Wigan Walk

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Re: Wigan Walk

Post by gpartin »

DaveO wrote:
gpartin wrote: When I lived in Manchester I ended up having to hitchhike back one night because I stayed til the final whistle to clap the players and missed the last train, hardly worth it to avoid the stigma of being labelled a Wigan walker by self-righteous ignoramuses and its not a mistake I ever made again.
Well as you know I live in Chester and once I have cleared the car park it is a pretty clear run home on a Friday night. Much more so than say after a 3.00pm kick off on a Sunday.

So I stay to the end. Win or lose. But it's not out of some OTT sense of loyalty. I wait for the hooter and if the team have been poor I just leave as soon as I can.

that's fair enough mate and down to your choice but if you had to get away to pick your son up before a certain time you might have to leave a little earlier and nobody would have the right to tell you otherwise.
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Re: Wigan Walk

Post by DaveO »

gpartin wrote:that's fair enough mate and down to your choice but if you had to get away to pick your son up before a certain time you might have to leave a little earlier and nobody would have the right to tell you otherwise.
I agree and it's only my own personal circumstances that mean I can basically do what I want to do.

I am sure there are many people who are not local to Wigan who can't stay and would really quite like to, regardless of the result. Equally I am also sure there are some locals who stay when we win and leave when we lose!
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Re: Wigan Walk

Post by gpartin »

Correct, they have every right to. Going to rugby is entertainment for its fans in the same way going to theatre or whatever is for others. I don't advocate booing the players as I wouldn't booing actors in a theatre but if I wasn't being entertained I'd have no qualms with getting up and going home. I think for most things in the world this would be a perfectly acceptable thing to do so why should rugby be any different?
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Re: Wigan Walk


Thats fair enought with some of the comment's ie have comitments to family etc.

But im sure thats only a small minority who have comitments after the game. Last night fans were leaving with 20 - 15 minuets to go. And it only ever seems to happen when we lose!
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Re: Wigan Walk

Post by Sutty »

I don't see what all the fuss is about, we pay our own hard earned money to watch the team. Therefore it's up to the individual what time we arrive or leave the ground, it's nothing to do with anyone else and its something that you'll see at every single sports ground in the country.

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Re: Wigan Walk

Post by onedego »

the odd one or two here and there isn't an issue, and i'm sure isn't what WIMR is referring to. But last night, and nobody can deny this, from around 10mins left on the clock East & West were leaving in droves, in fact queueing to get out. (Didn't see south, cos i tend to look forward rather than behind me)

I just think, the lads and coaching team repeatedly say that Wigan has the best fans they've played for, but if i were on that field and the score was dire, and i looked up and saw rapidly depleating numbers in my own stand, i'd be feeling pretty deflated and wondering how loyal the fans actually are. Staying to the end and applauding them is a way of saying "We're still here, see you next week when we'll all fight harder".

Incidentally, the singing last night was awesome! Woke up with a sore throat this morning, we just can't seem to sing for 80 minutes...
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Re: Wigan Walk

Post by ancientnloyal »

The thing is with Wigan fans, if our club isn't putting in the effort expected we let the players know. We could be world champions and still boo our team if they get a few passes wrong. The level of expectation here is immense and always will be, always should be.

Staying or going is a matter of opinion and personal matters. The players know we're the best fans in the league.

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Re: Wigan Walk

Post by OJ »

There will never be total agreement on this one but living in a democracy then people have the option to do whatever they want. Just because you are a Wigan fan doesn't mean you live locally and some fans spend a great deal of time travelling and it is fair enough if they want to get away early, not something we ever do and it was embarrassing last night watching the folk leave in droves like they did and don't think they were all long distance fans by any means however I still have to say each to their own. We aren't that far away as we live in Warrington (God help us - all sympathy gratefully received today!) and always stay to the end although almost wish we hadn't last night as we got stuck amongst all the Wire idiots on the way home. The ones on foot or walking to their cars away from the stadium were blocking the roads around ASDA and the fire station area and banging on the roof of our car when they saw the Warriors stickers in it and the bunch of loons behind us were flashing the headlights and banging the horn on their car continually - and I do mean continually - from us leaving the stadium area to reaching the M6. I have only ever felt really uncomfortable after a rugby match on two occasions - last night was one and the other time was at Warrington after the Challenge cup semi against the French a few years back when Wire supporters turned out in force just to abuse us. As Jim Royle would say - family game my arse.
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Re: Wigan Walk

Post by onedego »

yeaaasss... I really do think there shouldl be a little more police presence for Wire Games, god knows we're all paying for it. Some more than others ;-)
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Re: Wigan Walk

Post by the winky one »

well said gpartin, i agree wholeheartedly,it's always gone on and always will.....whichever team is playing :sad:
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