I am .........

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josie andrews
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I am .........

Post by josie andrews »


With the new season just over two weeks away Wigan Warriors will this week be introducing the new signings to the fans. On various media platforms over the next few days fans can get to know Matty Bowen, Eddy Pettybourne, Dan Sarginson, Tony Clubb and John Bateman.

Next week we will feature the Young Stars who could make a big impression in 2014

Here on the website we will feature Head Coach Shaun Wane' each day and get his views on the exciting new signings and what qualities they will bring to the Warriors team for 2014.

We start today with new Full Back Matty Bowen who has joined the Warriors from North Queensland Cowboys.

Wane on Bowen

"Matty is a vastly experienced player used to the grind of the NRL for many years. He has been up for top awards, he is a great player and the fact he has chosen to come to us is a great boost for Wigan and for Super League. He can do other things other players can't do, he is very quick, he has a good kicking game, he has good skills on him and he will be a real asset to us. When he plays the Wigan fans will see what qualities he has and I can't wait to see him.

"He has been excellent in training and he is a nice guy off the field as well, he is just the sort of player who fits in well here.

"He is a seasoned pro and how he looks after himself is unbelievable. He has had a few knocks and bruises over the years but his preparation for training is superb. He is not one for shouting his mauth off, he is quiet and unassuming but when he speaks people listen. He will be great for our young players to learn off, the likes of Ryan Hampshire and Lewis Tieney, they can learn off a player who has played at the highest level of the game."

Warriors Launch Season Kick Off Campaign
Wigan Warriors have embarked upon a new marketing campaign promoting the first game of the new season against Huddersfield Giants.

First Utility Become Title Sponsor of Super League

http://www.wiganwarriors.com/WContent.a ... 6sRP6Ty.99
Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
But to stand behind a team, to defend a team when it is down and really needs you,
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josie andrews
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Re: I am .........

Post by josie andrews »

I am Eddy Pettybourne

We continue to introduce our new exciting signings for 2014 across all our media platforms and today we get the thoughts of Head Coach Shaun Wane on Eddy Pettybourne.

Wane on Pettybourne

"I have watched alot of the NRL and when he played for Souths before Michael Maguire went there I saw him many times, he has good foot speed, leg drive, hits well with his shoulders and he is a player that still has lots of improvement in him. He is only 25 and is a quality player. I loved him when he played at South Sydney, he didn't get too much of a chance at Wests but he will get a chance here and the Wigan fans will love him.

"He is a stand out front rower and he will hit holes into defences and he plays the ball quickly and when he defends he sticks his shoulder in. He has a good technique in defence and he understands our systems.

"He has been superb in Florida and he has got to know all the players and both him and Matty Bowen have fit in really well, it's like they have been here for ages and I know he can't wait for the games now.

"Eddy is a big lad and he will get bigger under Mark Bitcon and Mick Turner but I want to keep him quick, keep him fast, keep him fit and I am trying to find his perfect weight where I can get him as big as possible because we are up against some big players in this competition, Eddy is going really well."

http://www.wiganwarriors.com/WContent.a ... uAaKXQg.99
Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
But to stand behind a team, to defend a team when it is down and really needs you,
that takes a lot of courage. #18thMan
josie andrews
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Re: I am .........

Post by josie andrews »

I am Dan Sarginson

We continue to introduce the excitiing new players in the Wigan squad for the season ahead across all media platforms and continue today with Dan Sarginson who joined the Warriors from London Broncos.

We get the thoughts of Head Coach Shaun Wane on the qualities of Dan.

Wane of Sarginson

"He can play Full Back, Centre, Wing or Stand Off, he is talented, he has got good skills and good speed but without a doubt his overiding best feature is his desire, his strength in contact. I have obviously watched London play many times over the years doing individuals on them and he has been the stand out player for us. He is always hard to handle and to have him in our team on either edge is fantastic for us.

"I have watched him in the wrestle room and alot of players struggle with him because he is unbelievably strong and he will get stronger under the guidance of Mark Bitcon and Mick Turner. He is a quality player, I am really glad we have got him and he is a player I looked at years ago and always wanted to get and Ian Lenagan has helped me secure him.

