More attacks

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Re: More attacks

Post by DaveO »

cow yeds wrote:
Labour opened the front and back doors to all and sundry not May.
What has immigration got to do with it? The terrorists were all born here.

As to Labour opening the doors, what complete and utter nonsense but even if there was a shred of truth in it, May has had ample opportunity to close the doors. She has been Home Secretary for 6 of the last seven years and PM since the Brexit vote.

What I'd like top know is why you are such an apologist for such obvious incompetence from her.
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Re: More attacks

Post by Wormburner »

DaveO wrote:
cow yeds wrote:
Labour opened the front and back doors to all and sundry not May.
What has immigration got to do with it? The terrorists were all born here.

As to Labour opening the doors, what complete and utter nonsense but even if there was a shred of truth in it, May has had ample opportunity to close the doors. She has been Home Secretary for 6 of the last seven years and PM since the Brexit vote.

What I'd like top know is why you are such an apologist for such obvious incompetence from her.
She has been a Home Secretary unable to do her job due to your beloved EU sticking it's oar in
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Re: More attacks

Post by DaveO »

Wormburner wrote:
DaveO wrote:
cow yeds wrote:
Labour opened the front and back doors to all and sundry not May.
What has immigration got to do with it? The terrorists were all born here.

As to Labour opening the doors, what complete and utter nonsense but even if there was a shred of truth in it, May has had ample opportunity to close the doors. She has been Home Secretary for 6 of the last seven years and PM since the Brexit vote.

What I'd like top know is why you are such an apologist for such obvious incompetence from her.
She has been a Home Secretary unable to do her job due to your beloved EU sticking it's oar in
I am sorry but you really have got to be a bit dim to blame the EU for the Tories failure to control migration. For 2016 we had 250,000 migrants from the EU and 264,000 from outside of it so go on, explain why May, who is obsessed with migration as any kipper failed to cut the latter figure? (For the record the net figure taking into account those who left the UK was 248,000).

Can you also explain why the highest ever net migration recorded for the UK came under Tory watch peaking at 333,000 in 2015 (with more non EU citizens than EU once again) with May as Home Secretary? Despite promises to reduce it to the tens of thousands? A promise that must have been an outright lie anyway because according the you, being in the EU would prevent this.

There has been no years on record under a Labour government that migration has ever been that high.

It's time to stop blaming others for May's blindingly obvious incompetence. She is even stupid enough to include students as immigrants and refuses to take them out of the equation when they aren't immigrants (because they go home) while in the meantime provide valuable income for UK Universities.

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Re: More attacks

Post by DaveO »

A bit of light, but salutary, relief

Tory MP James Conwyn on Twitter:
#VoteConservative if you want strong and stable leadershit
:D :lol1:
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Re: More attacks

Post by ian b »

DaveO wrote:
cow yeds wrote:
Labour opened the front and back doors to all and sundry not May.
What has immigration got to do with it? The terrorists were all born here.

As to Labour opening the doors, what complete and utter nonsense but even if there was a shred of truth in it, May has had ample opportunity to close the doors. She has been Home Secretary for 6 of the last seven years and PM since the Brexit vote.

What I'd like top know is why you are such an apologist for such obvious incompetence from her.
spot on. If i did my job as poorly as she did i would be out of work. She has promised twice now to get immigration down to the 10's of thousands, she an inept liar
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Re: More attacks

Post by moto748 »

Wormburner wrote:She has been a Home Secretary unable to do her job due to your beloved EU sticking it's oar in
On the contrary, cross-Europe cooperation on anti-terrorism, like so many other things, will be made that bit more difficult by leaving the EU.

And anyway, as has been widely pointed out, 'Woman Who Has Been in Charge of Anti-Terrorism for The Last Six Years Says We're Too Soft on Terrorism' is a bit daft, isn't it?

Do you have knowledge of any specific anti-terrorism legislation that May wanted to bring in, but was thwarted by the machinations of the evil EU? Please enlighten us!
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Re: More attacks

Post by cow yeds »

DaveO wrote:
cow yeds wrote:
Labour opened the front and back doors to all and sundry not May.
What has immigration got to do with it? The terrorists were all born here.

As to Labour opening the doors, what complete and utter nonsense but even if there was a shred of truth in it, May has had ample opportunity to close the doors. She has been Home Secretary for 6 of the last seven years and PM since the Brexit vote.

What I'd like top know is why you are such an apologist for such obvious incompetence from her.

Two of the terorists killed were not born here, one in Pakistan the other they are not sure if he was born in Libya or Morocco. As a labour voter for over 60 years I'm certainly not an apologist for the Tories! i'm just stating facts Labour opened the doors to uncontrolled migration in 2004.
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Re: More attacks

Post by ian b »

cow yeds wrote:
DaveO wrote:
cow yeds wrote:
Labour opened the front and back doors to all and sundry not May.
What has immigration got to do with it? The terrorists were all born here.

As to Labour opening the doors, what complete and utter nonsense but even if there was a shred of truth in it, May has had ample opportunity to close the doors. She has been Home Secretary for 6 of the last seven years and PM since the Brexit vote.

What I'd like top know is why you are such an apologist for such obvious incompetence from her.
Blair again !!!
Two of the terorists killed were not born here, one in Pakistan the other they are not sure if he was born in Libya or Morocco. As a labour voter for over 60 years I'm certainly not an apologist for the Tories! i'm just stating facts Labour opened the doors to uncontrolled migration in 2004.
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Re: More attacks

Post by Wigan_forever1985 »

What defines a terriost attack though? is it simply the colour of your skin or your "apparent" religion?.

Im not trying to be facetious its a genuine question and please understand im not trying to offend anyone here or belittle the events of the past few months.

To my knowledge and please correct me, none of the last 3 "terror" attacks had a perpetrator whom defined their cause before acting out, so what im looking for here is shouting a particular cause or association, or leaving a letter or more damming a video confession.

ISIS claim responsibility for nearly all of these attacks, but again how much faith can you have in this, is it not sort of like someone doing something at work and you just claiming credit because that person isn't around anymore. Wouldnt they always claim credit even if they have zero input into the situation?

I know police tell us after that the attackers are "known" to them but again this seems fuzzy to me, it seems like they are saying yeah they were radical but not quite enough for us to put close tabs on

If you look at the two london incidents the amount of people killed was relatively small in terms of comparing it against other things, for example seven people killed could easily be replicated or increased in a motorway incident involving a drunk driver for example.

What im trying to get at is when does a murder (which is the crime) become terrorist?, if a white man walked into a pub and shot 10 people i cant see it being referred to as a terrorist attack, ISIS probably wouldn't claim responsibility but the core happening is the same someone doing something unbelievably cruel and hideous. Now say the person was known to police had a history of violence.

Is the only thing defining this from terrorism the religious connotations?

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Re: More attacks

Post by dontshootthemessenger »

It seems that appearing on a Channel 4 documentaty called 'The Jihadi Next Door' unveiling an IS flag ,doesn't mean that you appear on the current 'person of interest' watch list.
Doesn't inspire me with much confidence in the Intelligence Services really.