Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by nellywelly »

Wintergreen wrote:There are so many reasons why this is complicated.

Generally the poorer working class vote went for Leave, richer middle class votes went to Remain.

Generally lower educated votes went for Leave, more educated went for Remain.

Ironically the people who stand to lose most from Leave imo are the poorer working class.

As I have posted before, London voted to Remain and frankly they subsidise the rest of the UK.

Lot's of people voted to Leave without knowing what the EU was.

Lot's of people were sold a lie.

Is this really Democracy? Perhaps.

That said we have to get on with it now. Brexit can take many forms and mean many things. Which form will be the key question and will shape Britain for the next century.
I agree with most of what you say but not about London, they get most of any investment spent. That's why I laugh at talk of the Norfhen Powerhouse 99 percent of the money spent on transport links is spent in London take the cross rail where billions have been spent they are discussing Evan more to be spent on another cross rail project,they have spent just a fraction on the transport systems up here
Wandering Warrior
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Wandering Warrior »

nellywelly wrote:The Brexit supporters keep saying we have our democracy back did we really have it anyway. Only 38 percent of the U.K. voted for this government and now Mrs May says there will not be an election till 2020 that's democracy Tory stile. We also have a upper House of Commons which is totally unelected. We have loads of committees also unelected making important decisions every day, you call this democracy yet no one complains we have been deceived and deluded and we can not see it, but it is the common voter who will pay the price
Try chiselling that into the numpties who don't know what they are voting for! Your chisel will be blunt before their Bone heads!!
One cretin that I know said he voted Brexit because he didn't think they'd win!
I've come to realise that over the last couple of weeks I'm talking to a moron 60% of the time!!
I'm sure the Tories will unite the Kingdom?
Welcome to Little England and the Taffs.
Hey, but I'm only WINGING! :D
Working Man = Own Worst Enemy and guess who knows it?
That's right Bluekip.
When John Byrom plays on snow, he doesn't leave any footprints - Jimmy Armfield
Wandering Warrior
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Wandering Warrior »

Big question was Ian Birchill Boris Johnson? Big plea to jump over the cliff, he seems to have disappeared under his stone since DOOMSDAY. :D
And SJ seems to have given up the battle too!
Just hold your hand up and say I dropped a testicle and respect may be resumed.
I'm in Greece at the moment, 113 to the pound, bought mine at 140.
When John Byrom plays on snow, he doesn't leave any footprints - Jimmy Armfield
Owd Codger
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Owd Codger »

Wandering Warrior wrote:Big question was Ian Birchill Boris Johnson? Big plea to jump over the cliff, he seems to have disappeared under his stone since DOOMSDAY. :D
And SJ seems to have given up the battle too!
Just hold your hand up and say I dropped a testicle and respect may be resumed.
I'm in Greece at the moment, 113 to the pound, bought mine at 140.
Enjoy it then instead of keep going on about the referendum like a spoiled kid who has not got his own way.

And seeing that you like Europe so much, why not consider living there, but watch out for their 'coffin dodgers', many of whom only come out at night.

Some have been even known to look like Boris with fangs!
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by SJ »

Wandering Warrior wrote:Big question was Ian Birchill Boris Johnson? Big plea to jump over the cliff, he seems to have disappeared under his stone since DOOMSDAY. :D
And SJ seems to have given up the battle too!
Just hold your hand up and say I dropped a testicle and respect may be resumed.
I'm in Greece at the moment, 113 to the pound, bought mine at 140.
Hope your enjoying yourself It's cold and wet here.
As for the battle it's already been won. Read the news :cool:
What comes next will take time to settle down but it will settle down and being an optimist I believe for the better I'm not prescient and recognise things may not turn out Rosie but by the same token things are just as uncertain had we remained. My only wish now is that in the forthcoming negotiations we don't back slide on what was a democratic decision. Enjoy the rest of your holiday it may be your last in GreeceDOOMDAY could just be round the corner. Have a glass of wine. CHEERS :exc: :lol:
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by fozzieskem »

I do hope people would realise that the referendum isn't legally binding,it never was there is a long way to go and I hope that this government thrown into a crisis that didn't need to be caused has the ounce of sense that was missing when big Dave said "let's have a referendum".

