A ? for DaiJones

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Re: A ? for DaiJones

Post by Fraggle »

DaiJones posted:
Max is a bona fide legend Fraggle, his 'Live at Treorchy' album is rightly a comedy trailblazer. His act hasn't changed a great deal since 1978 but why should it?
Absolutely. My parents had that record and I remember it kept me entertained as well when I was a young 'un, although I probably didn't understand much of it since there were no subtitles for those old plastic records :lol:

"You rescue me, you are my faith, my hope, my liberty.
And when there's darkness all around, you shine bright for me, you are a guiding light to me....
You are a Tower of Strength to me" - Wayne Hussey, The Mission.

Shepherd's Bush Empire - 27/Feb/08 - 1/Mar/08
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Re: A ? for DaiJones

Post by DaiJones »

Ian? Can you hear me? Your boys took a helluva beating etc.
Don't worry, I'm not coming on here to gloat (1 win from 5 it isn't really on is it?) but that was some weekend in Cardiff, I'm just about recovered. Fair play to Billy Whizz, I was up and applauding him for that vintage finish despite feeling a dreadful sense of "here we go again" foreboding.

I thought you'd be interested to hear news of our country's sweetheart, Miss Jenkins, she warbled the anthem as well as ever, but during my tour of Cardiff's bars and clubs on Saturday I heard her "romantically linked" with full back Kevin Morgan, prop Gethin Jenkins, soon to be dropped fly half and captain Stephen Jones, occasional reserve half back Nicky Robinson and gravel voiced, denim clad Canadian rock icon Bryan Adams. Hilarious.
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Re: A ? for DaiJones

Post by ian.birchall »

Regretfully I was less than truthful in my posting last week about tne lovely Kath as at 6.15am on saturday morning mrsian.birchall insisted that I had to take her to Vienna for 5 nights. A ritual in our house it is, before she gets stuck into her bowling tournaments she likes to have a pre season break in some European capital so after Paris/Copenhagen/Berlin/Geneva/Prague/Budapest/The Somme(ok not strictly a capital but she wanted to find her Uncle Stevvies memorial) it was the turn of Vienna, it will take me 3 weeks to lose the weight I have put on with the creamcakes I have eaten!.
I saw the result in the Daily Telegraph, an outrageously overpriced buy at 4euros 30, and thought that I had better hunt you out when I got home to take my punishment.
Anyway back to the forces sweetheart I can report that although I did not see her at Cardiff I did see Kathrine on a 30 foot poster opposite the Opera House, Fidelio at 127euro in heavens name! so I got my fill there!
You will be pleased to know also I am sure that whilst I was there I continued to live up to my strapline and signed up on the street to a petition for Austria to leave the EU. :D
Regarder une fille en bikini, c'est comme avoir un revolver chargé sur sa table:
Il n'y a rien de mal a ça mais il est difficile de penser à autre chose.

Now Europe is just for holidays.