Wasps and Shaun Edwards

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Wasps and Shaun Edwards

Post by ian.birchall »

No one else has remarked on the article in Tuesdays Daily Telegraph where Lawrence Dallaglio was saying that one of their best signings was coach and former rugby league ICON.
'Shaun Edwards.
SE was brought in as a defence coach 3 years ago but has now broadened his portfolio to take in all aspects of back play. His role in the present set up cannot be underestimated nor should his approach be misinterpreted. As a player he relished confrontation and one look at his features during a game tells you his intensity has not waned. He has brought great technical improvements to Wasps play, particularly their offloading in contact, yet it is the personal touch that makes the difference. He cares about all the players, whether internationals like Lewsey or Dallaglio or some second teamer that you know will never really going to make it but he still helps improve these players to their full potential.
One of Shauns major strengths is the way he adapts to individuals and gets the best out of everyone and not just through rugby means.
The bad news in the article is that SE who has 2 years to run on his Wasps contract would love to move up to be skills coach for the Lions and his CV is getting more impressive by the week.

Eric Hughes should be publically hung drawn and quartered for forcing such a Wigan fanatic out of the club.

:angry: :angry: :angry:
Regarder une fille en bikini, c'est comme avoir un revolver chargé sur sa table:
Il n'y a rien de mal a ça mais il est difficile de penser à autre chose.

Now Europe is just for holidays.
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