I hope to all arguments,for the sake of the country all possibilities of staying/leaving are investigated fully
Owd Codger
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Owd Codger »

fozzieskem wrote:I do hope people would realise that the referendum isn't legally binding,it never was there is a long way to go and I hope that this government thrown into a crisis that didn't need to be caused has the ounce of sense that was missing when big Dave said "let's have a referendum".

I hope to all arguments,for the sake of the country all possibilities of staying/leaving are investigated fully
If the Government had taken the measures it should have done in the time they have been in power on the state of the country including controlling immigration, UKIP would have not got as many votes at the last General Election, there would not have been UKIP MP elected, the issue of a referendum would never have been raised and voted on in Parliament, no referendum and we would still be in the EU.

The fact that we are not lies entirely with the present Government and the opposition with their failure to see that there was lot of unrest among the public about the way the country is going downhill and the level of uncontrolled immigration with the result that many of the public saw the referendum as the only way to protest as they saw a situation where the politicians were not listening to their concerns.

As a result of their folly in not listening and taking the public for granted, we are now out of the EU!

More brains in a rocking horse than what exists in Parliament these days!
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by fozzieskem »

But that's the point though,the referendum was a test of public opinion and ok you've boiled it down to the main gripe,immigration at last we can agree this foolish endeavour was won on that point.

It's very clear immigration will remain pretty much as it is now if we want to have any chance of trying to salvage any sort of deal that will help this country.

But it goes so far beyond just letting people in,a royal commission has to set up with haste to lay bare to the country what is going to happen for good and bad,as a people we have to be just wander out with very little planning in place would terminal for the UK.

We are a long way from leaving the EU,on a legal basis there are acts of Parliament that will need to be repealed,it'll all take time,time that a commission can use to compile a report,an independent or cross party report too.

The reason why I feel such a report should be commsioned is as you say the current batch of MPs leave a lot to be desired,the very fact the country is in this predicament says to me a lot of them aren't fit for purpose and to blindly trust them with this massive,massive undertaking would be foolish.
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by DaveO »

Well May is now Tory leader as I predicted and she is saying she will put controlling migration before access to the single market.

I'd like to know if the Leave supporters on here who aren't obsessed with migration (so not you Whelly), if you agree with that?
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by southernpie »

fozzieskem wrote:
The reason why I feel such a report should be commsioned is as you say the current batch of MPs leave a lot to be desired,the very fact the country is in this predicament says to me a lot of them aren't fit for purpose and to blindly trust them with this massive,massive undertaking would be foolish.
DaveO wrote:Well May is now Tory leader as I predicted and she is saying she will put controlling migration before access to the single market.

I'd like to know if the Leave supporters on here who aren't obsessed with migration (so not you Whelly), if you agree with that?
Immigration or at least European immigration was not a major issue for me, I am/was happy with a free trading zone and with freedom of movement for workers (but not freedom of national benefits) within the zone, but I was concerned about the ever growing closer to a USSR type of super state of Europe. So no I personnally am not happy with her stance.

What has transpired pretty much sums up my general apathy with politics. Todays politicians are (as fozzieskem says) not fit for purpose and my impression is that they are all in it for themselves.

Naively pre referendum I hoped the government would get an answer and then do their best to carry on governing this country and following the will of the "people". Instead we got general election type electioneering and it seemed to me they were all having great fun calling each other out.

I lost interest with it all (the politics and campaigning) when I heard the Prime Minister on the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2 a week or so before the vote saying that they (the brexiteers) did not have an economic policy for a leave vote. I was stunned, because in my world Cameron would still be the PM and the Tories would still be in power, therefore it was they that had to have a policy either way, the idea the "other lot" would be in a position to implement any policies did not compute to me. It was not an election where one party said one thing and other parties said different things and whomever won the vote got into power.

The malarky that has gone on since with both the Tories and Labour parties imploding is farcical and was totally needless. Naively I thought our democracy was about the government representing the will of the people, however it seems to be all about the careers of the politicions, ie Cameron's attitude of the people disagreed with me on my personal opinion so I have to go, to me is answer is no, your opinion is your own however you are there to serve the people and the best way to do that is to keep stability and carry on, but implement the outcome of the vote either way, which in this case means try to get the best deal possible for the country in terms of trade deals etc.
This St Helens Defence is like a lollipopman at Brands Hatch -Ray French BBC TV Challenge Cup 1982

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