Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Wintergreen »

Whelley Warrior wrote:Surely when a Prime Minster resigns, there should be a General Election.

I say that because at the time of a General Election, many people now don't vote for the best person to represent them in their own local constituency, but for the person they think is the best person to lead the country.

A fact shown by the television debates we now have involving the leaders of the three major parties and which at the last General Election had a bearing on the result.

It begs the question, do we vote on which party is considered best to run the country as a whole or now on a Presidential style platform to determine the best person to hod the position of Prime Minister.

As far as I am concerned, Teresa May is now Prime Minister by default as she has no mandate of the people to be in that position.

Hardly Democratic in my opinion.
Happened with Callaghan, Major and Brown. Oh and Churchill in the war!

Nature of our democracy is you vote for your MP. MP's band together to form "parties". Choose a person from within that group to be Ministers.

Totally democratic.

Having said that as a Conservative, I would think a snap General Election would mean a massive majority for them.

Labour leaderless and on the verge of a split, Lib dems (are they stil here?) and UKIP "served it's purpose".

Job done.
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Peter252 »

Snap general election now could see Labour hammered in the North by UKIP, get nothing in Scotland and become a fringe protest party.
Corbyn hardly sparkled today at PMQ's.
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by nellywelly »

Peter252 wrote:Snap general election now could see Labour hammered in the North by UKIP, get nothing in Scotland and become a fringe protest party.
Corbyn hardly sparkled today at PMQ's.
Corbyn never sparkles, but he is the lefts darling and they can not see it. If he wins the leadership election again we will be back in the same position again with labour MPs unable to support him and a split in the party a most likely outcome. The Tory's must be loving it
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by DaveO »

Wintergreen wrote:
DaveO wrote:
Wintergreen wrote: What's that got to do with the price of fish?

Tbh she is the best PM we could have hoped for imo. Don't read into too many noises at the moment. She has a country to unite and an exit to negotiate. She is going to make the right noises on both without tying her hands.
If you don't think Spain sees Brexit as an opportunity to further their claims on Gibraltar along with the leverage they would have with all the ex-pats living in Spain then I don't think you have quite understood just how many balls are in the EU's court once we invoke article 50.

How about the threat a veto on a free trade deal if we don't play ball with their claims on Gibraltar for example?

As to May being the best PM we could hope for, given she failed at the Home Office in reducing migration and lost court cases on deportations due to basic incompetence that is not saying much.

:D :D

Let me summarise this for you to aleviate your concern

Spain: We want Gibralter.

UK: No

Spain: Give us Gibralter or no free trade deal

UK: What do you think Germany?

Germany: Shut up Spain or no bail outs for you

There not that hard was it?

Do you honestly think the UK will ever give up Gibralter to Spain? Honestly?
You need to read up on what Spain has been saying ever since the vote. Are they expecting to get Gibraltar next week? No but they have been talking about joint administration in order to keep the border open once we leave.

You don't seem to realise at the moment Spain must keep the border open as we are in the EU bur once we leave it becomes a hard border which would stuff Gibraltar if they shut it and has them shit scared hence the island voting remain.

If you think the Spanish are going to back down over an issue of sovereignty because the Germans sell us some cars I think you are in for a shock. There is no incentive for the Spanish to play ball and no Spanish government is just going to let things carry on as normal given their own domestic polite and views of their people about the island.

As an aside there is a lot of store being placed on how important the UK export market is to Germany and how this will mean all obstacles to a good deal for the UK will vanish. Apart from the fact Germany exports a lot more to other countries including more than we do to the USA I have no idea why people think this is any great leverage anyway. Under WTO rules we won't be imposing tariffs and Germany has 26 other EU countries they have a more vested interest in than the UK.
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by DaveO »

BoJo is now Foreign Secretary. I genuinely thought this was a joke when I saw it.

Apparently German news commentators have been literally laughing when reporting the news.

May herself said very recently the last time Boris negotiated with the Germans he came back with three slightly used water cannon.

Hence a comment from a Times journalist saying is it any wonder people view politics with cynicism when she goes and appoints him.

She has also appointed other leading Brexiters as ministers for international trade and for negotiating the exit from the EU. So now they can't hide and must deliver.
Owd Codger
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Owd Codger »

[quote="DaveO"]BoJo is now Foreign Secretary. I genuinely thought this was a joke when I saw it.

Apparently German news commentators have been literally laughing when reporting the news.

May herself said very recently the last time Boris negotiated with the Germans he came back with three slightly used water cannon.

Hence a comment from a Times journalist saying is it any wonder people view politics with cynicism when she goes and appoints him.

Pity the same Times journalist has never expressed the same cynicism about Merkel dominating the EU in the same way that a certain predecessor in Germany dominated Europe many years ago.

And no doubt German commentators at the time were also laughing when Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain waved his piece of paper containing the words 'Peace in our time' after his meeting with the same predecessor.

Do we ever learn from history?
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Wintergreen »

DaveO wrote:BoJo is now Foreign Secretary. I genuinely thought this was a joke when I saw it.

Apparently German news commentators have been literally laughing when reporting the news.

May herself said very recently the last time Boris negotiated with the Germans he came back with three slightly used water cannon.

Hence a comment from a Times journalist saying is it any wonder people view politics with cynicism when she goes and appoints him.

She has also appointed other leading Brexiters as ministers for international trade and for negotiating the exit from the EU. So now they can't hide and must deliver.
They won't be laughing when they have to deal with David Davis re Brexit...........
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Wintergreen »

"You need to read up on what Spain has been saying ever since the vote. Are they expecting to get Gibraltar next week? No but they have been talking about joint administration in order to keep the border open once we leave.

You don't seem to realise at the moment Spain must keep the border open as we are in the EU bur once we leave it becomes a hard border which would stuff Gibraltar if they shut it and has them shit scared hence the island voting remain.

If you think the Spanish are going to back down over an issue of sovereignty because the Germans sell us some cars I think you are in for a shock
. There is no incentive for the Spanish to play ball and no Spanish government is just going to let things carry on as normal given their own domestic polite and views of their people about the island.

As an aside there is a lot of store being placed on how important the UK export market is to Germany and how this will mean all obstacles to a good deal for the UK will vanish. Apart from the fact Germany exports a lot more to other countries including more than we do to the USA I have no idea why people think this is any great leverage anyway. Under WTO rules we won't be imposing tariffs and Germany has 26 other EU countries they have a more vested interest in than the UK"

1. What Island?
2. Nope I think they will back down if the Northern European countries cut off their giro each month. What is it? 45% youth unemployment in Spain atm? Outstanding success of the Euro.

3. I agree with some of what you say, but doesn't matter. As long as trade is mutually beneficial it would be a foolish leader who refuses it.

Owd Codger
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Owd Codger »

Wintergreen wrote:"You need to read up on what Spain has been saying ever since the vote. Are they expecting to get Gibraltar next week? No but they have been talking about joint administration in order to keep the border open once we leave.

You don't seem to realise at the moment Spain must keep the border open as we are in the EU bur once we leave it becomes a hard border which would stuff Gibraltar if they shut it and has them shit scared hence the island voting remain.

If you think the Spanish are going to back down over an issue of sovereignty because the Germans sell us some cars I think you are in for a shock
. There is no incentive for the Spanish to play ball and no Spanish government is just going to let things carry on as normal given their own domestic polite and views of their people about the island.

As an aside there is a lot of store being placed on how important the UK export market is to Germany and how this will mean all obstacles to a good deal for the UK will vanish. Apart from the fact Germany exports a lot more to other countries including more than we do to the USA I have no idea why people think this is any great leverage anyway. Under WTO rules we won't be imposing tariffs and Germany has 26 other EU countries they have a more vested interest in than the UK"

1. What Island?
2. Nope I think they will back down if the Northern European countries cut off their giro each month. What is it? 45% youth unemployment in Spain atm? Outstanding success of the Euro.

3. I agree with some of what you say, but doesn't matter. As long as trade is mutually beneficial it would be a foolish leader who refuses it.
Why have you only started going on about the EU Referendum, now that we have voted to be out of the EU.

Prior to the vote, you said little or nothing about the pro's of staying in the EU.

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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Wintergreen »

Whelley Warrior wrote:
Wintergreen wrote:"You need to read up on what Spain has been saying ever since the vote. Are they expecting to get Gibraltar next week? No but they have been talking about joint administration in order to keep the border open once we leave.

You don't seem to realise at the moment Spain must keep the border open as we are in the EU bur once we leave it becomes a hard border which would stuff Gibraltar if they shut it and has them shit scared hence the island voting remain.

If you think the Spanish are going to back down over an issue of sovereignty because the Germans sell us some cars I think you are in for a shock
. There is no incentive for the Spanish to play ball and no Spanish government is just going to let things carry on as normal given their own domestic polite and views of their people about the island.

As an aside there is a lot of store being placed on how important the UK export market is to Germany and how this will mean all obstacles to a good deal for the UK will vanish. Apart from the fact Germany exports a lot more to other countries including more than we do to the USA I have no idea why people think this is any great leverage anyway. Under WTO rules we won't be imposing tariffs and Germany has 26 other EU countries they have a more vested interest in than the UK"

1. What Island?
2. Nope I think they will back down if the Northern European countries cut off their giro each month. What is it? 45% youth unemployment in Spain atm? Outstanding success of the Euro.

3. I agree with some of what you say, but doesn't matter. As long as trade is mutually beneficial it would be a foolish leader who refuses it.
Why have you only started going on about the EU Referendum, now that we have voted to be out of the EU.

Prior to the vote, you said little or nothing about the pro's of staying in the EU.
Apologies, I didn't realise it was compulsary :sarc: :sarc: