Michael Maguire To Leave Wigan

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Re: Michael Maguire To Leave Wigan

Post by OJ »

http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2009/oc ... ors-league

Didn't post on here last night other than to remove my sig which used to say 'In Madge we Trust' I was too annoyed to comment and didn't want to say something I would later regret, went to bed feeling let down and disillusioned and have woken up feeling the same way and can't put my finger on why really as I am realistic enough to know he was never going to be here for ever and that clearly he would want to go back to the NRL sooner rather than later. Maybe it is the timing of the whole thing, because after the Gleeson saga we had the team under-performing and now this. I had got totally fed up with all the instability around the club and last year felt like we were finally back on track and all was well with the world. No question he did a great job last year and I sincerely thank him for that but I kind of expected that we would be even better this year and it isn't happening at the moment, and I will have to wash my mouth out after saying this, but Wire and Saints look to be playing consistently much better than we are and think they will be the two teams picking up trophies this year. If Maguire goes back without us winning anything this year whose fault will that be? Look at the effect a similar scenario had on Huddersfield last year when Nathan Brown said he was leaving. Look at what it has done with Kyle Eastmond, Chris Ashton and others who have announced their departures early on in the piece and I know they cannot be compared directly before someone pulls me up on that one but the principle is the same. It feels like he is leaving after 12 months somehow and my respect for him just took a considerable nose dive. I am sick to death of things happening at the club I love which tarnish its name and know I will have to spend the rest of the summer fending off smart a**e remarks from Saints and Wire fans round here about rats leaving a sinking ship etc. They way I feel at the moment when the reminder for our season tickets pops through the letter box in the autumn I might just right "NO COMMENT" on them and send them back. Whoever at the club produced those posters at the start of the season one of which said 'There is a storm brewing' certainly had second sight!

I won't of course because I love Wigan too much but I really am seriously pee'd off at the moment :angry:
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Salsa Caliente
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Re: Michael Maguire To Leave Wigan

Post by Salsa Caliente »

I, like everyone else will be gutted after last night's announcement that Madge is leaving.

I was a bit concerned that the silence was deafening in the face of media speculation, but credit to Ian Lenagan and Madge for making the official announcement the same day as Madge made his final decision to leave - any earlier speculative announcement would have put further pressure on Madge, the club and the players.

The position we are at now is simple, THE FUTURE STARTS TODAY.

If Waney is going to get the big chair, as we hope and probably expect, the succession planning has to start now including Waney soaking up as much knowledge as he can from Madge to make the transition as easy as possible in the 2012 season. Additionally, the club and Shaun need to start looking now at who is staying and who is going on the playing roster - no announcements or anything, just start planning as we don't want to be behind everyone else in player recruitment, should it be needed.

If somebody else is going to get the coach's job, the players need to show now that Wigan have a winning mentality, built on the foundations of what Madge, Shaun and the rest of the management team have developed, and that winning mentality will carry on, whoever takes the job.

Thank you Madge for restoring pride back into the club. Now, please top it off by smashing St Helens off the park next week... Oh, and another trophy wouldn't go amiss either. :lol:
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Re: Michael Maguire To Leave Wigan

Post by gpartin »

We've had coaches for longer who've shown far less commitment to us than Madge has so far. Clubs get rid of coaches all the time with no criticism of loyalty to the coach being mentioned. Madge has a great opportunity which might not be around next year and I don't blame him for taking it. Just think how harsh it would be if he chose to stay, performances slipped and he ended up getting sacked! This kind of thing happens in any business and coaching is one such career where the future is never certain but I'm sure Madge will demonstrate his commitment to us by continuing to work hard for the remainder of his contract. The way we have played over the last few months will have shown Madge that success can be fragile. If Madge was leaving now then I'd be fully in agreement with DaveO but the fact that he's going but he's given us some notice is more than a lot of coaches would do. Having worked in businesses where I've seen committed people made redundant and having seen Wigan coaches given the boot at the smallest sign of problems I'd much prefer things to happen this way. NRL clubs will always be the ultimate goal of any coach in SL particularly Aussie coaches who are living halway round the world.
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Re: Michael Maguire To Leave Wigan

Post by Alex the Warrior »

Obviously gutted that he's going but it's up to the club now to make the right choice and they have the rest of this season to do it. Madge has put us in a position that I didn't even dream of at the start of last season and noone should lose sight of that. Shaun did a very good job when filling in for a couple of matches and might prove to be the choice giving us continuity and one of our own in charge. I have no fear about players leaving - not the ones that matter anyway.

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Re: Michael Maguire To Leave Wigan

Post by georgeorwell »

I'm with DaveO on this. Go now, do not pass GO, do not collect £200, just get on the first plane, bugger off out of here and don't ever come back. I can't believe all you snivelling sycophants thanking him for for the job he has done, understanding his decision and then going on to blame Russell Crowe, as though he has kidnapped McGuire against his will. It made me feel a little sick when he was talking about how things are so much better now at Wigan, obviously wanting to claim all the credit and justify himself. It is my opinion that McGuire has ruthlessly used and exploited Wigan for his own selfish purposes. I don't really care about any alluded to, small print, in his contract. We were told he was here for three years and he's already handed in his notice. In so doing has shown himself not to be a man of his word. I hope he falls flat on his face and gets the sack from Crowe. I fervently believe that when a man -or woman- can't be trusted keep his/her word he loses the right to be respected. Show your mettle Mr L and tell him to go now!!!
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Re: Michael Maguire To Leave Wigan

Post by ragman »

Oh for god's sake grow up. A fairly unkown quantity of a coach, came over here, transformed a dire squad into Champions and has laid a foundation that can be followed up with (hopefully) a bit of continuity in the form of Shaun Wane.

