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Re: Another Labour front bencher - clueless. Do you REALLY want these...

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 10:39 pm
by Wintergreen
Look, let's get to the nub of the matter, anyone who votes Tory is in favour of attacks on the poor, disadvantaged and disabled.
Nonsense. What a ridiculous, unfounded generalisation and provocative sweeping statement.
As the parent of an Autistic son I know exactly what is going on
Really? A bit like your knowledge (inaccurately imparted to this forum) on Working Tax Credits and childcare? :D

Back on topic it's very simple. If you want idiots like the Labour front bench running the country, then you must be deluded. It's not even the Labour "B" team who are running the party. All the half decent Labour politicians have retired to the backbenches.

What you are left with is the dross.

Re: Another Labour front bencher - clueless. Do you REALLY want these...

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 11:14 pm
by Wiganer Ted
Raynor didn't know her numbers alright, But it doesn't take an LBC radio presenter to do it. I've done that to my two recent local MPs. One Conservative the other Labour. It isn't just Labour MP's that don't know their stuff as I've found out!

Then we have May who says she will do one thing then does the opposite.
Being MP for Maidenhead she swore to undyingly oppose the 3rd runway at Heathrow. Then as PM she authorised it.

When Home Sec she said she would reduce nett immigration to the 10s of thousands. She failed in every one of her six years in the job. Of course it was difficult with EU migration with the Freedom of Movement EU rule. She has no excuse re Non EU Migration. Each immigrant has to have a visa/work permit.

Come the Refendum she said we would be more prosperous within the EU yet as PM she is prepared to take us out no matter the economic damage to the UK, or so she says.

Then she says there won't be a snap General Election and guess what? She done the opposite of what she said, yet again!

What the odds on her doing the opposite of what she says on Brexit and keeping us in? I reckon she will keep us in.
She's done the opposite on everything else why not on Brexit?

Re: Another Labour front bencher - clueless. Do you REALLY want these...

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 12:09 pm
by Wandering Warrior
I listen LBW regularly and Ferrari is a right turn off. He's the most obnoxious presenter on that station after Farage. Asks questions and buts in before they've finished.
Surprisingly Katie Hopkins does a good show.

Re: Another Labour front bencher - clueless. Do you REALLY want these...

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 2:44 pm
by SJ
[quote="DaveO"]Look, let's get to the nub of the matter, anyone who votes Tory is in favour of attacks on the poor, disadvantaged and disabled.

The facts don't lie and so yes, I am referring to you Wintergreen, SJ and Wormburner because unless you are thick or deliberately ignoring the reality, that is what you will be voting for if you vote Tory.

Not some mythical post-Brexit economic miracle inspired by free market laissez-faire bunkum but continued and deep cuts in services and benefits that the poor and disabled people rely on.

As the parent of an Autistic son I know exactly what is going on. If me and my wife dropped dead tomorrow the kind of social care that would have looked after our son have simply vanished since 2010. Gone. You probably have no reason to know this but in typically Tory fashion have not bothered to find out either. It seems to me you view the world from your own standpoint and think if you are OK everyone else must be able to be. It's not like that and since 2010 this country has, collectively, decided to shred the support it used to readily give in favour of tax cuts claiming the world's 7th largest economy can't afford to provide this. It's bullshit. It can but chooses not to.

All we ever get is we spent more than the last lot but where is this money going and why are services being cut if they are? In Chester the entire S.E.N team is being decimated. That is the sort of reality we have in this country. We were actually lucky. Our son is old enough to have had a Special Educational needs Statement which imposed a legal obligation on the council to meet his needs. They don't exist anymore. Now you have an Education and Health Care plan but they aren't worth the paper they are written on as they are not legally binding and if it says your son/daughter needs speech and language therapy for example, if that doesn't exist because it's been cut (as it has here) then you don't get it! Who made this change? Why the Tories of course.

This is the sort of reality of Tory Britain for those who don't fit into the fit, healthy, home owning middle class stereotype.

Dave I and worm burner may be thick. In my case you could be correct but If I voted Labour I'd pronounce myself "insane "

[ :doz:

Re: Another Labour front bencher - clueless. Do you REALLY want these...

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 6:53 pm
by Caboosegg

Re: Another Labour front bencher - clueless. Do you REALLY want these...

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 7:52 pm
by Wandering Warrior
The difference is Jimbo you and the worm have paid carers, Dignitas beckons!!! :eusa3:

Re: Another Labour front bencher - clueless. Do you REALLY want these...

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 10:11 am
by SJ
Dignits will have to wait. Off to the Giro d'Italia Back to vote. Spoiled for choice in a one horse race. :eh: :cool:

Re: Another Labour front bencher - clueless. Do you REALLY want these...

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 10:58 am
by Wandering Warrior
Watching a load of drug addicts racing on push irons must be really interesting? If you blink they've gone!

Re: Another Labour front bencher - clueless. Do you REALLY want these...

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 6:36 pm
by pedro
DaveO wrote:Look, let's get to the nub of the matter, anyone who votes Tory is in favour of attacks on the poor, disadvantaged and disabled.

The facts don't lie and so yes, I am referring to you Wintergreen, SJ and Wormburner because unless you are thick or deliberately ignoring the reality, that is what you will be voting for if you vote Tory.

Not some mythical post-Brexit economic miracle inspired by free market laissez-faire bunkum but continued and deep cuts in services and benefits that the poor and disabled people rely on.

As the parent of an Autistic son I know exactly what is going on. If me and my wife dropped dead tomorrow the kind of social care that would have looked after our son have simply vanished since 2010. Gone. You probably have no reason to know this but in typically Tory fashion have not bothered to find out either. It seems to me you view the world from your own standpoint and think if you are OK everyone else must be able to be. It's not like that and since 2010 this country has, collectively, decided to shred the support it used to readily give in favour of tax cuts claiming the world's 7th largest economy can't afford to provide this. It's bullshit. It can but chooses not to.

All we ever get is we spent more than the last lot but where is this money going and why are services being cut if they are? In Chester the entire S.E.N team is being decimated. That is the sort of reality we have in this country. We were actually lucky. Our son is old enough to have had a Special Educational needs Statement which imposed a legal obligation on the council to meet his needs. They don't exist anymore. Now you have an Education and Health Care plan but they aren't worth the paper they are written on as they are not legally binding and if it says your son/daughter needs speech and language therapy for example, if that doesn't exist because it's been cut (as it has here) then you don't get it! Who made this change? Why the Tories of course.

This is the sort of reality of Tory Britain for those who don't fit into the fit, healthy, home owning middle class stereotype.

or we could vote labour and bankrupt the country again lets throw money at the spongers.

Im not all for the tories at all but are a better bet than the other shit.

Its like america at the moment 2 things to vote for and both are shit.

Re: Another Labour front bencher - clueless. Do you REALLY want these...

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:06 pm
by keptinthedarkfans
DaveO wrote:Look, let's get to the nub of the matter, anyone who votes Tory is in favour of attacks on the poor, disadvantaged and disabled.

The facts don't lie and so yes, I am referring to you Wintergreen, SJ and Wormburner because unless you are thick or deliberately ignoring the reality, that is what you will be voting for if you vote Tory.

Not some mythical post-Brexit economic miracle inspired by free market laissez-faire bunkum but continued and deep cuts in services and benefits that the poor and disabled people rely on.

As the parent of an Autistic son I know exactly what is going on. If me and my wife dropped dead tomorrow the kind of social care that would have looked after our son have simply vanished since 2010. Gone. You probably have no reason to know this but in typically Tory fashion have not bothered to find out either. It seems to me you view the world from your own standpoint and think if you are OK everyone else must be able to be. It's not like that and since 2010 this country has, collectively, decided to shred the support it used to readily give in favour of tax cuts claiming the world's 7th largest economy can't afford to provide this. It's bullshit. It can but chooses not to.

All we ever get is we spent more than the last lot but where is this money going and why are services being cut if they are? In Chester the entire S.E.N team is being decimated. That is the sort of reality we have in this country. We were actually lucky. Our son is old enough to have had a Special Educational needs Statement which imposed a legal obligation on the council to meet his needs. They don't exist anymore. Now you have an Education and Health Care plan but they aren't worth the paper they are written on as they are not legally binding and if it says your son/daughter needs speech and language therapy for example, if that doesn't exist because it's been cut (as it has here) then you don't get it! Who made this change? Why the Tories of course.

This is the sort of reality of Tory Britain for those who don't fit into the fit, healthy, home owning middle class stereotype.

Dave o respect for a true reflection on where the tories have taken away both care for disabled and mentally ill patients the trust i workd for closed there units and tried to put patients in places that where not equipped to deal with there needs this had knock on affects to the ae department when patients with special needs turned up instead of going through hospital internal system outside assessment was required in most cases taking over 24 hours for a primary assessment this tying up valued ae time and space. So do understand your frustration.I have no problem in stating why political views are in the labour camp having seen the best and most envied health care system in the world brought to it's knees and after 24 years of giving my all to this system believing it would return to how it was once the envy most nations.they have broken my belief that this will happen so much so that after all this time i gave up on the job I loved.the only down i can pick on your thread is please don't call people thick for having a different view you in the past have called me thick willkeep drilling this point to all posters who keep belittling anyone withdifferent veiwe you as a mod should at least practice what you preach