Newton out until Easter?

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Re: Newton out until Easte...

Post by ian.birchall »

DaveO posted:
Doveoverdave posted:

The Long foul is altogether different as it happened off the ball and only 5m from our try line. His mindset was to hurt Long and to hell with defending the try line. He then "congratulated" Long with a patronising pat on the head as he sat nursing his wound on the floor.

When Cunningham remonstrated with him he wanted to fight again this time with KC. KC had other things on his mind and promptly scored while TN just seethed and stood moitonless, again not carrying out his defensive duties.

Thanks for that post DoD. I didn't actuallty see him hit long but I did see the pat on the head and wondered what it was about.

Your description of the events surrounding the Long incident show everything that is wrong with is game. The fact he let his behaviour cost us a try ought to get him dropped next week if he isn't banned.

I was thinking about the potential transfer to the Bulls and wondering with Wigan were about to do what they did with Barrie Mc. He went too far when he was at Wigan and I always thought he was got rid of because the club considered him a liability.

Maybe they have come to tha same conclusion with Newton and if they have the Long incident will have confirmed it.

'So having stirred up the hornets ' says DaveO and I certainly seem to have done with this posting, after agreeing with ChrisA last night before going to lie down in a darkened room for 8 hours until the feeling passed I have to say that it feels strange to be in with you lot and apparently the majority of Wigan fans as well, a wicket, a wicket , the first of the innings!,

I have always liked Terrys' commitment, as my youngest son says he puts the mongrel into the team but that second tackle last night was malicious and he does deserve a long ban, we'll see if he gets it.

As for Barrie Mc DaveO if memory serves me well (I am still taking the full daily supply of pills when I remember :lol: ) Wigan actually got rid of him not because of anything on the field but because he was out in a nightclub and got involved in a brawl with Mick Cassidy and stamped on Micks hand and broke it and this resulted in Mick being out for 8 weeks,
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Re: Newton out until Easte...

Post by sedbergh »

Having watched the incidents again on Sky when I got back from the game, the Gilmour incident didn't look as bad as Sky made it out to be, but the Long incident was deliberate. Terry went gunning for Long and having seen the replay, I felt sorry for Long. He was in a very sorry state. His cheek looked depressed and he obviously wasn't with it. I know it's a tough game but I don't like to see injuries like that.

So where does that leave us? I expect TN will be facing a lengthy ban which will run into next season.

On the positive side. I thought Lee Jewitt did well for the short period he was on. What I find amazing is that the youngsters have done so well this year when their own team has been decimated supporting the first team. Although our chances of making the play offs have virtually disappeared, I'll have to go to the Huddersfield game to see the lads for the last time this year.
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Re: Newton out until Easte...

Post by redhead »

Have to agree with a lot on here about what Newton did last night the Gilmour incident didn't look as bad as first made out but the off the ball high hit on Long was disgusting and could have well blown his chance now not just for the play offs but all the tri-nations which affect all RL lovers not just Saints. I really wish he could think before he did something.
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hayley 04
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Re: Newton out until Easte...

Post by hayley 04 »

I am not into violence but Long really does deserve all he gets. I suppose no one remembers earlier in the season when Sean O Loughlin was lying injured on the ground and that ridiculous idiot Long was screaming for him to get up and stop wasting time. St Helens are the dirtiest team in superleague. They lke to dish it out but don't like it back. Good on Terry Newton. What a pity Long may miss rest of season coz after his illegal betting he should have been banned for life like they did in cricket to those south africans. Anyway the superb aussies will crush britain and that pathetic little idiot would hardly have had them quaking in their boots!
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Re: Newton out until Easte...

Post by lou-lou »

hayley 04 posted:
I suppose no one remembers earlier in the season when Sean O Loughlin was lying injured on the ground and that ridiculous idiot Long was screaming for him to get up and stop wasting time.
I agree with that as Long was out of character but I really feel for him after seeing Terry do that. I'm normally a fan of Terry but I was ashamed after seeing that what he did.
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Re: Newton out until Easte...

Post by Doveoverdave »

Haley04 posted;
I am not into violence but Long really does deserve all he gets.
:conf: :conf:

You never fail to amaze me!
Sean O Loughlin was lying injured on the ground and that ridiculous idiot Long was screaming for him to get up and stop wasting time
Cannot recall the incidnt, but Long almost cerainly didn,t realise the extent of the injury and was in no way to blame for what happened. You think he deserves a brocken eye socket (possibly) for shouting at his opponents?
St Helens are the dirtiest team in superleague.
How do you come this conclusion? Where's the evidence? Do they really have a worse disciplenary record than anyone else - Wigan included?
On the whole the game is cleaner than ever.
Good on Terry Newton
Now you are being ridiculous.
that pathetic little idiot would hardly have had them quaking in their boots!
Unlike Danny Orr!!!
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hayley 04
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Re: Newton out until Easte...

Post by hayley 04 »

And you never fail to amaze me. What on God's earth has this got to do with Danny Orr. I don't like Long and if he can't take it then he shouldn't dish it out. As I have said i don't agree with violence and yes Terry did go a bit far last night but they do it all the time and get away. And for the record Danny would have more effect than idiot Long
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Re: Newton out until Easte...

Post by robjoenz »

Doveoverdave posted:
St Helens are the dirtiest team in superleague.
How do you come this conclusion? Where's the evidence? Do they really have a worse disciplenary record than anyone else - Wigan included?
On the whole the game is cleaner than ever.
That's what the disciplinary statistics may show but how much goes unpunished and poor penalties get given out? Or where you making a general observation?
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Re: Newton out until Easte...

Post by Doveoverdave »

Haley04 posted;
you never fail to amaze me
Thank you very much!
I have always thought my views were underrated on here but after your encouragement I think I'll just keep posting.
What on God's earth has this got to do with Danny Orr.
Well nothing. It's just your Achiles heal. :) You have stated that the Aussies are notafraid to face the talens of Long. Who are they afraid of - Danny!? :lol:
i don't agree with violence
Make your mind up you said Long deserved his fractured face!
can't take it then he shouldn't dish it out.
What ever you think of Long he is not a scrapper or dirty player or anything of the sort.He just represents Saints!
And for the record Danny would have more effect than idiot Long
That's yor opinion and you are entitled to it. Although it may be difficult to justify as he would never make the squad in a month of Sundays. :wink:
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Re: Newton out until Easte...

Post by Doveoverdave »

robjoenz posted:
Doveoverdave posted:
St Helens are the dirtiest team in superleague.
How do you come this conclusion? Where's the evidence? Do they really have a worse disciplenary record than anyone else - Wigan included?
On the whole the game is cleaner than ever.
Just an observation Rob. I think that there is very little malicous violence in the game. That is why when it does happen (TN incident) there is such an outcry (usually from Stevo).That's what the disciplinary statistics may show but how much goes unpunished and poor penalties get given out? Or where you making a general observation?
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