Weve had a bargain, even if he does go home now as some of the more petulant whingers on here are asking for - but the man's a professional who has said he will see out the year and who has every vested interest in performing to the highest standards until he does go.

If anyone thinks that having proved his credentials, and having been offered a top job in the glorious city of Sydney, MM was ever going to turn it down to stay in Standish, they are in cloud cuckoo land.

Good luck to you Michael, thanks for everything last year and for the rest of this, and go with the best wishes of everyone in Ragman's house. Hope to see you in next year's World Club Challenge match...
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Re: Michael Maguire To Leave Wigan

Post by georgeorwell »

The man's a professional? Yea right. The issue here is one of contractural obligation; the rest is pants. He agreed a three year contract to get the job, and now he's breaking it less than half way through. Very unethical.
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Re: Michael Maguire To Leave Wigan

Post by KOOCH »

georgeorwell wrote:I'm with DaveO on this. Go now, do not pass GO, do not collect £200, just get on the first plane, bugger off out of here and don't ever come back. I can't believe all you snivelling sycophants thanking him for for the job he has done, understanding his decision and then going on to blame Russell Crowe, as though he has kidnapped McGuire against his will. It made me feel a little sick when he was talking about how things are so much better now at Wigan, obviously wanting to claim all the credit and justify himself. It is my opinion that McGuire has ruthlessly used and exploited Wigan for his own selfish purposes. I don't really care about any alluded to, small print, in his contract. We were told he was here for three years and he's already handed in his notice. In so doing has shown himself not to be a man of his word. I hope he falls flat on his face and gets the sack from Crowe. I fervently believe that when a man -or woman- can't be trusted keep his/her word he loses the right to be respected. Show your mettle Mr L and tell him to go now!!!
Bloody hell!How ungrateful can you get? The man is not shackled to us for christ sake.I assume rightly or wrongly that you are or where employed at some point in your life.And if that is the case you must have been employed at the lower end of the scale. Because most people in every walk of life wish to better themselves.Be it to achieve an increase of monies or to attain greatness.If you are a successful person and not at the bottom rung in life.Then surely you can understand the man wanting to better himself. I like many other posters am utterly gutted and was feeling pretty low about things yesterday evening. But life goes on and we have to look to the future and the FUTURE STARTS AND ENDS WITH WIGAN. Michael as nothing to be ashamed about.He can walk away from this club with his head held high in the belief that most of we Wigan fans hold him dear to our hearts.And hope that he achieves greatness and with that greatness he may even consider at a later date bringing that greatness back to us once again. And not to leave the club with bitter comments like yours.
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Re: Michael Maguire To Leave Wigan

Post by ragman »

georgeorwell wrote:The man's a professional? Yea right. The issue here is one of contractural obligation; the rest is pants. He agreed a three year contract to get the job, and now he's breaking it less than half way through. Very unethical.
No he's not.

By any reckoning, two years of a three year contract is more than half way.

He's saying that he's going at the end of the year - it's anyone calling for him to go now that's suggesting breaking the contract earlier
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Salsa Caliente
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Re: Michael Maguire To Leave Wigan

Post by Salsa Caliente »

georgeorwell wrote:I'm with DaveO on this. Go now, do not pass GO, do not collect £200, just get on the first plane, bugger off out of here and don't ever come back. I can't believe all you snivelling sycophants thanking him for for the job he has done, understanding his decision and then going on to blame Russell Crowe, as though he has kidnapped McGuire against his will. It made me feel a little sick when he was talking about how things are so much better now at Wigan, obviously wanting to claim all the credit and justify himself. It is my opinion that McGuire has ruthlessly used and exploited Wigan for his own selfish purposes. I don't really care about any alluded to, small print, in his contract. We were told he was here for three years and he's already handed in his notice. In so doing has shown himself not to be a man of his word. I hope he falls flat on his face and gets the sack from Crowe. I fervently believe that when a man -or woman- can't be trusted keep his/her word he loses the right to be respected. Show your mettle Mr L and tell him to go now!!!
Crumbs, what a difference a few months make. Last year, the guy could walk on water because we beat the old enemy in the Grand Final.

Now, simply because he accepts a job in his home country, we're packing his bag for him!!!

Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face. Madge has brought in a winning mentality to the team, something I hope we recover to get a trip to Wembley or another shot at the Grand Final.

If somebody came up to me and said, "Tell you what son, I'll give you a job doing what you do now, for (probably) more money and a chance to prove yourself on a bigger stage and nearer to your home", course I'm going to snap their arm off!!!

Getting our coaches put in the shop window is the risk we take with the success we're trying to build.

Rather than crucifying the guy, let's get behind him and look to get some more silverware to build our success on.
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