General election

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Wandering Warrior
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Re: General election

Post by Wandering Warrior »

She could be worse than that rswipe Thatcher, can't believe somebody on here called the witch great? Tell that to the miners and the communities she decided to decimate! Still it was a price worth paying Lamont said.
Two of the most joyous days in life were when she got shafted by some in her party with balls and she croaked. Sad I know, but joyous!!
Fortunately May will cook her goose sooner rather than later when the 27 rip her a new rsole. :D
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Wiganer Ted
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Re: General election

Post by Wiganer Ted »

Rudd could have volunteered knowing no one else was prepared to.
Up to then May didn't have a rival for her job.
She might well have one now!
Come Thursday night May might find her majority disappearing and by Friday having to resign.

No way should she have sent Rudd to do the debate though.
It could prove to be one of the worst political miscalculations of all political time.

If Rudd did become leader of the Conservatives then Brexit would be dead and buried within weeks
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Re: General election

Post by Wigan_forever1985 »

I am not an allegiance voter, ive voted for several different parties at different times dependent on my views and their policies at that time.

This Tory government have to be the least likable there has ever been. The best tweet ive seen so far about May is "Theresa May doesnt do human very well does she". She looks like a clueless old school teacher and i cant see why anyone would think shaky may is in anyway "strong and stable". The Labour manifesto is one of the best ive seen in years and people keep harping on about the money tree like the conservatives have done well they haven't reduced anything net debt has still rose 53% since them being in power. In fact in the last 20 years ONLY the labour party have presided over a fall in the UK Debt (granted this was very early on in their tenure and it wasnt for long or by much)

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Re: General election

Post by DaveO »

I still think the Tories will get a majority and possible an increased one simply because some people are daft enough to think this is a second Brexit referendum. Which is exactly what May wants and despite a narrowing of the lead they have in the polls, the Tories are still polling at around 42% which in our system is enough for a large majority. The fact this figure remains constant in the face of one of the most inept election campaigns from a governing party I have ever seen says to me Brexit will win it for the Tories.

It's not about Brexit though and it is about what comes after and what will come after if the Tories have a working majority will be a disaster to the vast majority of those who will have voted them in.

What has been interesting about the campaign is how (for once) Corbyn and Labour have had to be given time to articulate their policies and as they have done so, support for Labour has increased.

Corbyn's own approval rating has also increased and his steadfast refusal to adopt the dog-whistle politics of May and her cronies has shown him to be far more statesmanlike than May can dream of who seems to think that just involves shouting louder.

I live in hope that many of the 40-odd percent still saying they will vote Tory include many in safe Labour seats who are still obsessed with Brexit such that even their misguided belief they have to vote Tory because they voted Leave won't actually count. It might reduce the Labour majority in such seats but if our FPTP system can work in favour of Labour in this way I won't complain. It's a slim hope though and despite the fact it must be obvious to all now that May is not fit to govern there are plenty who will still vote Tory despite the obvious.

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Re: General election

Post by Caboosegg »

DaveO wrote:I still think the Tories will get a majority and possible an increased one simply because some people are daft enough to think this is a second Brexit referendum. Which is exactly what May wants and despite a narrowing of the lead they have in the polls, the Tories are still polling at around 42% which in our system is enough for a large majority. The fact this figure remains constant in the face of one of the most inept election campaigns from a governing party I have ever seen says to me Brexit will win it for the Tories.

It's not about Brexit though and it is about what comes after and what will come after if the Tories have a working majority will be a disaster to the vast majority of those who will have voted them in.

What has been interesting about the campaign is how (for once) Corbyn and Labour have had to be given time to articulate their policies and as they have done so, support for Labour has increased.

Corbyn's own approval rating has also increased and his steadfast refusal to adopt the dog-whistle politics of May and her cronies has shown him to be far more statesmanlike than May can dream of who seems to think that just involves shouting louder.

