Friday night games

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Friday night games

Post by Dorsey »

Does anyone know why all Wigan's home games are on a Friday this year bar two which are both on Sky? Obviously Sky dictate some, football dictates others but surely its not a good idea to have all the others on Fridays. This week it will be bobbins getting through the traffic - we're thinking of setting off on Wednesday! still it could be worse we could be Leeds fans trying to negotiate the horrors of the M62 on a Friday night - ouch, no thanks. Apart from fighting the traffic it also means that away supporters if they are at school/college/work whatever have all on to make the trip in time so probably don't bother which in turn affects gate receipts and atmosphere.
wolftown warrior
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Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:52 pm

Re: Friday night games

Post by wolftown warrior »

good question,.... i have asked it myself..
personally it is a nightmare, especially when we play the ' bigger teams' i was 20 mins late for the wolves game & i am fully expecting to be at least that for the leeds game,
saturdays or sundays would be better, but i do like the ' night game ' atmosphere!
i will be setting out straight from work on the m6 at bout 6pm, & i may be lucky to get there before 8..

but can`t watch it on telly.... gotta go, not the same on the t.v..

see u all down there!

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Re: Friday night games

Post by DaveO »

Dorsey posted:
Does anyone know why all Wigan's home games are on a Friday this year bar two which are both on Sky?

The reason is that the club decided that if they had decided on, say, Sunday kick offs, so many would have changed because Sky switched them to Friday it was better to start with 'em all on Friday to minimise changes to the fixture list.

This way you know the games are on Friday at 8.00pm and can plan acordingly.

How annoying would it be to think the game was on Sunday when the club sent you the fixture list only to have it changed a week before by the Sky muppets?

Posts: 264
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Re: Re: Friday night games

Post by Dorsey »

Thanks Dave I see your point but on the other hand its not doing the club any favours by loss of income through the turnstiles, when we played London and Halifax the away supporters would have fit in a couple of taxi's whereas if the games had been played over the weekend maybe more would have come for a trip out, even when we played Bratfud and they had just borrowed the Challenge cup the previous weekend there weren't as many supporters as I would have expected. It'll be interesting to see how many Leeds fetch but thanks for the info - see you in the traffic queue Wolftown warrior!
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Re: Re: Re: Friday night games

Post by Fraggle »

Thing is, when they have scheduled the odd game on a Sunday, the attendances haven't been any better. People will think of other things they want to do on a summer Sunday such as go out with the family, do the gardening, wash the car, recover from Saturday night's hangover...

I'm one of the (seemingly few) people who actually likes Friday nights as it means that I can go to a game straight from work, especially if we're in puddingland, whereas Sundays would be a bit of a trek, but I suppose for many people Fridays aren't ideal. But the current system is definitely better than the old one where (especially for us non-Wigan based folk who are a bit behind with the news) you nearly had to turn up on Friday, Saturday and Sunday just in case Sky had moved the game to a different day just before kick-off.

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