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Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:32 am
by josie andrews

I think it is a disgrace. When we had the fans forum, we were told that "no longer will the fans be kept in the dark" it looks like that is exactly what they have done to us and to Mickey Higham. I really feel for him as he is a great bloke and a very hard worker, he lifts the team when he is on the pitch and he was one of the best players on Sunday.

Come on Nobby and Mr Lenegan, its about time we reward players who want to play for the club.

I liked Newton but he is not at this club now and he should be left where he is.

What was said about M.Lindsay about his second tenure at the club? Won't it be the same for a player? I think so.[/quote]

Re: Higham Knew Nothing About ...

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:47 am
by josie andrews
And another thing, why have the club refused to comment? If they have done nothing wrong and it is down to Bradford trying to undermine the new regime, they should be trying to exonnerate themselves not refusing to comment :angry:

Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:00 pm
by Wigan_forever1985
i think both Noble and IL need to issue an apology. They had seperated themselves from the Mo regime and now they are right back there, this is were they need to differ and offer some kind of explination to the fans. Some people have said about Higham playing for a contract now, to be honest this is not motivation to play for a contract this is motivation to move club!. id like to see some players come forward to highams defence aswell. very few work as hard as him, and he took playing second fiddle to an ageing hooker who was never a star in the first place on the chin last season, he didn't p**s or moan he got on with it and we went up 3 gears when he came on, and now this! he has been treated very poorly indeed. Last year i felt for him after been given the number 9 shirt but not the starts and felt millard played far too long in most games and now just as it looks to be all behind him this!. Its not the way to treat a dedicated proffesional and im glad to see that other fans are as outraged as me.

Its put a black cloud over the start of the season and there was no need at all for it!

Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:04 pm
by OJ
I'm getting madder and madder about this by the minute. I really thought with the new regime taking over that all these sort of underhand goings on would have been a thing of the past. I was gutted when Mildred got rid of Terry Newton, it was not a good move but it happened and we have to get on with it. Constant comparisons with Terry & Micky are also unfair as they are two totally different types of player but if all the rest played with the same amount of enthusiasm and showed as much loyalty and pride in the shirt as Micky Higham we would be a team of world beaters. No wonder Micky Higham is upset it's a disgraceful way of going about things and I hope they make it up to him in some way - he must feel like asking for a transfer himself right now and I for one wouldn't blame him. Come on Micky put it behind you and show them what a great number 9 we have in you. And come on the club issue a proper apology to the lad this is no way to get players giving you their best and this guy in particular deserves better from all of us. :angry:

Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:10 pm
by Exiled Wiganer
I am less shocked by this. I suspect it happens all the time. A few years ago Noble offered most of his squad in exchange for Ellis, with no success. They won the Grand Final this year.
How good is Higham really? He looks busy and does his best but how many tries does he create, and why can't he pass? Noble and Henderson created twice as many tries and scored far more than our hookers last year. Looking keen isn't the be all and end all.
Finally, I understand that IL and co are shocked by how much Higham gets paid. The modern game is all about value for money. He is in the final year of his valuable contract. It is up to him to prove he is worth another one.

Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:15 pm
by Fujiman
Exiled Wiganer posted:
I am less shocked by this. I suspect it happens all the time. A few years ago Noble offered most of his squad in exchange for Ellis, with no success. They won the Grand Final this year.
How good is Higham really? He looks busy and does his best but how many tries does he create, and why can't he pass? Noble and Henderson created twice as many tries and scored far more than our hookers last year. Looking keen isn't the be all and end all.
Finally, I understand that IL and co are shocked by how much Higham gets paid. The modern game is all about value for money. He is in the final year of his valuable contract. It is up to him to prove he is worth another one.
I think you've hit the nail on the head with this comment. at the Fans Forum IL and Joe hinted that the days of the gravy train were over for some players. Looks like Highams has hit the bumpers.

Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:38 pm
by exile in Tiger country
pieater-alex posted:
Only 1 Micky Higham

:eusa2: :eusa2: :eusa2: :eusa2: :eusa2: :eusa2: :eusa2: :eusa2: :eusa2: :eusa2: :eusa2: :eusa2: :eusa2:

Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:40 pm
by Doveoverdave
Exiled Wiganer posted:
I am less shocked by this. I suspect it happens all the time. A few years ago Noble offered most of his squad in exchange for Ellis, with no success. They won the Grand Final this year.
How good is Higham really? He looks busy and does his best but how many tries does he create, and why can't he pass? Noble and Henderson created twice as many tries and scored far more than our hookers last year. Looking keen isn't the be all and end all.
Finally, I understand that IL and co are shocked by how much Higham gets paid. The modern game is all about value for money. He is in the final year of his valuable contract. It is up to him to prove he is worth another one.
Completely missed the point.

Once again the club are seen to be unprofessional with the dealings of the players and anything else you care to mention!

They can do nothing about a contract that was in place before the take over took place and even if they could surely the one person to be kept in the loop is the contracted person!!!!!!!!!

Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:40 pm
by Nine
Whether not not Wigan should replace Mickey Higham at some point is a matter of opinion and everyone's entitled to one. But that and the level of his pay are not what's upsetting the fans, I think. The main issue is that the club has tried to get shut without having the courtesy/balls to put Mickey in the picture about what it is doing and why.

I think any one of us who works for a living or plays for a team can relate to how that must make him feel.

Basically, it just isn't the right way to handle it.

Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:42 pm
by Wigan_forever1985
i agree god, like i said before if your gonna offload a player for me it would be feilden, on the most money of all and i think we would be better suited with 2 decent props for his wage. but he is nobles pal and it seems like he can do no wrong. Personally i was very happy with our squad for next year shame our coach wasn't