Buderus banned

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ian b
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Re: Buderus ban lifted

Post by ian b »

im sorry but this really is bollocks there is no consistancy at all.
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Salsa Caliente
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Re: Buderus ban lifted

Post by Salsa Caliente »

I'm afraid I can't say I'm surprised by this move.

I'm getting to think that the League are wanting to bite the hand that feeds it.

The RFL have to start realising that we, the fans, are their employer. The organisation needs a new broom in the disciplinary department.

1. Start with removing Stuart Cummings from the disciplinary department, bring in somebody from the NRL to bring standards up.

2. Get rid of the cop out known as "on report".

3. Bring in clear, consistent guidelines when it comes to disciplinary offences.

4. Base any disciplinary judgement on the current offense and get rid of the cop out of "previous good character".

5. Get sledging by players of the referee out of the game. Captains only should question referee decisions. First incident of players sledging the referee leads to the traditional penalty of 10 metres, second offense leads to a yellow card. That said, it would need referees of sufficient strength of character to enforce this.
x Wigan Warrior x
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Re: Buderus ban lifted

Post by x Wigan Warrior x »

this is shocking :o

we don't stop playing because we grow old ....... we grow old because we stop playing
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Re: Buderus ban lifted

Post by MiThor »

unfortunately the rfl does not listen to us, we as far as they are concerned just another bunch of whinging supporters, as much as i deplore the decision they will not listen until the clubs start in on them, COME ON MR LENAGAN GET STUCK INTO THESE USELESS B@@TAR@S

feel better for that, can someone past that useless pillock Cummings email address please, so i can call him a few names know it won't do any good , will make me feel alot better for the rant
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ian b
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Re: Buderus ban lifted

Post by ian b »

Just emailed this to RFL

'Here we go again. A Leeds player appeals and has his ban lifted, it is a disgrace. I was led to believe that a spear tackle was an instant dismissal but it seems the ref had other ideas and bottled it to be polite. I went to the game and all I could see was Sinfield and McGuire constantly chatting to the ref and basically laying the law down and what happens to them, NOTHING. It really is going to end up like football unless it’s just Leeds that are allowed to do this? McGuire should have been sent off and banned for what he did to Carmont but again nothing has been said. What a surprise. When Wigan played at Leeds I remember Peacock taking Tomkins out and nothing was done. I remember Bailey ‘the thug’ using his knees on Carmont and guess what nothing really done about it. Ablett takes Tomkins out and the ref leaves him on the park and I reckon it was only through shear embarrassment you felt obliged to do something about it. Now Farrell jumps in to McGuire to charge a kick down and gets 10 for the cheek of challenging twinkle toes. Then Coley gets 10 for a totally legitimate tackle on Burrow and even the sky pundits couldn’t believe it. Fielden gets banned for defending himself and Coley gets a straight red and a 2 match ban for a high shot on Fakir and I don’t say he didn’t deserve it but it was never done with intent not when you see what Manu did to Cockayne in the Hull derby and again he has no case to answer and it the same game Fox commits a professional foul and stays on the park. Now either you and these refs should reconsider your careers because you are not up to the job or there are 2 sets of rules and I would like you to explain the momentum rule to me because as far as I can see as long as the ball doesn’t travel more than 2 metres forward it is ok or all your touch judges should go to spec savers.'
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Re: Buderus ban lifted

Post by Kittwazzer »

Great letter Ian but you should copy in every newspaper, RL publication and Sky Sports in an attempt to force a response to your claims.

The RFL seems to answer only to itself and that is wrong. You cannot have an autocracy within a democracy!
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Re: Buderus ban lifted

Post by KOOCH »

Thanks Ian. The more people voice opinions. The more I believe they have to sit up and listen.You can only bite the hand that feeds you once before you are eventually brought to book. It really is up to the club to bring this issue to the fore.But if they are not willing to do so it is left to people like ourselves to shout as loud as is possible. Of course I expect the usual obligatory response full of diatribe. But one response means that someone is aware of my concern. :D
homer s
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Re: Buderus ban lifted

Post by homer s »

The committee fell that this type of tackle needs to stop as it has the potential for serious injury. The committee feel the tackle is a Grade A offence and that a 1 match suspension and £300 fine is appropriate.

this was taken from the disciplinary report, not from buderus case, but from coleys for a tackle on delaney at leeds. so, it seems that you keep the match ban from wigan, but hey, better not do it for leeds.

anyone know how the disciplinary managed to find a different angle of the incident for the appeal.( brown envelopes? ) :doz:
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Re: Buderus ban lifted

Post by Matthew »

The different angle used here, clearly gave the panel a better view of the badge of Buderus' jersey. Once they realised it had a Leeds badge on it they decided that it would be against their remit to ban him.

Joking aside - it really is pitiful how obvious it was that this was going to happen. Coley gets banned for two matches for the same tackle. Other Wigan players (Fielden) get banned after reacting to cheap shots. However, leeds players are free to get away with whatever they like.

I agree that Buderus isn't normally a dirty player; however that doesn't excuse what was at best a poorly executed and potentially dangerous tackle - which was worthy of a ban.

They should stop pretending and put McClenan in charge disciplinary - at least then they would haven't to pretend to be impartial.
"And Martin Offiah, trying to make some space, now then..." - Ray French, Wembley 1994
Interviewer: So that obviously means that you're not going to St Helens and you're not going to Leeds?

Frano: I don't know why I would ever want to go to St Helens or Leeds
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Re: Buderus ban lifted

Post by FROM A TO B »

At least when we beat leeds in the semi,they can't hide behind the excuse of a key player being banned.
God help us when we do win, as the RFL will probaly find a reason for giving half the team a one match ban so that another one of their precious teams can win the GF
Obsolute farce and don't know why we bother with the judicary :angry:
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