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Re: Kurt Cobain

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:04 pm
Northern Soul is a "Way of Life" and will never fade away or die

Cobain was a drugged fueled idiot

Re: Kurt Cobain

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:44 pm
by cpwigan
Aren't drugs always prominent in music OAM? Mr Hendrix did ok, Beatles, Mondays

Been some great Abba stuff on recently.

Re: Kurt Cobain

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:02 pm
by Wigan_forever1985
i dont like this premis that music has to be underground to be good and as soon as it hits mainstream it loses all credibility. Good music is good music and regardless of success or popularity its the music that matters. You wont see Dream Theatre in the charts over hear there music is good but by that same token Aerosmith have topped the charts and their music is good. It all comes down to taste, its not any bands fault they are a hit. Greenday were snubbed by their fans who wrote things like "billie joe must die!" in the toilets of the punk clubs they used to play at and were subsequntly banned from after they made it bid. However they made it big of the same set of songs they were playing in these clubs so in essence those "fans" were only highlighting the fact that they didn't care about music but rather how people percieve the gerne which is just, well its just sad really. I love all kinds of music popular and underground, i liked nirvana they have some good songs and some very good songs.

As to the comments on drugs, well if you want to erase songs like "lucy in the sky with diamonds" from history because of influence of drugs then thats your perogative.

Re: Kurt Cobain

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:11 pm
by ancientnloyal
Aqua were on Crack :shoc:

Re: Kurt Cobain

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:52 pm
by gpartin
Wigan_forever19 85 wrote:i dont like this premis that music has to be underground to be good and as soon as it hits mainstream it loses all credibility. Good music is good music and regardless of success or popularity its the music that matters. You wont see Dream Theatre in the charts over hear there music is good but by that same token Aerosmith have topped the charts and their music is good. It all comes down to taste, its not any bands fault they are a hit. Greenday were snubbed by their fans who wrote things like "billie joe must die!" in the toilets of the punk clubs they used to play at and were subsequntly banned from after they made it bid. However they made it big of the same set of songs they were playing in these clubs so in essence those "fans" were only highlighting the fact that they didn't care about music but rather how people percieve the gerne which is just, well its just sad really. I love all kinds of music popular and underground, i liked nirvana they have some good songs and some very good songs.

As to the comments on drugs, well if you want to erase songs like "lucy in the sky with diamonds" from history because of influence of drugs then thats your perogative.
I totally agree mate, I just don't particularly rate Nirvana nor believe their influence is as great as they are given credit for. I feel the same about the Beatles to be fair and very few people ever agree with me but I have played the guitar since I was 7 years old and have listened to Bob Dylan, Black Sabbath, Rolling Stones etc etc for as long as I can remember I genuinely think that the Beatles are the most over-rated band there ever has been or ever will be. Off topic but funnily enough my friend has a very rare book about all the guitarists in the Rollingstone 100 greatest guitarists of all time list the Beatles are only mentioned 3 separate times in the entire book. George Harrison is mentioned as a top guitarist while John Frusciante of Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Kurt Cobain both site the Beatles as major influences. Nobody else mentions them yet despite the length of time I have played guitar, the variety of music I listen to and can play (Mozart on Cello and clarinet for example) I get mocked by people who aren't into music like I am and get told I don't know what I'm talking about when I say that out of the hundreds of songs the Beatles did I could probably get 1 1/2 albums worth of songs that I personally would enjoy listening to.

The Beatles and Nirvana have one thing in common that puts them firmly in the massively over-rated category and thats a tragic death. I'm not denying that they were both massively successful but popularity in terms of the music industry means absolutely nothing. I know several signed bands with young lads that have more musical talent than anyone in the charts combined who will barely a penny from music but will continue to perform.

On the punk thing I have a good friend who has played at loads of major punk festivals in the UK and US with other top punk bands. He barely has two pennies to rub together and travels to gigs in a knackered camper van and well and truly lives a rock and roll life. He is as true a punk as they come and regularly has camping weekends and poker games with members of Operation Ivy and Rancid among many others. Believe you me if he had been given half a chance to become a household name like Green Day he'd have snapped it up without a second's thought, any of them would but as its so unlikely that it will happen to most of these 'Underground' bands, it suits their act to talk about other bands selling out. That said I can't be doing with bands who change their music to something they don't even like themselves in order to make a bit of cash.

Re: Kurt Cobain

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:13 pm
by cpwigan
The Beatles though were far removed from what I would term a Guitar group though GP?

Is Jonny Marr rates in the book out of interest?

Re: Kurt Cobain

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:13 pm
by medlocke
me other post had nothing to with genres becoming popular or anything like that CP, but the fact that Nirvana specialy Cobain is hailed like a golden god by his fans yet his band lead the way to the demise of the genre it came out of, that is all i is saying.

as for music having to be underground, i'd rather have a succesfull band than an underground band with shitloads of pretentious fans

as for Cobains death being tragic, think thats taking the piss a bit (no offence), tragic is musicians being murdered(Lenon, Pappalardi, Pastorius) or Car Bike crashes (Duane Allman, Berry Oakley, these 2 are very tragic and quite weird)

as for drugs in music, if it wasn't for drugs the musical world would be a bland place

Re: Kurt Cobain

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:17 pm
by gpartin
cpwigan wrote:The Beatles though were far removed from what I would term a Guitar group though GP?

Is Jonny Marr rates in the book out of interest?
According to some CP there wouldn't have been any guitar groups had it not been for the Beatles.

I'm not sure if Marr was in it, can't remember but I think he should be, the way he played was pretty simple but catchy and original.

Re: Kurt Cobain

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:24 pm
by medlocke
jesse ed davis, now there was a guitarist

Re: Kurt Cobain

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:37 pm
by gpartin
medlocke wrote: as for Cobains death being tragic, think thats taking the piss a bit (no offence), tragic is musicians being murdered(Lenon, Pappalardi, Pastorius) or Car Bike crashes (Duane Allman, Berry Oakley, these 2 are very tragic and quite weird)
No offence taken! My use of the word tragic was deliberate and I totally understand your point that it wasn't tragic in the truest sense of the word. Consider the Shakespearian idea of a tragic hero which suits the people who now idolise Kurt Cobain and he would have been well aware of this. For a more up to date if not slightly different example see Jade Goody.