Maggie Thatcher

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Ron Doran
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Re: Maggie Thatcher

Post by Ron Doran »

Lord Kinnock to miss service - Do I need to say more??
E.& O.E.
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Re: Maggie Thatcher

Post by cpwigan »

Ron Doran wrote:josie andrews - Wrong.
I was a Liberal Parish Councilor representing Diggle and Dobcross in Saddleworth.
It cost me time and money, but the pleasure of looking after other peoples interests outweighed this.
Mmmm, Ron not 100% sure on this, Parish Councils are somewhat different from LA Councils are they not? A bog standard elected local councillor in Wigan and Leigh receives £11,000 per annum, they can then claim even more to the point where I think the Labour leader of Wigan council receives £20,000+ per annum.

Now I think you have to be incredibly generous with your money and time to waste that amount each year. Year after year, individual councillors are subject of investigations for fiddling expenses etc.

Politicians are polite criminals. Look at the expenses scandal at Westminster! Even better we are all being told how dare you ask for a pay rise, pay will be frozen, you will be crapped on and say thankyou when you get a 1% pay rise or your pay is frozen. Whilst we are being crapped on by the biggest criminals the country has ever seen guess what they are demanding for a pay rise? 30% + The Torys on average want 40% +

There is an argument we get the country we deserve and when you see how selfish and driven by bullying of the weakest most unfortunate members of SOCIETY (Not trivial meaningless anomaly like the Philpots) many many people of this so called great nation are today whilst they never blink at the greatest criminal acts taking place in politics and/or financial institutions then it is TRUE, we get the country we deserve
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Re: Maggie Thatcher

Post by cpwigan »

Ron Doran wrote:Lord Kinnock to miss service - Do I need to say more??
Why should he attend, why should anybody have to?

You do realise Ron he is attending another funeral on that day!!!!!!

Better still where is the invite for one Jim Davidson, a huge supporter of Thatcher? Why is De Clerk invited given what he represented?
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Re: Maggie Thatcher

Post by cpwigan »

Ron BTW why mention Kinnock why not mention

Mr Gorbachev and Mrs Reagan not attending
(I know the reason BTW)


Holier than thou Torys who booted Thatcher out themselves!

Meanwhile, claims have emerged that Speaker John Bercow and Mr Cameron's own chief whip Sir George Young were against recalling Parliament from the Easter break.

A further row appears to be brewing over arrangements for the funeral, with Mr Cameron pushing for PMQs to be cancelled and the Commons to sit later.

Mr Bercow is said to have insisted the Government tables a motion to change the timetable, which will now be put to the vote when Parliament returns on Monday.
A scandalous waste of money. I like a quote I read whereby it was suggested that as a tribute to Thatcher her funeral should have been put out to competitive tender I.E The cheapest and often the poorest in quality!!
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Re: Maggie Thatcher

Post by medlocke »

A woman who did more good than she did bad for this country, a sad sad loss, P.S. i wonder how many on here and elsewhere who have been slagging her off live in former council houses that they were able to buy thanks to the late great maggie :angry:
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Re: Maggie Thatcher

Post by cpwigan »

medlocke wrote:A woman who did more good than she did bad for this country, a sad sad loss, P.S. i wonder how many on here and elsewhere who have been slagging her off live in former council houses that they were able to buy thanks to the late great maggie :angry:
Maggie would not have liked you Medlocke. Some on here and elsewhere would be hurling insults a plenty at you :lol:

Never lived in a council house personally. One of my grandfathers did and he/we never bought it. Oh he worked down the mines day after day and had long retired thankfully before the end. Sale of council housing for a quick buck, sale of NS Oil for a quick buck Great long term policies those weren't they? Oh she was great Maggie :lol:

You need to do better Meds. You AP act is limp wristed :lol:
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Re: Maggie Thatcher

Post by DaveO »

medlocke wrote:A woman who did more good than she did bad for this country, a sad sad loss, P.S. i wonder how many on here and elsewhere who have been slagging her off live in former council houses that they were able to buy thanks to the late great maggie :angry:
What a disaster that policy turned out to be. It diminished the social housing stock and has resulted in rents in the private sector pushing the housing benefit bill through the roof. All it did was put taxpayers money into private landlords hands at a huge increased cost to the taxpayer and it has made the housing shortage worse than it was when she first introduced the policy (that was said in the Independent earlier this week).

theGimble had it exactly right when they posted this:

"But also i do commend people on here to air their views and not become hypocritical as we now see on TV. Thats an ugly trait in the UK slag them off when alive and make them a Saint when dead."

AC Grayling said the same thing here: ... 66448.html

From that article:

"The standard trope is: de mortuis nil nisi bonum – “Of the dead say nothing but good”. Why?

Why should one not speak as one did when the person was alive? The story of a prominent individual’s life cannot be complete without the truth about what people felt at the moment of summing up, whether it is in mourning or rejoicing. Let us say what we think, and be frank about it: death does not confer privileges. "

Too right.

The policies she enacted such as someone else mentioned the selling off of BNOC (look at Norway who didn't follow the same stupid idea) to selling off council houses have been a disaster for this country as have the subsequent years where governments Labour or Conservative have continued down the same track. You don't have to mourn lost mining communities to see this.

I lived through her years in office and the way she and her chancellors squandered North Sea Oil revenues and sold off anything not nailed down to promote some Ayn Rand bonkers philosophy is IMO a tragedy. The fact she won an election on the back of a war that allowed for years more of this only makes it worse. I despise her for what she did to this country and so for me its good riddance because as Grayling says, death does not confer privileges.

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Re: Maggie Thatcher

Post by BriH »

Well said DaveO!
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Re: Maggie Thatcher

Post by ancientnloyal »

medlocke wrote:A woman who did more good than she did bad for this country, a sad sad loss, P.S. i wonder how many on here and elsewhere who have been slagging her off live in former council houses that they were able to buy thanks to the late great maggie :angry:
What good did Thatcher do to Cumberland?

James Slevin
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Re: Maggie Thatcher

Post by cow yeds »

ancientnloyal wrote:
medlocke wrote:A woman who did more good than she did bad for this country, a sad sad loss, P.S. i wonder how many on here and elsewhere who have been slagging her off live in former council houses that they were able to buy thanks to the late great maggie :angry:
What good did Thatcher do to Cumberland?
Changed it to Cumbria lol :wink: