Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by cpwigan »

Wintergreen wrote:I can understand the working class vote to leave.

The truth of the matter though is that it was misguided.

Most EU immigrants contribute more to society than they take out in terms of finances.

Any downturn as a result of Brexit (short term or otherwise) will hit working class people more. Fact.

The turkeys have voted for Christmas I am afraid.

That said, I agree that we have voted for Brexit and should move on and embrace the positives.

I do not think anybody should have to justify why / how they voted. Some of the attacks on working class (a misnomer term) have been ludicrous. Large swathes of society have felt disenfranchised and disenchanted. Suddenly, an opportunity arose where their vote mattered for one of the few times in their lives and they took it. One of the worst things ever done by the Stay Campaign was it never adressed GENUINE concerns and worse foreign leaders/several top business men/women TELLING voter that they must vore STAY. If you try to bully/pressurise people to do as you want they will kick back! Educated people voted to leave too, wealthy people voted to leave too, rightwing people voted to leave too!

Cameron got his campaign wrong. The conservatives got their campaign wrong NOT UPSETTING / SPLITTING their own party was far more important to them than fighting for the vote. Corbyn, Labour were the really truly pro stay, did Corbyn and Momentum do all they could to get people to votestay? Worst of all, polotics took the general public for granted and ignored their thoughts. So Cameron/Corbyn/Westminster are far more to blame than voters.

As it stand other than media speak nothing has happened to damage people's lives since we vote to leave. I voted to leave. I want controlled migration, a points system for entry. Any fool (hell people make a career out of it) can use vague/misleading/badly interpreted stats but what matters is what people can see/feel on the ground. I see / encounter lots of people and I kept saying all I hear is exit. What the politicians think is not what I saw in reality.

I am glad we have left the EU. It has grown too big and become another unwieldy form of bureacrucy.
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by DaveO »

cpwigan wrote:I do not think anybody should have to justify why / how they voted.
Why not? This was not politics where you can argue from a right sort left wing stance.

It affects many things going forward, such as your own kids opportunity to work and study in the EU. Which you voted to stop. Perhaps they will ask you to justify that in future and why not?
Some of the attacks on working class (a misnomer term) have been ludicrous. Large swathes of society have felt disenfranchised and disenchanted. Suddenly, an opportunity arose where their vote mattered for one of the few times in their lives and they took it.
This is a fallacy. The turnout for the EU referendum was very high. Far higher than a general election. If the working class bothered to vote in as high a number in general elections then their vote would have counted far more.

For example instead of the Labour party having to pander to right wing views in marginals in the midlands and the north, the working class vote getting off their backsides and actually voting might have prevented a shift to the right they sight as a reason for not voting Labour any more.

The old adage we get the Government we deserve is very true.

The electorate are lazy. Particularly the Labour electorate. My Grandad on my Mum's side was a Labour councillor and one time Mayor of Hindley. He never took the Labour vote for granted and always worked to get it out as he always said "Tories always vote". He was right and it is still true today.
One of the worst things ever done by the Stay Campaign was it never adressed GENUINE concerns and worse foreign leaders/several top business men/women TELLING voter that they must vore STAY. If you try to bully/pressurise people to do as you want they will kick back! Educated people voted to leave too, wealthy people voted to leave too, rightwing people voted to leave too!
What genuine concerns? The big one was immigration. Leave implying it would cease post Brexit was a lie. Remain saying so didn't fit with the views of the xenophobes and racists who hate immigrants.

As to telling people to vote to stay they didn't do that but even had they done so, voting the opposite way you were told to without actually bothering to find out if that was a good idea or not is just stupid.

I expect many right wingers did vote to leave. I am not surprised if so as they are often nationalistic, xenophobic and have an inflated view of the UK's position in world. Which is not untrue of many working class people as well fr that matter. Nationalism is a bad thing left or right.

