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Re: Missing

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 2:39 pm
by Spanakopitta
if i was a saints fan (god forbid) i'd be more worried about the 20,000 or so stains 'fans' that go missing between a major final and a match at knowsley road :lol:

Re: Missing

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:47 pm
by demt82
sudokuwarrior posted:
Anyone heard the rumour I've been told by a Stains fan? Gaz Hock has gone missing, not been seen and nobody knows where he is.His house has been checked and apparently that is empty as well.
If it was't empty then, it will be now you have told every one he is not at home. Still Gaz is usually at home but the lights are out.

Re: Missing

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:57 pm
by ste lord
If he has not been in contact so what he is entitled to a few weeks off this is closed season, hes not in the GB team,

the scummy stains fans should worry about whos going to carry their team after cunningham retires as J Roby is the next Chris ashton holding out for as much money as possible.

I think they will be missing a few pionts come mid way through next season if the RFL have a propper look at their books,as well as S Long and his hangers on

At least hock has not stick his hand through a pain of glass and hasd to dress it up an accident as he fell over!!!!,

Re: Missing

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:11 pm
by ste lord
Panic over!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gaz was seen yesterday in the Alec in Welly,by my best mate

He said to his mate that he could not wait to get back in the Gym tomorrow (Monday),

He was only drinking soft drinks and was fine.

Re: Missing

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:32 pm
by right cross
does he live in a bungalow :lol: :lol: