Farrell - Judas or Saint

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Re: Farrell - Judas or Saint

Post by adiddy »

stevowarrior posted:
Ok Rugby Union are once again showing their hand in that they cannot win the World Cup with English Rugby Union Players - they have to buy the World Cup, last time it was Robinson now it could be Farrell.

If Farrell stays with League then he earns the respect he deserves, if he goes to Union then, like Robinson he becomes a traitor our game, a JUDAS.

I don't want to hear people saying you can't blame him, I would have no gripes if a player was passed his prime and looking to extend his sporting career, we all have to move on sometimes, but to desert the game in your prime is nothing more than traitorous and if this is his chosen path please go NOW, dont take Leagues money for another 12 months.

People seem to oppose the idea of having feeder clubs to Super League yet they seem happy that Rugby League is becoming a feeder game to Rugby Union

Andy do the right thing and remain, as the badge on your shirt says, - LOYAL
I was as gutted as any Wigan supporter that Andy is even considering leaving league and going to union! But sitting and thinking about it, I believe Wigan will have had the best of the man at 29, also We all know that Andy is one of the highest paid players at Wigan! If Andy went then the futures of Brown, Aspinwall, Hansen, and young players of the same calibre will be safe at Wigan, due to the savings made from a huge contract! I was more disappointed with the losses of Johnson, Luke Robinson, and Briscoe, than I am of the news that Faz may be going. The young players are the future lets make sure we keep them! My other view is that Sean will also benefit, loose forward is by far his best position, and Sean always plays better when Andy isnt in the team!!!
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Re: Farrell - Judas or Sai...

Post by DaveO »

adiddy posted:
[ If Andy went then the futures of Brown, Aspinwall, Hansen, and young players of the same calibre will be safe at Wigan, due to the savings made from a huge contract!
This is a myth I am afraid.

There is the 20/20 rule. If Farrell goes it frees up ONE slot and only one slot on the 20/20.

It is not about money. His contract was for a million quid over 6 years which is £167,000 a year. Not mega-bucks fr a player of his calibre. Long at Saints is supposed to be on £200,000 a year and even if Farrell was earning £250,000 a season he is definately worth it.

He is after all Man of Steel, Golden Boot winner and current GB captain. You need players like him in your side to win things.

Too much is being made of his age and current unjury. He is only 29 which for a forward is in his prime.

He should honour his contract and take it from there not run out on the club that has been instrumental in helping him to get where he is today.

I am disappointed the club simply didn't come right out and tell the RFU to go away as he was contracted to us until 2006.

If they need the money from selling Farrell to the RFU Dave Whelan should divest himself of all interest in the club because quite plainly he isn't putting the money in if we have to sell the familiy silver.

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Re: Farrell - Judas or Sai...

Post by DaveO »

Wight Pie posted:
And as Farrell has played for the club for 12 or 13 years I don't think we can really question his loyalty to the club.
If he goes to RU you can question his loyalty to the sport never mind the club.

His the the CURRENT Man of Steel, Golden Boot hoder, GB captain and has just got an OBE for services to the game.

He also has a contract he was happy to sign that only expires at the end of the 2006 season. That is two more full seasons.

He was happy to sign it and he should honour his contract. If he doesn't it will tarnish those years he has given to the club already imo. Kicking the club and game in the teeth can change they way any former player is thought of and can't, IMO, be brushed off in this way.

He would easily get another two year deal with the club in 2006 and as someone said he won't be sold because when a contract is up you are a free agent to do as you please.
I don't want him to go and I don't think he should go but if he feels he needs a fresh challenge then good luck to him... Don't we as fans owe him a bit of loyalty for his service, accept his decision (if he does actually go) and wish him all the best for his future career?
Given he would be renaging on his contract, no. I thought Iyestyn Harris was a complete moron when he spat the dummy out at Warrigton when he had signed a long term contract and then wanted out. I have never had much respect foR him since then.

There is a job that needs doing at Wigan and Farrell is the man for it. The youngsters need his leadership and I am sure he knows it.

I don't have it in me tO wish him well in a new venture when the club needs him and he is contracted to it.
I wish people would realise that times change. Faz won't be around for ever and we have a ready made replacement in O'Loughlin. We'll have to cope without him eventually so let him go with our best wishes and make the best of moving the club forward without him.
This is a forced situation not down to changing times. He is 29 not 39 O'Loughlin isn't ready yet. Farrell has a contract to honour.

If this were the end of the 2006 season ( a full two seaosns away) and we were discussing this and Farrell had turned down the offer of a new deal then there would not be so much fuss and passion about the issue.

As it is the RFU are taking arguably the best RL player in GB in his prime, the club seem to be letting it happen and it appears Farrell wants to go.

