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Re: Cust and Mago?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 9:08 am
by Exiled Wiganer
We are the country which has produced a vaccine which has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and have developed treatments which have saved even more. It looks like we will soon have an even better treatment which could cure the large majority of serious cases. Follow the experts, get the jab and keep the medics and the rest of us safe. πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

If any of you has any questions, I would be pleased to pass them onto my 2 doctor brothers. πŸ‘πŸ˜‡

Re: Cust and Mago?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 9:45 am
by morley pie eater
As a sizeable proportion of fans don't "believe" in stats in RL (though every professional coach uses them), it's no surprise that a similar proportion of the general population are happy to ignore what the stats say about Covid and vaccines, and put their trust in their own ignorance.

Re: Cust and Mago?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 10:50 am
by Wigan_forever1985
One thing i will say (and this isnt aimed at anyone on here directly) is that the whole #COVIDIOTS and calling people names is possibly the worst way to win someone round to an argument ive seen

insulting someone for their stance on a topic isn't likely to suddenly give them an epiphany, its likely to make them double down on their choice and close off from thinking about it more.

There are many reasons that people don't want the jabs and many reasons people just want to get on with life and they should be listened to and debated with, not called idiots. Im double jabbed i will also be getting the booster, where i work there were several people who didnt want the jab, i didnt insult them i sat with them and listened to their reasons why and offered some counter arguments and a lot of them changed their mind some didnt but still a higher % than insulting them and hope that it works.

On Cust and Mago though i don't envisage any long standing issues with getting them here but they need to be here sooner rather than later otherwise we will be massively undercooked considering the changes

Re: Cust and Mago?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 11:30 am
by Exiled Wiganer
I hope nobody thought I was inferring they were idiots - I was just responding to a point about how Britain was doing. If NZ and Australia are in a position to open their borders it will because of vaccines and treatments and Britain is front if the queue in having developed most of those. And, genuinely, if someone does have doubts about things, I suggest they find a doctor to speak to. I want my brothers to get through to the other side of this.

Re: Cust and Mago?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 11:37 am
by Charriots Offiah
Caboosegg wrote: ↑Sun Nov 28, 2021 11:14 pm
Charriots Offiah wrote: ↑Sun Nov 28, 2021 10:26 pm Either the jabs work or they don't! Stopping travel doesn't stop the disease from spreading!
:lol: :lol: :lol: just incase this wasn't sarcasm.
Shockingly... hold onto your hat.... it does.

Remind me how NZ have kept such a tight lid on it or how the cases they have had come from.. shock people traveling into the country who didn't follow quarantine.

Next part is not aimed at you

The British public is happy to keep everyone safe, unless it means they have to wear a mask or can't go on that holiday to Spain etc this year.

If people where not desperate to go abroad we wouldn't be worrying about variants from other countries making the UK.

I just hope we don't have a lockdown, I'm really looking forward to the new season due to how the last ended and with a refreshed team.

Let's hope people can remember the toilets have a 1 way system and to wash their hands.
It matters not, are you not aware of all these people using private jets? Have you missed Cop26? You can’t keep a virus out of a country full stop.

By the way, should we bring the same rules in for influenza?

There is no reason to have a lockdown unless they want the population to have a mental breakdown.