blame.

I suggest you re-read the Feka thread as I have just done where he poses to Josie as someone else under his Brian McTique persona as if he does not know who Josie is.

He probably thought it highly amusing but it was very childish. He's a teacher and I find his behaviour distinctly odd at times given is profession.
When/if this happens I will accept CP's ban and apologise for any unfounded comments I may have made. Until then I will continue to give my opinion that CP should not have been banned and should be reinstated for the sake of fairness and the site itself.
Have you accused me of contacting Mike to complain about CPW? Yes. Have you been told by Mike I have never contacted him to complain about CPW? Yes.

I think an apology is in order for that as your comments were completely unfounded.


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Re: Wigan 16 Warrington 23

Post by pedro »

Medlocke and CP had some good banter and never failed to spark a good argument. I hope Medlocke hasnt been banned also.
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Re: Wigan 16 Warrington 23

Post by pedro »

DaveO wrote:
gpartin wrote:yes Mike has been in touch and I have responded. Just go and look at my PM's if you want and see what I put. You see to me its like if a player throws a punch on the pitch and a player retaliates they both get sinbinned yet on here this hasn't happened which clearly leaves people with a sour taste in their mouths. Having admitted baiting CP you are as guilty as anyone to whom he has reacted and Mike in his post to me said amongst other things that he (CP) had been told these people will be dealt with.
I have not admitted to baiting CP because I never have. I have only ever responded to being baited (that I do admit to)! Am I doing that now by the way? You tell me.

I should really learn to let the jibes pass me by. You do not have any foundation for these continued accusations that I have in any way baited CP and the suggestions I would be devious enough to set him up (or even could do his) is ridiculous. CP has only himself to blame.

I suggest you re-read the Feka thread as I have just done where he poses to Josie as someone else under his Brian McTique persona as if he does not know who Josie is.

He probably thought it highly amusing but it was very childish. He's a teacher and I find his behaviour distinctly odd at times given is profession.
When/if this happens I will accept CP's ban and apologise for any unfounded comments I may have made. Until then I will continue to give my opinion that CP should not have been banned and should be reinstated for the sake of fairness and the site itself.
Have you accused me of contacting Mike to complain about CPW? Yes. Have you been told by Mike I have never contacted him to complain about CPW? Yes.

I think an apology is in order for that as your comments were completely unfounded.

you admitted goading him, and giving him enough rope to hang himself. I would show you but half the thread has been deleted.
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Re: Wigan 16 Warrington 23

Post by gpartin »

DaveO wrote:
gpartin wrote:yes Mike has been in touch and I have responded. Just go and look at my PM's if you want and see what I put. You see to me its like if a player throws a punch on the pitch and a player retaliates they both get sinbinned yet on here this hasn't happened which clearly leaves people with a sour taste in their mouths. Having admitted baiting CP you are as guilty as anyone to whom he has reacted and Mike in his post to me said amongst other things that he (CP) had been told these people will be dealt with.
I have not admitted to baiting CP because I never have. I have only ever responded to being baited (that I do admit to)! Am I doing that now by the way? You tell me.

I should really learn to let the jibes pass me by. You do not have any foundation for these continued accusations that I have in any way baited CP and the suggestions I would be devious enough to set him up (or even could do his) is ridiculous. CP has only himself to blame.

I suggest you re-read the Feka thread as I have just done where he poses to Josie as someone else under his Brian McTique persona as if he does not know who Josie is.

He probably thought it highly amusing but it was very childish. He's a teacher and I find his behaviour distinctly odd at times given is profession.
When/if this happens I will accept CP's ban and apologise for any unfounded comments I may have made. Until then I will continue to give my opinion that CP should not have been banned and should be reinstated for the sake of fairness and the site itself.
Have you accused me of contacting Mike to complain about CPW? Yes. Have you been told by Mike I have never contacted him to complain about CPW? Yes.

I think an apology is in order for that as your comments were completely unfounded.