Judas is a horrible word and I would never use it to describe Farrell but if you asked me would I feel betrayed by him going, then answer is a resounding yes despite all the effort he has put in for the club in the past.

warrior till i die
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Re: Farrell - Judas or Sai...

Post by warrior till i die »

he maybe loyal with all the things he says like he loves the club he loves the sport.But if he leaves to go to the scum game i will boo him 100% if the way.Also i would be tempted to sing some bad songs about him.
ancient and loyal upon my chest
they are men of wigans best
a team that playyyyyyed the wigan way
and won the championship in may

jim sullivan he was the king
brian mctigueee and jonny ring
a team that playyyyyed the wigan way
and won the championship in may

when eric ashton was alive
with billy boston by his side
dave bolton and billy blan
oh what a time to be a fan!

in 85, at wem ber ley
john ferguson and brett kenny
a team that played the wigan way
and won the challenge cup in may

in 95 we won them all
tuigamala, faz and paul
a team that playyyyyed the wigan way
and won the championship in may

Ancient and loyal upon my chest
they are men of wigans best
a team that playyyyyyed the wigan way
and won the championship in may.
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Re: Farrell - Judas or Sai...

Post by mrs_carney »

warrior till i die posted:
he maybe loyal with all the things he says like he loves the club he loves the sport.But if he leaves to go to the scum game i will boo him 100% if the way.Also i would be tempted to sing some bad songs about him.
You'd boo faz after everything he has done for wigan? I'd be sad and peed off if he went but i wouldnt begrudge him for wanting to set him and his kids up for life, hes gonna get £1m+ in 2years, who on here wouldnt change jobs to earn that kind of money? Faz is a legend and wigan will miss him, but there will be more faz's on the way. We can replace him with o'loughlin the only thing we cant replace him as is a leader
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Re: Farrell - Judas or Sai...

Post by GeoffN »

Faz is a professional sportsman, and his first responsibility is to himself and his family to get the most (financially & otherwise) out of his last few years as a player.

If you were working for, say, McDonalds, and Burger King offered you a better deal, would you take it? I'd even move to St Helens college if they offered me more money than Wigan&Leigh college do (which ain't much!) Why should sport be any different?

Also, loyalty works both ways, and Mo doesn't have the best of reputations for showing loyalty to his players.

I hope Faz decides to stay, of course, but will still wish him the best whatever he decides.
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Re: Farrell - Judas or Sai...

Post by 100% Warrior »

Is he signing for Saints ... NO
Is he signing for Leeds ... NO

Therefore, how can Andy Farrell be judged to be a "Judas".

Should Andy decide that the time is right to challenge himself in the other code he should leave with the supporters thanks, not having his loyalty questioned.

Faz has given the club 12/13 years of stirling service therefore should he decide to leave it shouldn't be for us to question him.

These things never last forever, I'm sure we'd all love our favourite players to stay at the club but of course at some time it does have to end.

Hopefully not, should this turn out to be Andy's last season with the Warriors let's all back him and
the rest of the lads and go for a Grand Final victory at the end of the season.
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Re: Farrell - Judas or Sai...

Post by MrsLam »

Tell you what, if this news has the same impact on our team as it has on this board and with other Wigan fans then we're in for a rough start to the season. We haven't done too badly on the injury front this season and this is the last thing we needed, there always seems to be something to put us off in concentration. I was really looking forward to tonight but I'm feeling a bit nervous now.
Hope it doesn't affect our play too much.
:thum: Ancient and Loyal :thum:

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Re: Farrell - Judas or Sai...

Post by GeoffN »

I'm always nervous, first game of the season. And the second. and........

The conditions won't help us either, it's gonna be a mudbath. Have the Latics left us any grass on the pitch?
warrior till i die
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Re: Farrell - Judas or Sai...

Post by warrior till i die »

[quote]GeoffN posted:
I'm always nervous, first game of the season. And the second. and........
lol geoff.Same here nervous about every game.You want to see me when we are playing stains!!

ancient and loyal upon my chest
they are men of wigans best
a team that playyyyyyed the wigan way
and won the championship in may

jim sullivan he was the king
brian mctigueee and jonny ring
a team that playyyyyed the wigan way
and won the championship in may

when eric ashton was alive
with billy boston by his side
dave bolton and billy blan
oh what a time to be a fan!

in 85, at wem ber ley
john ferguson and brett kenny
a team that played the wigan way
and won the challenge cup in may

in 95 we won them all
tuigamala, faz and paul
a team that playyyyyed the wigan way
and won the championship in may

Ancient and loyal upon my chest
they are men of wigans best
a team that playyyyyyed the wigan way
and won the championship in may.
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