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Post by SJ »

The sooner we have fully computerised Trains including driverless trains we'll be on the right tracks :lol:
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Post by DaveO »

SJ wrote:The sooner we have fully computerised Trains including driverless trains we'll be on the right tracks :lol:
Not sure what you are having a go at ASLEF. They came to a deal with the management but as they have to do, put it to their members who decided reject it. The RMT union have not agreed anyway and said the ASLEF deal was a "betrayal" so maybe no surprise the ASLEF members rejected it?

As to automated trains, someone has to maintain them, the tracks and computer systems. You just swap one lot of people with the power to cause disruption with another.
Wiganer Ted
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Post by Wiganer Ted »

We've already got driverless trains running in the UK on London Overground..

The new trains coming on stream for the London Underground are all able to run driverless.
When Boris was Mayor he said it was his intention they would run driverless.
The London Evening Standard ran a poll asking commuters if they were prepared to travel on Driverless Trains.
Over 95% of those who replied said they wouldn't travel on those trains and would look for alternative ways to work.

Boris dropped his idea immediately.
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Post by SJ »

Thanks Ted nice for the implicit acceptance that there there to cause disruption
Wandering Warrior
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Post by Wandering Warrior »

And thanks for your implicit implication that they should do as they're told no matter what!
It won't affect you, but why let that get in the way of a good gripe eh?
When John Byrom plays on snow, he doesn't leave any footprints - Jimmy Armfield
Wiganer Ted
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Post by Wiganer Ted »

What on earth are you going on about SJ?

There isn't any suggestion in my reply that ASLEF are there to cause trouble.
The lack of driverless trains is no more to do with train drivers than the tracks, signalling or stations.
It is everything to do with fare paying passengers and their insistence that they don't want to travel on them.

The Japanese had driverless trains in the 1970s but they were never introduced due to the very same reason, people said they would not travel on them. They had the technology then just as we have it now.
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Post by thegimble »

As for computerised trains.

Computers get hacked every single day. Websites crash, poor coding, poor maintenance of the computerised system.

Sorry but we are asking for big trouble once we computerise systems on a massive scale. Just with computerised cars its just matter of time before someone hacks the system.

If governments can not secure national secrets what chance does a profit funded company whose biggest goal is to make a bigger profit by cutting corners.

I would trust unions more than I trust a profit hungry company that we actually subsidise and pay a fortune to use its crappy trains.
Posts: 1070
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Post by SJ »

Sooty Ted I was making a sarcastic comment re- last sentence of Davo's post. Apology to you both. :????