EU ?

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Re: EU ?

Post by jobo »

Whelley Warrior wrote:
cpwigan wrote:
Wiganer Ted wrote:I'm now waiting for the "Leave" campaigners telling us what they will do domestically if the vote is to leave.

Farmers depend on EU subsidies to run their businesses.
If we leave will those subsidies continue at their present level, be increased or reduced? They need to tell the farmers how they will go on if we leave the EU.

Fishing, as we will no doubt re-instate our 200 miles territorial waters how will they stop foreign fishing fleets from fishing illegally in (then) UK waters? That's seeing as the Royal Navy doesn't have hardly any patrol boats of that type. Also what quotas will be imposed on UK fishermen when landing their catches in EU counties?

VAT. THis tax came in the day we joined the EU in 1973. It is an EU tax so what will they do with it?
Will the "Leavers" retain it, abolish it and reinstate its predecessor or introduce a new tax.

Trouble is all these "Leavers" want to leave but haven't a clue as to what to do after we have left.
To play devils advocate I do not think Ted or the stay campaign have a clue either as to what will happen either. Hence, project fear.
Spot on there, cpwigan.

And the the sheep will follow the shepherd be he at local or national level like they always do in our country!

And you will bleat the biggest baaaaa
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Re: EU ?

Post by menpond »

There is no EU money. Its our money given to Brussells and half or so given back.So we can divi it up ,on our own, no need for Brussels. Europes great days were post war ,as peoples traded ,intermarried and built prosperity and NATO safeguarded the West. Whats not to like? The onset of EU is slowly dragging the Europen nations into relative decline. My neighbour M Gorbachev warned of this when he closed the old KGB OFFICES Rumour has it He just sold his old house for north of 3million sterling. The EU will need to be restructured ,one way or another. France will do everything short of war to keep its grip on the German body politic.,but new Germany was born post 1945 and will no longer be cowed. Europe needs a resurgent Germany with the UK together building a new democratic constitution with no more Commissars.
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Re: EU ?

Post by Mike »

Whelley Warrior wrote:
cpwigan wrote:
Wiganer Ted wrote:I'm now waiting for the "Leave" campaigners telling us what they will do domestically if the vote is to leave.

Farmers depend on EU subsidies to run their businesses.
If we leave will those subsidies continue at their present level, be increased or reduced? They need to tell the farmers how they will go on if we leave the EU.

Fishing, as we will no doubt re-instate our 200 miles territorial waters how will they stop foreign fishing fleets from fishing illegally in (then) UK waters? That's seeing as the Royal Navy doesn't have hardly any patrol boats of that type. Also what quotas will be imposed on UK fishermen when landing their catches in EU counties?

VAT. THis tax came in the day we joined the EU in 1973. It is an EU tax so what will they do with it?
Will the "Leavers" retain it, abolish it and reinstate its predecessor or introduce a new tax.

Trouble is all these "Leavers" want to leave but haven't a clue as to what to do after we have left.
To play devils advocate I do not think Ted or the stay campaign have a clue either as to what will happen either. Hence, project fear.
Spot on there, cpwigan.

And the the sheep will follow the shepherd be he at local or national level like they always do in our country!

But there are several shepherds leading in different directions. So at the very least people will decide which one to follow.
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Re: EU ?

Post by cpwigan »

Not sure people are sheep. I just think 'voters' are always very reluctant to vote for change. You literally have to P people off big time to get them to want a change.

I will throw a ? to the stay campaigners. If being in the EU is so beneficial why when we are in it is growth declining repeatedly when we have this great EU market?
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Re: EU ?

Post by Mike »

cpwigan wrote:Not sure people are sheep. I just think 'voters' are always very reluctant to vote for change. You literally have to P people off big time to get them to want a change.

I will throw a ? to the stay campaigners. If being in the EU is so beneficial why when we are in it is growth declining repeatedly when we have this great EU market?
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Re: EU ?

Post by cpwigan »

Worry is Mike I do not think Labour covered itself in glory either and at the present time do not fill me with confidence.
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Re: EU ?

Post by doc »

We have had a global recession dropped on us by the banks since 2008. When Labour were in power Osborne blamed the recession on Brown. Now he is up to his neck in it, Osborne is now claiming that his policies didn't work due to a global/EU recession and has lumbered us with austerity policies that appear to be more and more the political ethos of the Tory party of tax cuts for the rich and stuff the poor and disabled rather than an economic necessity.
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Re: EU ?

Post by Wiganer Ted »

Of course I know what'll happen if we leave and are outside the EU.
We were outside the EU until 1973, many of us remember what that was like. No one was buying our manufactured goods as they were tarifed and too expensive.
Once we joined the CM things started to improve gradually until the 80's. Now we've recovered from that and look as strong as most economies the USA apart.
Prior to 1973 the country's econony was going down the sink hole! The IMF classed us as - "In a permenent state of economic decline" Joining the Common Market was seen as the UK's last chance saloon.

We know what we've got with the EU.
We've no idea what the leave MP's are thinking as they won't tell us. What they used to say 1-2 years ago about free trade area with the EU is now long gone. Hence Boris coming up with this crackpot Canadian deal nonsense.
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Re: EU ?

Post by cpwigan »

Wiganer Ted wrote:Of course I know what'll happen if we leave and are outside the EU.
We were outside the EU until 1973, many of us remember what that was like. No one was buying our manufactured goods as they were tarifed and too expensive.
Once we joined the CM things started to improve gradually until the 80's. Now we've recovered from that and look as strong as most economies the USA apart.
Prior to 1973 the country's econony was going down the sink hole! The IMF classed us as - "In a permenent state of economic decline" Joining the Common Market was seen as the UK's last chance saloon.

We know what we've got with the EU.
We've no idea what the leave MP's are thinking as they won't tell us. What they used to say 1-2 years ago about free trade area with the EU is now long gone. Hence Boris coming up with this crackpot Canadian deal nonsense.
Ted not strictly true and 73 was an exceptional (bad) year for several reasons. We have had bad years since we joined the EU too. The point still stands NOBODY whether pro or anti can say with any certainty what will happen if we leave.
Owd Codger
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Re: EU ?

Post by Owd Codger »

Wiganer Ted wrote:Of course I know what'll happen if we leave and are outside the EU.
We were outside the EU until 1973, many of us remember what that was like. No one was buying our manufactured goods as they were tarifed and too expensive.
Once we joined the CM things started to improve gradually until the 80's. Now we've recovered from that and look as strong as most economies the USA apart.
Prior to 1973 the country's econony was going down the sink hole! The IMF classed us as - "In a permenent state of economic decline" Joining the Common Market was seen as the UK's last chance saloon.

We know what we've got with the EU.
We've no idea what the leave MP's are thinking as they won't tell us. What they used to say 1-2 years ago about free trade area with the EU is now long gone. Hence Boris coming up with this crackpot Canadian deal nonsense.
Ted, you are going on about a period of bad Industrial Relations in the seventies which badly affected the economy of our country at the time and it is unfair to compare that period with any period since. Yes we do know what we have got with the EU, a political and Judicial monster gravy train for those involved in it. Imposing laws on our country which are bad for us in many ways and a organisation which people in the seventies only voted for in favour of membership as they were led to believe it was a trade agreement only.

Why do we need a political and judicial organisation, when it should be just a joint trade agreement?

We were conned then and we are still being conned now!