I live in hope that many of the 40-odd percent still saying they will vote Tory include many in safe Labour seats who are still obsessed with Brexit such that even their misguided belief they have to vote Tory because they voted Leave won't actually count. It might reduce the Labour majority in such seats but if our FPTP system can work in favour of Labour in this way I won't complain. It's a slim hope though and despite the fact it must be obvious to all now that May is not fit to govern there are plenty who will still vote Tory despite the obvious.
in a way the conservatives though have overplayed everything the can and sadly to great effect.

Corybn has stuck by is principles and won't condone any violence, queue a quick 5 min edit by the conserv propaganda machine and you have it look like he refuses to condone the IRA, how many people would take this at face value when it pops up on facebook?

i also think Abbott has to go, she slips up to much in public and is the labour party version of Boris, difference being everyone apparently everyone loves Boris.

my biggest concern from this election is people see to blindly follow what they are told.

the tory manifesto isn't costed, May said when interviewed by Paxman that is something they would look at when they get back in..... so what are we voting for? your basically saying yehhhh, we may or may not do that.

the labour manifesto reads well... and although i don't follow this magic money tree line (surely they do exisit in tax havens may and her friends hide their money) but if Labour did get in and where only able to action say a quater of the promises isn't that a improvement over more tax cuts, more services being sold of the private firms and the loss of your home if in old age you need care?

i'm not Corybns biggest fan, i'm just more irritated by peoples willingness to lap up anything negative about him and the labour party but ignore how pad we are with May in charge, hell i'd have preferred Cameron in charge, you know he was bent but at the same time he isn't stupid and is closer to strong and stable that may will every be.

but ignoring my rant,

i agree Dave, i see a Conserv majority still because despite polls i don't see people changing that to voting.
my main hope is May doesn't get more of a majority, as despite this whole Strong and Stable leadership for brexit there needs to be a strong opposition to hold the main party to account. may with a white wash would be bad for everyone and is the only reason she called the election, she saw the opposition parties in disarray/none existent and wanted to take advantage.
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Wiganer Ted
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Re: General election

Post by Wiganer Ted »

How it will all pan out is an interesting one!

There have been 2.3m people registered to vote since the election was called. I read where a survey of these 2.3m found at least 75% will vote but only 16% of those would vote Conservative.
You'd expect Labour to pick up a lot of those votes.

There's then the Progressive Alliance who've gone after 50 marginal seats where MP's have a remain constituency but voted for A50. Most are Tory but Kate Hoey is facing them and she's Labour.

How these unusual aspects play out we don't know. If the PA get half of the seats they are after then May could lose a lot of seats. Labour are polling 17% higher than Cons in London so more seats could go. Tories in Scotland will probably win a few and May can rely in the Unionist MPs.

I do think May will lose her overall majority, if she does her fate as Tory leader will be very interesting.
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Re: General election

Post by Wormburner »

Let's is a contraction of “let us.” You use it to make suggestions about what you and someone else should do. Let's is NOT a promise
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Re: General election

Post by fozzieskem »

I too think the Tories will somehow win this election even with such a dismal campaign to promote it,I think though it won't be an increase it'll be very similar majority to what they had before the hapless May called the election,I doubt she will see the next election as leader.

Corbyn has had a great campaign,can't say otherwise but Labour are still to busy navel gazing to win he won't see the next election as leader either,not with the party in current form at least a split will happen if things go badly on Friday morning.

The lib dems could pick a seat or two up,but there grab for power 7 years ago is still hurting them.

The snp will continue to do well up in gods own country.
Wandering Warrior
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Re: General election

Post by Wandering Warrior »

It wouldn't effect most working class folk!
That's what Labour is about.
It's generally accepted that the NHS will die in the next term of Tory office, let's hope your cellulite problem doesn't kick in soon and you have the financial means to cover it if it does!
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Re: General election

Post by josie andrews »

Has anyone on here had any of their candidates knock on their door during this campaign? I haven't :eh:
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