As to educated people voting to leave I think you are wrong there. Anyone who bothered to exercise their brain for a minute should have worked out Leave were talking nonsense and I think the majority of remain voters fall into that category.
Cameron got his campaign wrong. The conservatives got their campaign wrong NOT UPSETTING / SPLITTING their own party was far more important to them than fighting for the vote.
They were already split and always have been. What they could not do was argue that peoples problems were down to their UK government not EU policy.
Corbyn, Labour were the really truly pro stay, did Corbyn and Momentum do all they could to get people to votestay? Worst of all, polotics took the general public for granted and ignored their thoughts. So Cameron/Corbyn/Westminster are far more to blame than voters.
Momentum? They were not involved in the campaign. They aren't a political party and as to Labour they DID argue it wasn't the EU's but the governments fault for most of what people complained about. It is just that Corbyn is not allowed a platform and even the left of centre media like the Guardian hates him so much they couldn't be arsed to cover him sufficiently.
As it stand other than media speak nothing has happened to damage people's lives since we vote to leave.

I didn't like getting 1.12 exchange rate on Euros this week when I went to Cyprus for work. I don't suppose I'll enjoy paying through the nose when I go to Spain next week either.

It will take time for the major consequences of this to flow through but a weak pound equals inflation, more expensive government borrowing and higher costs to business not just a naff exchange rate when you travel.

One thing that has happened is as I said before Spain has written to all nurses in the UK saying post Brexit time served here won't count on their career register. That kind of accreditation for nurses is a big thing so expect fewer to come here and others to leave. That will affect the NHS.
I voted to leave. I want controlled migration, a points system for entry. Any fool (hell people make a career out of it) can use vague/misleading/badly interpreted stats but what matters is what people can see/feel on the ground. I see / encounter lots of people and I kept saying all I hear is exit. What the politicians think is not what I saw in reality.

I am glad we have left the EU. It has grown too big and become another unwieldy form of bureacrucy.
You aren't going to get a thing you think you voted for. A points system will be used to allow in as many people as we need whether it's cheap labour for seasonal work on farms or professional people in other industries.

You have been conned. No one on the Leave side was in any position to dictate what happened post Brexit and you have no idea what the reality will be. We have to replace EU bureaucracy with UK equivalents.

All that will happen is the EU will continue to make its own rules without our input and anywhere we wish to partake in the EU such as the single market we will either obey those rules or be excluded. Meanwhile the UK government will make us all pay to support Brexit arguing we need to be more "flexible" as workers (rip up rights) and be desperate to make trade deals with the likes of the USA so TTIP will seem benign (NHS down the pan) .

And you think you won't have to justify your vote? Hah!

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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by SJ »

That's quite correct CP won't HAVE to justify anything to any one I would have thought that was obvious He's exercised his right to vote Leave that is his perogative.
Dave do you enjoy flogging a dead horse take a chill pill and enjoy your business trips to Cyprus and Spain. I can promise the world will keep turning while your away.
Owd Codger
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Owd Codger »

cpwigan wrote:
Wintergreen wrote:I can understand the working class vote to leave.

The truth of the matter though is that it was misguided.

Most EU immigrants contribute more to society than they take out in terms of finances.

Any downturn as a result of Brexit (short term or otherwise) will hit working class people more. Fact.

The turkeys have voted for Christmas I am afraid.

That said, I agree that we have voted for Brexit and should move on and embrace the positives.

I do not think anybody should have to justify why / how they voted. Some of the attacks on working class (a misnomer term) have been ludicrous. Large swathes of society have felt disenfranchised and disenchanted. Suddenly, an opportunity arose where their vote mattered for one of the few times in their lives and they took it. One of the worst things ever done by the Stay Campaign was it never adressed GENUINE concerns and worse foreign leaders/several top business men/women TELLING voter that they must vore STAY. If you try to bully/pressurise people to do as you want they will kick back! Educated people voted to leave too, wealthy people voted to leave too, rightwing people voted to leave too!

Cameron got his campaign wrong. The conservatives got their campaign wrong NOT UPSETTING / SPLITTING their own party was far more important to them than fighting for the vote. Corbyn, Labour were the really truly pro stay, did Corbyn and Momentum do all they could to get people to votestay? Worst of all, polotics took the general public for granted and ignored their thoughts. So Cameron/Corbyn/Westminster are far more to blame than voters.

As it stand other than media speak nothing has happened to damage people's lives since we vote to leave. I voted to leave. I want controlled migration, a points system for entry. Any fool (hell people make a career out of it) can use vague/misleading/badly interpreted stats but what matters is what people can see/feel on the ground. I see / encounter lots of people and I kept saying all I hear is exit. What the politicians think is not what I saw in reality.

