England vs Wales

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Re: England vs Wales

Post by DaveO »

Kittwazzer wrote: My other concern about Myler is that next season he will feel pressurised into living up to his big contract. He is still only a kid, and I am not convinced he will be able to handle it. Maybe in this case, Nobby's 'duty of care' has some validity?

Anyone else got any thoughts on this?
Nobby's duty of care doesn't have any validity here with many fans as he used the term as the excuse to drop players who did not look out of their depth. Not quite the same situation as with Myler IMO.

Of him and Sam, Sam has come through the ranks here and has a continuity to his career that has got to help whereas with Myler I think he will be under pressure to perform on a bigger stage. As you mention above there will be pressure to live up to his big contract and it has got to be more difficult for a young player to move clubs than it is for one to come through the ranks and progress naturally to the first team.

On the evidence so far Tony Smith will have to introduce Myley gradually IMO and this is where proper duty of care would come into it unlike the way Nobby tried to kid us he was applying it.

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