"To be honest we don't have too many versatility players but both Dan and Tony Clubb are both good utility players and Dan can play all over the back line and not only play there and fill a gap he can be effective and score tries and will be a threat. He is aggressive in defence and the Wigan fans will love him, he is a fantastic kid and gets on well with the whole of the squad and all the players have taken to him very quickly.

"He is a good player and wants to win, he will be a great player for us."

http://www.wiganwarriors.com/WContent.a ... VUDT4aH.99
Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
But to stand behind a team, to defend a team when it is down and really needs you,
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josie andrews
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Re: I am .........

Post by josie andrews »

I am Tony Clubb

We continue to introduce our new exciting signings for 2014 on all our media platforms and continue today with Utility Forward Tony Clubb who joined the Warriors in the close season from London Broncos.

We get the thoughts of Head Coach Shaun Wane on the qualities Tony will bring to the Wigan team for the year ahead.

Wane on Clubb

"Tony is big and strong with good skills, he is tough, he is aggressive, he is fit and can play both Front Row and Back Row. He has an excellent passing game from his time playing in the backs, although it's unlikely he will play in the backs for us because he has more than enough on his plate learning our systems in the middle.

"The way he has acquited himself has been a credit to him, he has really understood our plays and although he has come from an environment where maybe he hasn't had as much pressure on him he has had pressure from me and he has handled it really well. All the players have taken to him and I can see him being a great asset to us.

"He is thriving in the Wigan set-up and is just kicking on, he is hungry to learn and get better and everytime we finish training he is looking for more to do, extras for him to get better. That is the sort of player I want here."

http://www.wiganwarriors.com/WContent.a ... H0G7iCa.99
Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
But to stand behind a team, to defend a team when it is down and really needs you,
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josie andrews
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Re: I am .........

Post by josie andrews »

I am John Bateman

We conclude our series of introducing our new players through our various media platforms today with John Bateman who joined the Warriors from Bradford Bulls

We speak to Head Coach Shaun Wane on what qualities John will bring to the squad in 2014.

Wane on Bateman

"I have liked John as a player for many years, I have known him since he was a young kid and I have watched him develop. When I learned he could be available I was very keen to get hold of him because he is unbelievably strong, he understands lines, he puts himself in great positions in attacking sets and he is good in defence. He is a rough lad, he is a friend of Michael McIlorum, he is well mannered and he is just the sort of player I want in this team , people who behave off the field and look after themselves and do the business on the field and John fits that bill perfectly.

"He has had a tough time at Bradford and I am going to look after him this year, he will play some games but not that many and hopefully next year will be his year. He is still only 20 and at Bradford he probably played more games than he should of done because of the size of their squad. John Bateman will be a great Wigan player and I am really excited about getting him on board and will do a fantastic job for us on that edge."

Next week we look at some of the your stars here at Wigan who are set to make a big impression in Super League - Joe Burgess, Dom Manfredi, Ryan Hampshire, George Williams and Greg Burke.

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Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
But to stand behind a team, to defend a team when it is down and really needs you,
that takes a lot of courage. #18thMan
josie andrews
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Re: I am .........

Post by josie andrews »

I am Joe Burgess

After the success of introducing our exciting new players last week on our media platforms this week we turn our attentions to our young rising stars and who could make a big impact in 2014.

We start today with Winger Joe Burgess and get the thoughts of Head Coach Shaun Wane on what qualities he will bring to the Warriors squad in 2014.

Wane on Burgess

"Joe will make a big impression, he is a quality winger, big and tall with great skills. He has put about 10 kilos on since he joined us and he is going to be a big body on our left wing. His skills are great and he is quick, he has shown he is a quality finisher. He is a great player and the fans will love him.

"I am very happy where he is at, he is calm under pressure which is good for a winger. He does remind me quite alot of Pat Richards, tall and strong with very good skills and I am sure the Wigan fans will take to him very quickly."

http://www.wiganwarriors.com/WContent.a ... PTz8g8z.99
Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
But to stand behind a team, to defend a team when it is down and really needs you,
that takes a lot of courage. #18thMan
josie andrews
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Re: I am .........

Post by josie andrews »

I am Ryan Hampshire

We continue to look at the rising young stars in the Wigan team for 2014 and beyond and today on all media platforms we look at Utility Back Ryan Hampshire.

Ryan is one of a number of young players who made their First Team debut last season and is looking forward to an exciting season ahead.

