Sam to Catalan?

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Re: Sam to Catalan?

Post by Cherry_Warrior »

shaunedwardsfan​club​ wrote:
keptinthedarkfa​ns​ wrote:
shaunedwardsfan​club​ wrote: You can't negotiate with someone who doesn't want to engage with you. We need to move on and secure other options.
That's rubbish he has been engaging with the club. They informed him he would not be marquee signing next season and wage would drastically change. He has took the option to find another club and look after his own interests. And by the way SW is actively helping him. There is no sour grapes or fall out he thinks he is worth the money Wigan don't as simple as that. Makes me sick all this slating of sam now he has decided to move on. One thing I am 100% sure of big mistake. There's only lockers in side other than sam with the rugby know how and win mentality. I have said this before and will repeat Williams and Powell are not the answer and never will be in any positions. Williams a marquee signing don't make me laugh.
Let's get this right I am not slating Sam, I would have him in my team every day of the week. Given you know all about his contract situation tell me what did the fourth year of his contract stipulate? As far as I am concerned every player should look after number one because nobody else is going to do it. As far as I am concerned, I don't have any gripes as long as players see out their contract. Sam is free to negotiate with who he wants and Wigan are within their rights to offer what they feel he is worth. However, I stick by my comment that Sam is not easy to negotiate with. Lastly, who informed him that he would not be a marquee player?
Why would the club offer him a 4 year deal on 'marquee terms'? I don't see what the hullabaloo is all about i really don't. Good player yes, do i want to keep him - absolutely. Do i want the club to chance 4 years of big money on someone who is A - Losing his pace, B - One more leg injury from potential crock, C - Acts like a tool when he has a few shandy's D - Lives on his past reputation. Nah, Time to explore other options. If he doesn't want to represent the club that gave him a way back and looked after him for 2 injury hit years that's his bag. If he can get 4 years on cracking money elsewhere good luck to the lad. I hope he packs plenty of factor 50 and keeps off the strong lager. A player who is worth over 2 million pounds (before roulette machines) and isn't interested in loyalty to the club that gave him his break and saved him is free to sod off into obscurity with a woeful club, hopefully in the championship and replaced by Toulouse. We will get over it, just like we have when all the past former stars went. Hardaker or Tomkins? It's a tough one, ability and potential wise...Hardaker all day long, Leadership on the pitch, Obviously Tomkins but there are others who can step up, Bateman being a prime example. It's all part of the cycle of sport. Replacing Lockers is a decision for the management, A decision that hasn't yet been adressed. Tomkins isn't a captain for me anyway, Still too petulant and always will be. There are professionals out there who can take that mantle. Look at Parcell at Leeds. A complete unknown and a proper leader, get's on with his job, get's the team moving, a brilliant dictator and mover of the ball and he is nowhere near captain. Jamie Jones-Buchanan is another example of a leader. What is it with Leeds? How do they make their forwards play better when they are nearer to their dotage rather than their peak age. I wouldn't mind getting their coaches down here for a bit. There ARE players out there. Let's just see what happens at the end of the season first regarding recruitment. There will be some juicy changes i am very sure of that.
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Re: Sam to Catalan?

Post by moto748 »

Well said!
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Re: Sam to Catalan?

Post by 4 Generations »

Its the best move for him and maybe Wigan Rugby League Football Club.
Lets face it.I like many,STOOD, and applauded his return at the DW. Then watched a shadow of his former self limp through a few games,go missing for months on end.Have a few decent games while he plot's his way out to the highest bidders.They can have him for me.I hope Catalans dont go down this year,but if i was to choose a club now.They would be my smug selection.
Last few games or so.He sent a sick note Good Friday[handy,they would have smashed him].Looked good against a demorolised,broken HKR Monday.Lockers did most of his job against Catalan,played for about 10mins against Leeds.

Its Badge on the chest,not the name on the back.


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Re: Sam to Catalan?

Post by yokozuna »

Love how there are people who don't think Sam was ill on Good Friday, with no other evidence other than their prejudice.

Footballers spend 90 minutes pretending they're injured. Rugby League players spend 80 minutes pretending they're not.
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Re: Sam to Catalan?

Post by keptinthedarkfans »

yokozuna wrote:Love how there are people who don't think Sam was ill on Good Friday, with no other evidence other than their prejudice.
Have to agree all of a sudden he is devil re incarnated. This will come back to bite us big style. It is also funny how Sam all of a sudden is faking injury Yet up to this season best player in team Lockers spent most of last 2 seasons picking his games without a word said. Funny old world init. I have picked up on cherry's take on wait till season end and we will have some tasty signings. Wish I had your faith and optimism. But only time will tell. With SW in charge Know where my money is.
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Re: Sam to Catalan?

Post by DaveO »

keptinthedarkfa​ns​ wrote:
yokozuna wrote:Love how there are people who don't think Sam was ill on Good Friday, with no other evidence other than their prejudice.
Have to agree all of a sudden he is devil re incarnated.
Of course he is. Now it looks as though he is leaving didn't you realise he was crap, he's about to become a cripple and him going is part of a cunning plan that involves singing either Mr reliable Zak Hardaker or some mythical top class Aussie?
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Re: Sam to Catalan?

Post by moto748 »

Simpler explanation: there is no 'plan'; Sam Tomkins wants to leave, so the club have little option but to acquiesce, and put a brave face on it.
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Re: Sam to Catalan?

Post by Gaz73 »

bloody wrong in his head Sam at the present moment if he goes to Catalan its not even a sinking ship there its drift wood!!
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Re: Sam to Catalan?

Post by moto748 »

Better beaches though!
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Re: Sam to Catalan?

Post by Firestarter »

I thought he was getting married?
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