My Broken Guts (part 2)

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Re: My Broken Guts (part 2)

Post by jobo »

Kiwiseddon wrote:Thanks for all the lovely posts. As I said, talking, communicating and generally expressing how I feel about this illness is for me the best therapy. It's also good to hear how many people have beaten this. The positives are that I'm 34yrs old and have a massively supportive family. There is no good reason why I can't beat this (just like we beat Saints in the first game at Langtree Park)

And whilst trying to keep a sense of humour about this, I remember that Dennis Potter had pancreatic cancer and infamously told Melvyn Bragg in an interview that he called his cancer Rupert because he despised Rupert Murdoch.

So...... I think 'Lee Briers' is how I shall refer to my cancer from now on :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: That's the way.
Good luck mate. 34 is no age, you're young and strong enough to smash this thing to pieces, which is exactly what you will do. Chin up.
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Re: My Broken Guts (part 2)

Post by bruno »

all the best kiwiseddon in your treatment age is one your side i go to church in the morning i will light a candle for you

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Re: My Broken Guts (part 2)

Post by DaveO »

Yes, all the best from me as well.
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Re: My Broken Guts (part 2)

Post by Miggy »

Thoughts and prayers from me. Stay positive, stay strong. If you feel up to it, let us know how you're doing. Thinking of you!
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Re: My Broken Guts (part 2)

Post by stevethegas »

So this is the scenario.
You go to the doctor because you aren't feeling well. She checks you out and says:-
1/ You've had a coronary
2/ You've got cancer

The question is which would you rather hear? For most people, it's a coronary. They (rightly) believe that they can change lifestyle, stop smoking, maybe have surgery etc. etc. That is, they believe they can do things to improve their outlook - and they're right. But it's not the whole story.
When we come to the actuality, it's the wrong choice. You are far more likely to live longer and healthier with the diagnosis of cancer than with a coronary.
You can influence it. You can beat it. It's often curable - that is curable, not hidden for a long time.

And so for the boy born in New Zealand, but nurtured in England, this is bad news, but not the end of things. This can and will be beaten. By you, and by all the good wishes and kindness of those around you. Kiwi, you aren't alone, and we all wish you well, and will drink to your health with new meaning.
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Re: My Broken Guts (part 2)

Post by slimshady »

Shit happens Kiwi, hope you get well soon
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Re: My Broken Guts (part 2)

Post by KOOCH »

Very brave of you to post your ills on an open forum.I hope that it inspires others to visit the gp on a more regular basis.I appreciate that this is a very worrying time both for yourself and no doubt for those nearest and dearest to you. And as have others have already said. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in your hour of need.And remember that although we may not always agree about all things rugby league we will agree about one thing.And that is.Keep your pecker up and never forget that people are on the end of a pm.So if you are ever feeling down and need someone to shout at gives us a pm or moan at the rest of us.Good luck kiwi. :D
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Re: My Broken Guts (part 2)

Post by Kiwiseddon »

Once again, thanks for all the posts offering support. It really does mean a lot.
As of last night I've finished mt first two weeks of chemotherapy and get to have a week free from tablets and IV drips. It's to allow my body to recover sufficiently that they can check my blood and adjust the treatments accordingly for the next two weeks. Got another CT scan to measure me up for the radiotherapy and a meeting with the oncologist today but hopefully that'll be relatively straightforward.
I'm not going to lie that having a week off the tablets is a god send. I've taken nearly 300 tablets in the last two weeks which seems a lot by anyone's standards.

Still.... Onwards and upwards and hopefully I'm going to drag myself to the Widnes game as I'm going stir crazy at home.

Hopefully I'll see some of you in the SSB beforehand.

Cheers, Kiwi x

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Re: My Broken Guts (part 2)

Post by OJ »

Only just seen that flaming Lee Briers is making a damned nuisance of himself with you Kiwi and I wholeheartedly join everyone else in wishing you all the very best for a fast and permanent recovery. Whilst we all shrink back a bit at the very word cancer it is also true that it is one of those conditions where enormous strides have been made in the last few years and it is no longer the death sentence it once was. It has to be respected and you need to keep swallowing all those pills but look on them as your friends as they are setting you back on the road to recovery. All the best Kiwi you will beat it.
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Re: My Broken Guts (part 2)

Post by cpwigan »

Your age is a huge bonus and I presume it was diagonosed at an early stage. You will beat it. I have lost relatives to bowel cancer and have several, more that beat it. The ones I lost were very old and diagonosed very late.

Best wishes / take care