Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by Johnone »

What short memorys we all have. Remember " Billy Boston" "lewis Jones" David Watkins" Jonathon Davies" Allan Tait "Inga the winger" Frano Botica" Tom van Voll" "Prinsloo" Punchy Griffiths" Just to mention a few Great R U players who became Greats in our game of " R L.
Let's enjoy great players in both codes.
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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by Natty »

Wigan_forever19​85​ wrote:The standard considering that was supposed to be the "best in the world" vs the "best of the rest" was appalling!.

Just goes to show that a league great plays his first game with only 1 weeks training and doesnt look out of place and even scores a try.

the last time a union "great" came over to our game, in his first outing he lasted about 30 seconds before being carried off the pitch half concuss
It wasn't the best in the world, it was a glorified friendly in aid of charity, mot of the best players were either playing for their clubs or resting up after the World Cup.

I think us League fans needs to open our eyes, we've been obsessed by this match while the rest of the rugby press barely took any notice. You also have to ask why Tomkins wanted a part in such a meaningless game, to me that shows it's a certainty he'll make more union appearances, perhaps even in the off season at Saracens.

It's fine to criticise the RFL for incompetance, but fans need to get in the real world, posts on various forums read like an AA meeting, everyone sat in a circle trying to convince each other everything's going to be fine, Sam will be put off Union for life, the NRL is the only form of rugby that means anything, it bears little relation to reality.

I just wish RL could for once look beyond it's own little bubble, we hype up games that barely get any coverage in the wider media, dismiss Union games that attract 70k and blanket coverage, use terms like 'rah rah' and stereotype the fans, we are our own worst enemies.

The dismisal of RU talent also disses some of the best ever RL players, just take a look at the names listed above, and let's not forget some of our greats are now moving into Union and coaching their players, that's a massive blow to our sport even if they didn't take another league player.
Nezza Faz
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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by Nezza Faz »

Natty wrote:
Wigan_forever19​85​ wrote:The standard considering that was supposed to be the "best in the world" vs the "best of the rest" was appalling!.

Just goes to show that a league great plays his first game with only 1 weeks training and doesnt look out of place and even scores a try.

the last time a union "great" came over to our game, in his first outing he lasted about 30 seconds before being carried off the pitch half concuss
It wasn't the best in the world, it was a glorified friendly in aid of charity, mot of the best players were either playing for their clubs or resting up after the World Cup.

I think us League fans needs to open our eyes, we've been obsessed by this match while the rest of the rugby press barely took any notice. You also have to ask why Tomkins wanted a part in such a meaningless game, to me that shows it's a certainty he'll make more union appearances, perhaps even in the off season at Saracens.

It's fine to criticise the RFL for incompetance, but fans need to get in the real world, posts on various forums read like an AA meeting, everyone sat in a circle trying to convince each other everything's going to be fine, Sam will be put off Union for life, the NRL is the only form of rugby that means anything, it bears little relation to reality.

I just wish RL could for once look beyond it's own little bubble, we hype up games that barely get any coverage in the wider media, dismiss Union games that attract 70k and blanket coverage, use terms like 'rah rah' and stereotype the fans, we are our own worst enemies.

The dismisal of RU talent also disses some of the best ever RL players, just take a look at the names listed above, and let's not forget some of our greats are now moving into Union and coaching their players, that's a massive blow to our sport even if they didn't take another league player.
So, right confirmed. Union IS just about MONEY, which is probably why the coaches you talk about end up there - at least somebody recognises talent, but sad union seems incapable of producing their own, including the players they covet so demonstrably in our game.

On the same theme, the London-based media are anti-League (e.g. S.Jones, "Times") who criticises every aspect of League, and give the game little, or no, publicity which is the oxygen of union with its old school-tie attitudes & contacts.

Sorry, I wouldn't trust anything to do with the game, and if, as you suggest, Saracens try to persuade Sam to do some off season stuff there, then that in law is in breach of his contract, but there again it wouldn't be an immoral act by the ru authorities, they'd just open their cheque book.

In reality, Sam would probably run a mile to avoid that happening now, after yesterday's farce and probably won't be long before Joel heads back as well.
highland convert
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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by highland convert »

Sam played well don't get me wrong but shop window for sam to union, no way. It showed all the way through. They even mentioned it in the commentry, he is too small. Year on year they get bigger. At 16 stone I was a big prop 40 years ago. At 6 foot I was also tall. The wings are approaching that now. Body shape of Sam is all wrong. As for a berth is sarries close season, why? they have specialist wingers trained for the job. Players at that level are not so interchangeable. Do you thing KE will get a start this season. Ashton had the size but look at him now. That is the difference. As for them picking the best from us considering the number of teams they do not come for too many and the ones they do come for is the ones who will market league. They wanted Joel, why three Tompkins on the pitch for Wigan. Faz, greatest English league player at the time. KE setting the game alight in Stains, KP great press before his injury. The target the ones who will market league. The players make it in union or are shipped out once the market value has dropped. KP, Harris esque. The truth is they don't need the players but they buy them to devalue league and it is working, Jim
No straw damn us
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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by No straw damn us »

Natty wrote:
Wigan_forever19​85​ wrote:The standard considering that was supposed to be the "best in the world" vs the "best of the rest" was appalling!.

Just goes to show that a league great plays his first game with only 1 weeks training and doesnt look out of place and even scores a try.

the last time a union "great" came over to our game, in his first outing he lasted about 30 seconds before being carried off the pitch half concuss
It wasn't the best in the world, it was a glorified friendly in aid of charity, mot of the best players were either playing for their clubs or resting up after the World Cup.

