New Stadium

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Re: New Stadium

Post by markill »

Being realistic, we will not get our own ground. Also don't think we need our own ground. The cost/debts would far outweigh the benefits in my opinion and whatever ground we'd build would be smaller, so for big games we'd still want access to a bigger facility like the DW.

We just need to be smarter with scheduling in advance and see if there's anything we can do to enforce the lease in our favour when any disputes of stadium use occur.
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Re: New Stadium

Post by yonmon »

Lenagan has got his dream job in the f. A. Now in his seventies I can see him selling Wigan rugby. If the next owner is mega rich then we will possibly get a new stadium, we can only wish. The last thing I want is for Wigan rugby to be sold to whelan junior because if it is then we will be playing second fiddle to latics for the next 50 years.
Wigan council do own a very good sports stadium in the boundary of wigan and we could always share that if we keep getting shafted. I know it is far from an ideal propersition but it can be used as a last resort threat because that Widnes fiasco has got to be the last straw.
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Re: New Stadium

Post by jao711 »

New stadium! Forget it shared stadiums are the way to go.Take a look at the Superleague,out of twelve clubs seven play at shared grounds.A club with it's own ground has a millstone round it's neck always looking for someone to rent it.The ground may be their own(or the bank's) but so are all the bills.Money spent on a stadium can't go towards team building.A club has to be run on sound business principles nowadays and IL or anybody else shelling out £40million for a stadium doesn't fall into that category.(Notice how the fans are always ready to spend someone else's money)If Cas and Wakey had any sense they would be looking at sharing ,and Headingley needs huge investment.Wigan are on a sound footing let.'s keep it that way,it's worth the occasional inconvenience. Incidentally have you seen the latest reports about the amount of debt I carried by the NRL clubs.It isn't all roses in Oz.
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Re: New Stadium

Post by stevethegas »

By an accident of circumstances I was invited to the DW before Christmas. To watch the Latics v. Newcastle. The away side won 0-2.
On the way home I asked my host if it was just me or was it a really boring game. It was a really boring game he assured me.

Honestly there was more atmosphere on the moon! A sparce 5K home fans were spread around in various clumps and there was none of the noise and banter that we enjoy. The North stand was nearly full of Geordies who seemed to enjoy the game.

I mention all this because of the issues that people have raised above. We have had an issue with the use of the stadium, but that has to be sorted at diplomatic level. Whinging won't do it.

As to the average crowd looking sparce, I liked what was done at the WCC when sections were screened off. Concentrate the fans in smaller areas and the problems disappear. A few more drums and brass bands wouldn't go amiss IMO.

Actually, compared to many, the DW is a good stadium. Good views all around and a steep enough rake so that fans at the back still feel that the action is near enough. A bit more crowd management is all that's needed. The concourses are considerably better than many, and miles better than Old Trafford for example.

The pitch remains a problem and I would think the only practical answer is to raise the playing surface by about a metre to allow better drainage. If that meant we lost a couple of rows of seats at the very front, I suspect we wouldn't miss them.

So all in all I don't think we don't need a new stadium, we need the one we've got to be better run.
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Jimmy Birts
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Re: New Stadium

Post by Jimmy Birts »

Used to laugh when a mate of mine said he'd rather Wigan Rugby play on Mesnes Park than the DW. Know how he feels now. Time to sack the DW off and get over the road at Robin Park Arena. I'd rather stand on some grassy knoll exposed to the elements with thousands of fellow Wigan fans watching my team than stay at Whelan's soulless dump.
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Re: New Stadium

Post by yonmon »

I do agree that the most sensible decision is to ground share and the stadium is great. However when a game is cancelled on the order of the owner of the stadium then questions need to be asked. Wigans rugby game should have gone ahead if the pitch was playable which it was.The fixture list was out months ago so this mess was easily avoidable. It was so avoidable you have to ask the question who is running the show.
Sort the drainage.
Rugby play home games from April.
Alternate home games thereafter to allow as much time for pitch repair.
up the junction
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Re: New Stadium

Post by up the junction »

If we leave the D.W the actdafttits will struggle to maintain the stadium on there own,its about time they were made to realise that they coudnt manage without us!!!
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Re: New Stadium

Post by jao711 »

The pitch is THE problem,other shared grounds don't appear to have the same problem although look what rugby union has done to the Headingly pitch which used to be top class.Raising the pitch seems sound in principle (if expensive),but part of the problem is where the water goes when the Douglas is running high,also I wouldn't want the steep drop off at the edges,which is not suitable for rugby in fact a bit dangerous.
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Re: New Stadium

Post by Fujiman »

jao711 wrote:The pitch is THE problem,other shared grounds don't appear to have the same problem although look what rugby union has done to the Headingly pitch which used to be top class.Raising the pitch seems sound in principle (if expensive),but part of the problem is where the water goes when the Douglas is running high,also I wouldn't want the steep drop off at the edges,which is not suitable for rugby in fact a bit dangerous.
The headingly pitch is used as a car park when the cricket is at home! :D
Wiganer Ted
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Re: New Stadium

Post by Wiganer Ted »

We have other games this season where Latics play Saturday and we play Sunday. The Cronulla game was the first.
So why on this one occasion were we scheduled to play Friday night?
Was it due to the RFL? Or was it due to SKY who were determined no matter what the advice to force a Friday game upon us?
The pitch is a problem in February yet the Latics and us seemed to have found a way around it only for it to be spoiled by a third party whomever they are.

As for a new stadium, not needed. Wigan RL and the Latics can work very well together over it if left alone to do so.
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