Dave, if giving someone enough rope to hang themselves with is is not baiting then what is? You were by your own admission involved in a discussion with Mike before the banning regardless of who made the decision and no other mods were involved. Can you not see how suspicious this looks? You need to learn to take it on the chin bud its not real life and this site would be better if people said things as they are instead of pussy footing around. Asking for apologies is what teachers do to children and you know full well they aren't meaningful in that situation. Now in your opinion do you think other people have played their part in CP's banning in their dealings with him? If you don't think this I'd be very surprised because its exactly how you were being treated on RLfans. The discussions between Medlocke and CP have clearly been going on for ages but Medlocke hasn't been warned and neither should he its banter and Medlocke's response on the Cats thread was a tactic not dissimilar to those used by CP. Anyone can use the ignore function and not read his posts if they wish, he isn't harming anyone and his mind games with you have been a two way thing, again banning him was disproportionate and unfair. Rivalries and arguments happen on the internet and keep forums interesting, nobody is forced to read. Look how many were online yesterday as an example of this.
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Brian Edgar
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Re: Wigan 16 Warrington 23

Post by Brian Edgar »

Deary me. I was banned from Rlfans for telling a moderators girlfriend she did not know anything about RL. The said moderator then started challenging me to real life fights and threatening to come around to addresses he had been given. So if anybody thinks I am odd that is way OTT.

On here I post too much, usually when I am working hard as a distraction so occasionally I say something silly. I don't ever bait ANYBODY. If somebody gives me a bit of grief I give it back. Some of the grief I have been given pales into insignificance to anything I have ever done. If I think somebody is talking nonsense I tend to say so. Hence why I said so to you Dave O. Not to wind you up just saying what I felt. At the end of the day it is only an internet forum. I post rumour stuff on here for people who need to keep their identity secret.

Both you and I Dave O need to wind our necks in a little and let other posters post. Whether you like it or not, you are as anti social to the posters on here as I am.

However, Mike said I was banned because I was causing poster numbers to drop. I asked him to give me examples of what behaviour he was talking about he couldn't but he said he had discussed it with mods. Thus far Dave O you seem the only one he talked to. I was on your case for making ill considered posts. You say here you advocated banning me. You were the only mod on site when Brian Mctigue was banned. How can anybody connected with a Wigan RLFC forum ban Mctigue. They should hang their heads in shame. If you cannot see the irony of Dave O banning the 62 GB Squad (the bestever GB team0 then you have no sense of humour. I bet many posters had a giggle at the thought of Dave O as a Morris Dancer :)

Bit of controversy and hey presto the site is more livelier than it has been all season. People always post less when a team is doing well. It makes sense although oddly you still moan Dave. It's weird IMO. The day I post a watch the ticket sales (other than to help people with their predictions) thread, shoot me. People like drama and a bit of a verbal argument. Look at how many more posters are here in the last few days.

For everybody who hates you, somebody likes you. The more you post on any forum the more you polarise people's attitudes towards you.
Brian Edgar
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Re: Wigan 16 Warrington 23

Post by Brian Edgar »

Just to add re Medlocke. He doesn't like me. I don't like him. If I sneeze the wrong way I get a warning, so I use the reporting system with Medlocke. It has been regularly ignored by Mike/Staff. On the night I sent Medlocke off in a huff. I PMed Mike and said I don't mind but if Medlocke is going to swear at me etc then I will tear a strip off him, it won't be pretty but if you don't do anything then I will happily do it myself. No reply/no action by Mike so I sent Medlocke off with his tail between his legs to go backstabbing as Baked Bean Boogie on RLfans. He must have been as sick as a pig when posters said oh I enjoy reading CPW. I don't mind jousting with Medlocke it is not difficult but if the site don't want it then thats fine.

However, Medlocke admitted he had been told of my ban BEFORE 90% of the staff and Mike stated he told nobody beyond the staff he spoke to. So what does that imply Dave?