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Re: Positives & Negati...

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:53 am
by Mr Stu
positives: another win, coley, leuluai, mcilorum, richards and barrett. goulding in defense.

negatives: panicky in attack near cas line, defense near ownline, and mathers still looks shaky in defense.

Re: Positives & Negati...

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 1:02 am
by DaveO
ChrisA posted:
Same old in attack, no runners, no movement and too flat. And people still slate the half backs, no runners = no options, which means it's easy to mark the half backs out of the game.
We don't stand deep enough. They look like an RU side lining up to defend a scrum half the time (i.e. flat and in a line) not ready to take the ball at pace. Even a poor side like Cas, if they do that will score a try or two.
We've been liked this for about 7 or 8 seasons now, and we still haven't improved, even with one of the best ball distributors in the world.
I think we did look better in some respects tonight on attack. We made plenty of breaks so sometimes we did have the runners, just not often enough. Last season and the season before we were not even doing that.
That Cas team tonight was absolute garbage, and even that's an over statement. They should have been buried within the first half hour of the game.
They should and we had the chances to do it but bombed them time after time. A season ago I don't think we would have had that many chances to bomb!

A frustrating game to watch and for a positive I think Coley was the foundation of the pack. I had not got much hope for him in a Wigan shirt but he did the hard graft tonight.

A negative was Nobby having to sub Hock when he got wound up. Hock had been a handful but let himself be riled and Baily had to come back on.

Other than that there was unnecessary forced passes near the line and wrong options taken e.g Barretts dummy when he should have passed.

I'll take the two points though.


Re: Positives & Negati...

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:01 am
by GeoffN
just back from the pub! Agreeing with most of what has been said already; scrappy, but I'll take the two points. I cannot understand why it took so long for Ian Smith to bring out the yellow card, Cas clearly came to play a spoiling game, and were allowed to get away with it for far too long.

Having said that, we bombed at least 6 good scoring chances in the first half alone.

Good 4 points from two games, but we'll need to do a lot better in the next few games, if we're going to get anything from them. The performances against Quins & Cas won't be good enough against Hull, Bradford and Wire.

Re: Positives & Negati...

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:15 am
by phibes
It's early in the season and we have the two wins, but the lack of movement in the attacking line worried me as much as all the fluffed chances. A lot of the time, particularly around the fringes, our moves were telegraphed and there was only one runner anyway.

Agree with the comment earlier about the line not standing deep enough, but thought the ref played a very skinny 10 metres, which I think encourages that.

On the positives: I thought Coley was very good in attack and defence, McIlorum really controlled the ruck, Goulding's defence looked very improved from last year and Leulai did a great if solitary job of supporting the runner.

Re: Positives & Negati...

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:38 am
by thegimble
We started the game yewsterday exactly the way we started the last 2-3 seasons. Disjointed movement no cohesion in the backs.

This takes time especially when Cas were only interested in keeping the scoreline down.

Re: Positives & Negati...

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:52 am
by binxterboy
positives. we created lots of chances
negatives. didn't seem to have any pace

Re: Positives & Negati...

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:10 am
by pieaddict
Postives - Ill take two points no matter how scrappy.

Negatives - Having castleford fans being abusive after the game and forming "scrums" in crowded area knocking people out of way. Bunch of morons. Unfortunalty i think their hate wigan way of thinking has been encouraged by there owners and i think there is no room for that in super league

Re: Positives & Negati...

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:25 am
by pedro
was about to say that...cannot argue with that

Re: Positives & Negati...

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:53 am
by the-Bowtun-Warrior
mickh posted:
Mathers was the worst man on the pitch last week by far and he has not improved much this week, by the size of him he will never bring an opposing player down by meeting him head on, hopefully we have got him to stop tries being scored not just to score them? (I did rate him when he played for Leeds) he must improve.


Re: Positives & Negati...

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:22 pm
by Bear
I thought we diddnt play as well as we could. Failing to convert chances in the first half could have been costy. But A wins a win.