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Guy Benest
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Joined: Wed Aug 28, 2002 2:28 pm


Post by Guy Benest »

Right, now that I've got your attention (lets see how many hits this gets cos of the heading)!

It seems that my initial posting with regards to Sunday Rugby has stirred up a lot of feelings and has certainly received the biggest amount of hits on the message board. This is obviously something that the fans feel very deeply about and as such this should be brought to the attention of the club. Obviously this is not a club run site, but they must by now be aware of the feelings of the fans. Mike you are obviously in contact with the club on a regular basis. Can we possibly get an official response from the club as to what the plans are for next year?
As a suggestion, it seems that in general, the first few months of the season are already allocated "Sky" coverage. As such, could the club not make the initial part of the season Sunday afternoon games (unless already arranged on Sky for a Friday / Saturday). With the remainder of the season given a Friday night slot so as to encompass any furture Sky coverage. This way, the club could make a direct comparison with regards to attendances, rather than a one off match as happened the other week.
This way the fans can make their plans as to what holidays to arrange withour fear of missing a game due to rescheduling.
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sophisticated users...

Post by Mike »

Hey, we must have pretty sophisticated users on this site, the naked dancers title doesn't seem to have provocked too much of a response.

On the topic Maurice Lindsay has said that we're sticking with Friday night rugby next year. I think this is a mistake personally. I like to go out on Friday nights, and I imagine a lot of younger supporters do too. It OK if you live in Wigan, but lliving anywhere outside of town means you get back after the pubs shut. Sunday's on the otherhand are boring. Nothing to do now, but I used to look forward to the rugby, home or away, with no rush about getting there in terrible traffic or leaving work early and getting home late. I am restricted in the number of away matches I can get to on Friday nights.

I think the club has done well in attracting many younger supporters. But the Friday night KO times may start to affect them as they get a few years older, and the club may loose them.

I'll still sacrifice my night out, but I'd prefer Sunday afternoon everytime.
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