Tax Credits Changes / Reductions ?

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Tax Credits Changes / Reductions ?

Post by cpwigan »


True Tory coming out or justified?
Owd Codger
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Re: Tax Credits Changes / Reductions ?

Post by Owd Codger »

No problem if they replace it with a lot higher minimum wage which would be above the maximum amount of money that the lowest paid can lose.

For Cameron to suggest that a so called 'living wage' will do that is nonsense as since when has the Tories ever bother about those at the bottom of the pay scales, especially when employers, especially the small employers who have been subsidised by the Tax credits will say they cannot afford any increase above the present level of the minimum wage.

What has made me laugh is the way that the Tories are now saying that the House of Lords is a undemocratic body if they do not support the bill. A bit rich when over the years, the House of Lords has done its fair share of showing how undemocratic it is by supporting the Tories to scuttle bills by Labour Governments.

And people should not ignore the fact that just before the General Election, Cameron said that his Government if elected, had no plans to scrap tax credits.

Come back Robin Hood, you are needed yet again!
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Re: Tax Credits Changes / Reductions ?

Post by cpwigan »

Excellent post WW, totally concur. It was particularly galling to listen to a Tory minister saying it is too difficult to collect money from the wealthy! Great :roll: so prey on the easiest target. :angry:
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Re: Tax Credits Changes / Reductions ?

Post by menpond »

How did we get by without the 30billion annual cost of taxcredits? No moaning about austerity then. Maybe 33% of recipients are in real need.
josie andrews
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Re: Tax Credits Changes / Reductions ?

Post by josie andrews »

House of Lords has thrown it out

Tax credits: Lords vote to delay controversial cuts

The government has been dealt a major blow after the House of Lords voted to delay tax credit cuts and to compensate those affected in full.
Peers voted by 289 votes to 272 to provide full financial redress to the millions of recipients affected.
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Re: Tax Credits Changes / Reductions ?

Post by Kittwazzer »

Whelley Warrior wrote:
Come back Robin Hood, you are needed yet again!
Sod Robin Hood. Bring back Guy Fawkes!
Owd Codger
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Re: Tax Credits Changes / Reductions ?

Post by Owd Codger »

Thatcher was defeated over the Poll Tax and hopefully Cameron will also be defeated over trying to create a situation of the lower paid ending up on even lower pay with the nonsense that a so called 'living wage' will give them more than tax credits.

What audacity on the part of a Conservatives Government to suggest that they have ever cared about improving the lot of ordinary working people, especially at the bottom of our society.

Perhaps, if the Government spent less on helping migrants and so called asylum seekers/refugees together with foreign aid, less cuts would have to made in our own essential Local Government and NHS services which are affecting us all, especially the elderly and where pensions are concerned.

More brains in a lunatic asylum than what is now happening in our country!

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Re: Tax Credits Changes / Reductions ?

Post by doc »

WW, pensioners have been amongst those hit least hard by the Tories. They know that they have a lot of the grey vote. What they need to do is reintroduce the 50% tax rate for high earners and aggressively chase tax dodging millionaires and big businesses, but I can't see it happening.
Owd Codger
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Re: Tax Credits Changes / Reductions ?

Post by Owd Codger »

doc wrote:WW, pensioners have been amongst those hit least hard by the Tories. They know that they have a lot of the grey vote. What they need to do is reintroduce the 50% tax rate for high earners and aggressively chase tax dodging millionaires and big businesses, but I can't see it happening.

With respect to you, if you think that, you are evidently not on the pension, especially just the state pension or if in work, not paying increased pension contributions while at the same time seeing pay eroded as a result of below inflation pay rises or even pay freeze's.

But you are right on the tax being increased to 50% for the rich, but that will never happen under a Tory Government as many of them would have to pay more tax as a result of their many interests outside Parliament.

And I think you will find that the majority of the 'grey' vote are hardly supportive of the present Tory Government, especially when very shortly like the proposed reduction in tax credits, they have plans to reduce the State Pension which more and more only will get as a result of there being less Employers Pension Schemes now.
josie andrews
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Re: Tax Credits Changes / Reductions ?

Post by josie andrews »

Thank you for sticking up for the pensioners Whelley :)

The cost of inflation is rising much, much quicker than state or private pensions.

Wait until that is your only income!

We are having to delve into savings all the time to keep up!
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