I think us League fans needs to open our eyes, we've been obsessed by this match while the rest of the rugby press barely took any notice. You also have to ask why Tomkins wanted a part in such a meaningless game, to me that shows it's a certainty he'll make more union appearances, perhaps even in the off season at Saracens.

It's fine to criticise the RFL for incompetance, but fans need to get in the real world, posts on various forums read like an AA meeting, everyone sat in a circle trying to convince each other everything's going to be fine, Sam will be put off Union for life, the NRL is the only form of rugby that means anything, it bears little relation to reality.

I just wish RL could for once look beyond it's own little bubble, we hype up games that barely get any coverage in the wider media, dismiss Union games that attract 70k and blanket coverage, use terms like 'rah rah' and stereotype the fans, we are our own worst enemies.

The dismisal of RU talent also disses some of the best ever RL players, just take a look at the names listed above, and let's not forget some of our greats are now moving into Union and coaching their players, that's a massive blow to our sport even if they didn't take another league player.
Thank god for reason. Jim Sullivan one of the greatest players and coaches OUR game has ever known came from?
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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by enterprisecranes »

BriH wrote:
BriH wrote:I think he will be so bored that he will never, ever want to play the RahRah game again - here's hoping.
I was absolutely right: what a load of crap.
Boring doesn't even come close.
If this doesn't put him off nowt will.
Missed him scoring though because I switched to something else!
So, he scores the only BaBa try! Good for him. Let's hope this is the end of this nonsense.
Best players in the world.Proves one thing.As we ALL know union is a joke.And this game proved it.If SAM isnt put off by that garbage then id be gobsmacked.Lets face it ,did they really WANT to pass to him,?
Now hes got it out of his system there are now no ..thoughts of i wonder what kind of a game is it.
This imo as been a god send for Rugby league.
Nezza Faz
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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by Nezza Faz »

That's not the point, NSDU, there've been loads of players come from union over the years, but I can't think of a single case where they've come with the "blessing" of the ru, or their clubs !

Remember, they were totally amateur in those days (or should we say 'shamateur' boot money) and in most cases it took much training up to get them to rl fitness & standards, e.g. Inga, Keri Jones, Mark Preston, Phil Ford, Quinnell, etc. Inga was probably the best of a largely average number of converts.

During those times, League players were banned, shunned & treated as third class citizens, not allowed anywhere near ru grounds. They even banned RL from the colleges, schools & universities, whilst during the war years, league players were forced to play union for their Force Services sides as it was banned there also. Ask Billy Boston.
highland convert
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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by highland convert »

Yes NF they took an amatuer sport and in a few years did what league has not achieved in over a century/sold it as a professional sport world wide, Why? RU is inclusive, RL is exclusive. No serious attempt is made to sell the sport outside the top half of England. If Oz and NZ did not support the game it would die out. This is not a criticism, it is a fact. Get rid of your quaint old codgers as commentators and hire some pros. Their bable might be appriciated in the heartland but to the outsider wanting to know what is happening it is drivel. The most common comment I get is "I don't understand the rules" yet we have every move and mistake rabbited on about. We want to enjoy the game. JIm
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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by Welski »

jobo wrote:If any rahrah team tend to throw the ball about, then it's the Babarians. Reckon Welski's tip for Sam to score anytime is a good bet.
They threw it 'about' all right!!

Possibly the worst game of RU I've witnessed in years, only sweetened by the £90 sitting in my bank account...

It can go towards a new remote for the TV which hit the wall when that joke of a centre failed to put Sam under the posts in the first half.

Some excellent posts on the back of this match, some views it seems are deep set and unlikely to change no matter what. I watch both codes, RL is consistently the better format although when RU is played well (normally in the southern hemisphere) it’s as good. Unlike Saturdays game you rarely get (such) a stinker in RL.

If RL, as I'm sure the majority on this website believe, is the better code then it can only benefit from this type of association with RU. If people don’t know about RL (or still associate it with fat blokes rolling around in mud ‘up north’) they won’t become interested and the game will stagnate. However we do it lets get people interested and let them decide. It’s the 21st century and rather than harp on about past injustices and pan every fresh idea how about supporting the efforts to widen the exposure.
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Re: Tomkins to play for Barbarians?

Post by jobo »

Welski wrote:
jobo wrote:If any rahrah team tend to throw the ball about, then it's the Babarians. Reckon Welski's tip for Sam to score anytime is a good bet.
They threw it 'about' all right!!

Possibly the worst game of RU I've witnessed in years, only sweetened by the £90 sitting in my bank account...

It can go towards a new remote for the TV which hit the wall when that joke of a centre failed to put Sam under the posts in the first half.

Some excellent posts on the back of this match, some views it seems are deep set and unlikely to change no matter what. I watch both codes, RL is consistently the better format although when RU is played well (normally in the southern hemisphere) it’s as good. Unlike Saturdays game you rarely get (such) a stinker in RL.

If RL, as I'm sure the majority on this website believe, is the better code then it can only benefit from this type of association with RU. If people don’t know about RL (or still associate it with fat blokes rolling around in mud ‘up north’) they won’t become interested and the game will stagnate. However we do it lets get people interested and let them decide. It’s the 21st century and rather than harp on about past injustices and pan every fresh idea how about supporting the efforts to widen the exposure.
It was dire beyond belief but I had to watch it cos of my £20 at 3/1. Not sure if the £60 was worth it though.
:lol: :lol:
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