I am glad we have left the EU. It has grown too big and become another unwieldy form of bureacrucy.
Your last comment could not have put it better, cpwigan.

A gravy train for MEP's and their numerous aides!
Wiganer Ted
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Wiganer Ted »

Interesting article in the Indy I was reading last evening.

It was that there are a number of individuals who together have presented a case to our Supreme Court stating their case that there has to be an Act of Parliament in force so that it must be Parliament that writes article 50 and not just the Prime Minister of the day.

Can understand why, it took an Act of Pariament for us to enter the EU (or whatever its legal term was then) so surely it must be an Act of Parliament to withdraw us from the EU.

As Parliament will never vote for us to leave the EU a Supreme Court decision in favour of the plaintifs will really stir things up, especially in the Tory Party!
That will be a court ruling worth waiting for.

Owd Codger
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Owd Codger »

Wintergreen wrote:I can understand the working class vote to leave.

The truth of the matter though is that it was misguided.

Most EU immigrants contribute more to society than they take out in terms of finances.

Any downturn as a result of Brexit (short term or otherwise) will hit working class people more. Fact.

The turkeys have voted for Christmas I am afraid.

That said, I agree that we have voted for Brexit and should move on and embrace the positives.

How do you know that most EU Immigrants contribute more to society than they take out in terms of finance when many of them do not work for employers and are some making vast sums of money out of drug dealing, scams, sex exploitation, people smuggling etc. You name it and you can bet a East European is involved and not paying tax or NI.

We all don't believe the brainwashing of the Government.

And to suggest that those who did not vote the way you did is insulting!

Wandering Warrior
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Wandering Warrior »

If you had a heart attack in the street and an off duty doctor of foreign persuasion came to assist you would you tell him to let you croak?
For every good or bad in society there is exactly the same in every country, you'll do well to grasp that fact!
Furthermore I find your racist bile rather disgusting if I'm honest.
When John Byrom plays on snow, he doesn't leave any footprints - Jimmy Armfield
Owd Codger
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Owd Codger »

Wandering Warrior wrote:Whelley
If you had a heart attack in the street and an off duty doctor of foreign persuasion came to assist you would you tell him to let you croak?
For every good or bad in society there is exactly the same in every country, you'll do well to grasp that fact!
Furthermore I find your racist bile rather disgusting if I'm honest.
I actually have a foreign Doctor who is a very good one and also a very good friend who is of foreign origin and also agrees that we are allowing too many immigrants into the country.

And since when has a fact about some East Europeans coming to our country, not to work in jobs and pay Tax and NI, but to be involved in criminal activity been racist.

And if anyone needs to grasp a few facts, its people like yourself who if anyone mentions anything to do with foreigners, start accusing people of being racist.

Oh, and by the way, it is a fact that 70% of criminal activity is now committed by people of foreign origin in our country.
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by SJ »

Wandering Warrior wrote:Whelley
If you had a heart attack in the street and an off duty doctor of foreign persuasion came to assist you would you tell him to let you croak?
For every good or bad in society there is exactly the same in every country, you'll do well to grasp that fact!
Furthermore I find your racist bile rather disgusting if I'm honest.
Whelley Warrior is not a racist. Seeing you have brought up the subject of your honesty I rather doubt it. Having watched the Cycling agree it was exciting. Brilliant in fact :eh:
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Re: Brexit UK vote to leave Europe in historic referendum

Post by Wintergreen »

Whelley Warrior wrote:
Wintergreen wrote:I can understand the working class vote to leave.

The truth of the matter though is that it was misguided.

Most EU immigrants contribute more to society than they take out in terms of finances.

Any downturn as a result of Brexit (short term or otherwise) will hit working class people more. Fact.

The turkeys have voted for Christmas I am afraid.

That said, I agree that we have voted for Brexit and should move on and embrace the positives.

How do you know that most EU Immigrants contribute more to society than they take out in terms of finance when many of them do not work for employers and are some making vast sums of money out of drug dealing, scams, sex exploitation, people smuggling etc. You name it and you can bet a East European is involved and not paying tax or NI.

We all don't believe the brainwashing of the Government.

And to suggest that those who did not vote the way you did is insulting!
There are a number of studies that show that, on average, EU Immigrants contribute more financially than they take out. Google is your friend.

As for my comments, well only time will tell I guess....