Wane on Hampshire

"Ryan has a great desire to learn and get better, he has been spending alot of time with Matty Bowen at the moment. He has good speed, good skills, he can kick, he has everything. He has the slight of foot similar to Sam Tomkins and I see him once Matty finishes as a ready made Full Back for us. His finishing is also very good. He still has alot to learn but he is improving every session.

"I see Ryan as a Full Back but he can play elsewhere. You need to good skills to play at Full Back with quick handling skills and good core skills and he has all that and he is exciting me. He is also a useful goal kicker and he is continuing to learn off the likes of Iestyn and Paul Deacon."

http://www.wiganwarriors.com/WContent.a ... 0W41SOv.99
Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
But to stand behind a team, to defend a team when it is down and really needs you,
that takes a lot of courage. #18thMan
josie andrews
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Re: I am .........

Post by josie andrews »

I am Dom Manfredi

We continue to look at the young rising stars in the Warriors squad for 2014 and beyond on all media platforms and contiue to today with another exciting young Winger in the Wigan squad in Dom Manfredi.

We get the thoughts of Head Coach Shaun Wane on Dom

Wane on Manfredi

"I watched him in a friendly last year and the way he carried the ball he really stood out, he is a totally different style of winger to Joe Burgess. Dom is strong in contact and accelerates in contact and he has good speed as well, he will do really well for us. It is between Dom, Joe and Anthony Gelling who gets the wing spot on the left. It's upto these players to stand out in training and in our pre-season games and there is a position there.

"Dom has had some real major knee problems in the past and he has got over them. His character is good and squad and he has a real desire to play for the club. He has come back in pre-season and has really impressed me."

Watch an exclusive interview with Dom Manfredi ahead of the new season only on Wigan TV by [clicking here]

Tickets to see the Warriors in the opening game of the 2014 are on sale now. [Click here] for further details.

http://www.wiganwarriors.com/WContent.a ... tTqYjyg.99
Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
But to stand behind a team, to defend a team when it is down and really needs you,
that takes a lot of courage. #18thMan
josie andrews
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Re: I am .........

Post by josie andrews »

We continue to look at the young stars for the season ahead and beyond on all media platforms and today we feature Stand Off George Williams.

George was one of a number of rising stars who were given their debuts by Head Coach Shaun Wane in 2013.

Wane on Williams

"George is a good player, he plays nice and straight and square, he has very good skills and he is coming to terms with I want. He has alot of pressure on him at the minute but he has handled it really well. His pace is good and he is a decent size, he is safe and sound and he sticks his shoulder in, he will be one for the future for sure.

"This year will be a good learning curve for him but he will also get some game time, there is no doubt about that. We won't play Blake and Matty every game and it will give an opportunity for George and Sam Powell. George did well in his debut last year and I expect him to kick on again.

"He is one of a number of local lads in our squad which is great, he has come through our system and they all know what we are all about and George is a perfect example of that."

http://www.wiganwarriors.com/WContent.a ... 4ATDvKE.99
Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
But to stand behind a team, to defend a team when it is down and really needs you,
that takes a lot of courage. #18thMan
josie andrews
Posts: 36239
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Location: Wigan

Re: I am .........

Post by josie andrews »

I am George Williams

We continue to look at the young stars for the season ahead and beyond on all media platforms and today we feature Stand Off George Williams.

George was one of a number of rising stars who were given their debuts by Head Coach Shaun Wane in 2013.

Wane on Williams

"George is a good player, he plays nice and straight and square, he has very good skills and he is coming to terms with I want. He has alot of pressure on him at the minute but he has handled it really well. His pace is good and he is a decent size, he is safe and sound and he sticks his shoulder in, he will be one for the future for sure.

"This year will be a good learning curve for him but he will also get some game time, there is no doubt about that. We won't play Blake and Matty every game and it will give an opportunity for George and Sam Powell. George did well in his debut last year and I expect him to kick on again.

"He is one of a number of local lads in our squad which is great, he has come through our system and they all know what we are all about and George is a perfect example of that."

http://www.wiganwarriors.com/WContent.a ... 4ATDvKE.99
Anyone can support a team when it is winning, that takes no courage.
But to stand behind a team, to defend a team when it is down and really needs you,
that takes a lot of courage. #18thMan
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