team selection

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team selection

Post by bertina »

I am not usually one for having a go at the coach, but what on earth is Ian Millward doing with all the swapping and changing of players positions all the are we ever going to get anything like a settled side if everyone is playing somewhere different every two minutes.
Many people have mentioned on here that we dont seem to be gelling as a team at the moment.Im not surprised.its impossible to cement relationships when you dont know from one minute to the next what position you are playing.
Hookers playing stand off, stand off playing loose forward, loose forward playing stand off, full back and wingers switching.what the hell is going on?
Ian millward needs to get a grip, and quick.Decide who is going to play where and give them a chance to settle in that position and form understandings with their counterparts.This cannot happen if everything and everyone is constantly being changed.
most teams have a settled team for weeks on end, we cant even manage it for 80 minutes.
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