Poll Tax in Wigan history dissertation. What is your view?

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Poll Tax in Wigan history dissertation. What is your view?

Post by deancartwright1990 »

Hey everyone,

I am a current third year history student at UCLan researching for my history dissertation which is about the Poll Tax in Wigan.

I am looking for interviewees to give me their views on the Poll Tax and the impact it had on you and Wigan. (Can be either for/against the Poll Tax)

Obviously with the introduction of the Poll Tax in 1990 I am only looking for those 18 or over in 1990 who was liable to pay this tax.

If anyone is interested can you please respond via this thread and post your e mail address and I will be in touch with you ASAP.

Furthermore if anyone you know has an opinion and would like to get their point of view across and they are not on this website, still contact me and I will be in touch.

I understand that the opinion in the North (not just Wigan) is generally anti-Thatcher and still a little sensitive, so anyone interested please note that I only want interviewees that can be objective and give me some information not someone who wants to have a rant and a rave.

Thanks very much for reading

Dean Cartwright
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Re: Poll Tax in Wigan history dissertation. What is your view?

Post by sc74 »

Good luck, dissertations are a challenge. I remember mine well.
Sounds like an interesting topic, too.
Unfortunately though, I can't be of assistance.
Please report back with your final grade.
Uncle Fester
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Re: Poll Tax in Wigan history dissertation. What is your view?

Post by Uncle Fester »

Still had to pay it if you were a serving member of HM Forces serving overseas, at the top rate, including spouses.

That's all I remember.
Yes I Ate All The Pies !!!!