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Re: Justin Morgan!

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:47 pm
by gpartin
mario wrote: ... feree.html

Wasn't Daniel Anderson guilty? His punishment was not to have Smith referee them again.
Why can't a ref be criticised? They might improve if it happened more often and there was a decent man in charge of the referees to do something about it.
Because its not football. Coaches are supposed to lead by example and players are not allowed to criticise the ref so why should coaches. Do you think players are likely to improve more by blaming the ref or accepting they need to improve in order to win?

The same goes for players and coaches moaning about too many games and being tired... don't you think this will make them psychologically more tired??

Re: Justin Morgan!

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:13 pm
by cpwigan
Morgan went beyond criticism and it was vitriolic with little or no substantiated evidence. I think it breaches Respect and similar campaign etc too.

I do not see how Morgan has a leg to stand on. Hence, why I think KR should have pre empted the RFL taking action and by doing so the RFL might have treated them less harshly.

Re: Justin Morgan!

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:29 pm
by turf
You are absolutely right cpwigan. Morgan has not got a leg to stand on. This is just a snippet of what he said about Thaler, "There is a very common denominator every time there is a poor game of rugby league and that is Mr Thaler."

That comment is duisgusting, I'm sorry, but it is. He is blaming Thaler for every single poor game of RL there is.

Re: Justin Morgan!

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:28 am
by turf
Morph wrote:maybe in future the refs should be allowed to publically critised the players and coaches, to even it up.

But not the fans, we are always right and they are always wrong. Get used to it Robjoenz! :wink: :lol:
I wouldn't go that far Morph!!! :lol: :conf:

Re: Justin Morgan!

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:46 am
by turf
Oh, ok. Sorry if you're offended Morph!!!! :D :)

On the thread topic, Morgan has said on the sportinglife website, under the Headline, "Mcrae happy with win", halfway down the page, Morgan says of Thaler, "I don't want him to referee us any more".

Ok, then we don't want Bentham again after Monday, or Ian Smith again after his display with Leeds vs Wigan a few weeks ago.

Morgan, just shut up!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

You will get what refere that is appointed. If it is Thaler, then you're just getting some hard luck. :angry: :angry: :angry:

Here is what Morgan said in full:
"It didn't help that they were allowed to get away with blue murder. I'm going to teach my players to throw forward passes, stand offside all day and tackle around the head.

"That's the parametres he sets out. Every time we get him we get the absolute raw end of the stick. I'm not the only person who says that. If I had a player who wasn't up to the standard he gets dropped.

"He needs to spend some time learning the rules and get into positions where he can understand the game better because it's absolutely disgrace every time we get him. People pay good money to come here to see a fair game of rugby league. It's hard enough on the players as it is, and then he tosses up that all day.

"Standing offside, tackling around the head and forward passes, so that's what we will practice all week and hope we get him as referee next week. He's not up to this level, this standard at all.

"Unfortunately he's not, and he needs to spend some time in another grade just as my players would have to. There's no excuse for errors. We most probably didn't deserve to win. But it's a very common denominator and every time it's Mr. Thaler.

"I don't want him to referee us any more. I just don't want him any more. I don't want him to referee any of our games. He's the common denominator every time there is a poor game of rugby league or there's controversy involved.

"We'll go and practice those things and hopefully we get allocated to him. But if anybody has got any sense he'll find himself in national league next week. You can't give instructions to your captain before kickoff and then not be allowed to enforce them.

"I'm not going to go into details but you can't do that. It's not acceptable in my eyes. I thought the definition of the word move and when you say movement you have to move. So why say it in the first place is you are not going to enforce it. This game is a hard game physically and mentally.

"We turned up with the right attitude and got absolutely canned by the bloke in the middle and that is not acceptable in my eyes. I'll get nowhere as usual but we know what to expect the next time we get him - a substandard performance. If I had a substandard performance I'd find myself out of a job.

"I can only talk about this game and there were at least a dozen forward passes in that game from both sides. It's not fair that teams have to back it up.

"We are in the modern age of professional rugby league and 'professional referees'. We need to treat it that way, not amateurish.

The bit in bold is how he is behaving in my opinion, amateurish. This has been taken way, way over the top.

I said it above and I will say it again now:
Morgan, just shut up!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

You will get what refere that is appointed. If it is Thaler, then you're just getting some hard luck. :angry: :angry: :angry:

Re: Justin Morgan!

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:17 am
by turf
This just gets better ladies and gentlemen(!):

Taken from The Sun newspaper:
HULL KR coach Justin Morgan is standing by his rant against referee Ben Thaler which has landed him with a misconduct charge.

The Rovers boss could be hit with a hefty fine but said: “I’m confident I’ve got a good case — I’ve got quite a bit of tangible evidence. “There are a number of issues that will be made public after the hearing.”
Sarcastically responding to the bit on bold, I wonder(!)

I am glad that Ben Thaler is officiating an SL game on Saturday because in a way after all the moaning that Morgan has done about Thaler, where has it got him, nowhere except:

A - Ben Thaler is refereeing Catalan vs Salford on Saturday night which in a way is sticking two finger back up to Morgan.

B - In trouble with the RFL for abusing a match referee.

A good result all round I would say!!!! :D :D :D

Also a huge :eusa2: must be given to the RFL for not demoting Thaler because he is one of the best referees still on the panel for goodness sakes!!!!

Re: Justin Morgan!

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:04 pm
by GeoffN
I don't see why they should be above criticism, though (after a match, I mean; not during it).

I can think of very few (if any) other jobs where one's performance isn't allowed to be commented on by interested parties. Why are they any different?

Re: Justin Morgan!

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:07 pm
by cherrywarrior
I do have to agree with Morgan slightly though, Huddersfield are always lying on in the tackles (remember back to when we played them), but you cant really condone him publically critising Thaler.

He should take a leaf out of Nobbys book and go after Stuart Cummings after the match is over...

Re: Justin Morgan!

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:19 pm
by pedro
turf wrote:This just gets better ladies and gentlemen(!):

Taken from The Sun newspaper:
HULL KR coach Justin Morgan is standing by his rant against referee Ben Thaler which has landed him with a misconduct charge.

The Rovers boss could be hit with a hefty fine but said: “I’m confident I’ve got a good case — I’ve got quite a bit of tangible evidence. “There are a number of issues that will be made public after the hearing.”
Sarcastically responding to the bit on bold, I wonder(!)

I am glad that Ben Thaler is officiating an SL game on Saturday because in a way after all the moaning that Morgan has done about Thaler, where has it got him, nowhere except:

A - Ben Thaler is refereeing Catalan vs Salford on Saturday night which in a way is sticking two finger back up to Morgan.

B - In trouble with the RFL for abusing a match referee.

A good result all round I would say!!!! :D :D :D

Also a huge :eusa2: must be given to the RFL for not demoting Thaler because he is one of the best referees still on the panel for goodness sakes!!!!
shows how poor the others are

Re: Justin Morgan!

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:54 pm
by cpwigan
Honestly folks I think you will find he has not got a leg to stand on. Every club / every employee will be tied down by the small print.

I cannot publically criticise any public sector authority that I belong to nor could anybody emnployed by a company.