Catalans Dragons v Wigan Warriors

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Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Post by cpwigan »


Now Phil Blake I could have watched play RL forever. Silky smooth and classy.
butt monkey
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Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Post by butt monkey »

...and only played for (and coming to the attention of) Wigan after having a spell at Warrington!

Phil Blake was not the Souths stand off at that time - that was the brilliant no 6 Neil Baker - a great favourite of mine.
[img] ... monkey.gif[/img]

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Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Post by cpwigan »

He could kick a bomb could Baker. Not that keen on him though. Blake though, those chip and chases with the outside of the boot, the balance, speed off the mark.
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Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Post by DaveO »

Sutty wrote:You really need to get out more Dave. I suppose in hindsight I should have known that what I thought was a sensible post would have been dissected sentence by sentence and then re quoted by your good self, when either trying to prove a point to yourself or some of the others on here.

It's no wonder I don't often bother posting my thoughts on here, because you always have to write your version of War and Peace just to get your points across. No matter how relevant it may or may not be. Sorry for having my own opinions and sorry you couldn't see things from someone elses point of view for once. :conf:
What do you want to happen? People who disagree not to respond? It's a place for debate and unless people resort to insults and the like then I don't understand why you would obkect to response to your post.

And as to "dissecting it", it's a darn sight easier to comment on each point rather than respond with the likes of "and when you said..." at the end.

If you had not worked out by now that is how I respond and there is nothing malicious intended about it then I give up.

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Re: Catalans Dragons v Wigan W...

Post by DaveO »

El Bobbers wrote:
DaveO wrote:
AncientWarrior wrote:Wigan fans seem to think we have a divine right to beat everyone in the game and score 50 points in the process.
This comment (often made) and the one by El Bobbers about past glories really are far form the truth. No one thinks we have a divine right to win never mind by 50 points, I guarantee it.

I can't understand why anyone can believe people think this way.

I never thought that when we were at out best in the 80's and 90's never mind now. I never thought Widnes, Saints or Wire were forgone conclusions or we would score 50 points on them. Anyone who was there at that time was a twit if they did. And if you look at the majority of the results against the top teams of the day we had some very close encounters.

So why anyone would think this now I can't fathom.

I never said we had a divine right but if you believe peoples impatience isn't influenced by past success then you must be naive.
I took your comment to be directed at people posting on this board and as such I don't think it applies. Of those who are in the negative camp at the moment I really do not think the majority are influenced by past success because I am pretty sure most of them were around to see the other periods of Wigan history worse than now. I think they are just being realistic.

So I take a bit of an exception to the suggestion.

It's a bit like "We only won because we were full time".

These two comments have got to be the worst clinches used on message boards as regards Wigan IMO.
Peoples opinions and feelings change from minute to the next. A lot of people seem to have had a change of heart re Nobby just after the Les Cats game and a lot of people moaned plenty of times that Calders runs sideways more than he does forwards. But now more people are angry that he is leaving than are not.
Is that true though in general? I have (for example) been questioning Nobby's substitution policy for a while arguing he does it by the clock. I don't think I am the only one.

I don't think I am the only one who has expressed the odd reservation before the Les Cats game. And also ever since he was capable I have been calling for Calders to be played. Perhaps what you are noticing is people thinking enough was enough?
Sadly, as hard as it is for you to believe not everybody has the same level headed straight thinking mind as you. How many people lost interest when Wigan stopped winning? These people known as "glory Hunters" who hover around every sport? I even heard stories of people not going to games anymore purely because we moved to the JJB.
I know that is true about the JJB but do we have the glory hunters on here? I thought we had a hard core of supporters who might disagree at times but certainly not a bunch of fickle fans. If they were I'd expect them to stop posting as well as stop going to games, not argue we aren't that good etc.
I suppose as a sports psycologist you are qualified to dismiss Sutty's suggestion so quickly?
Do we need psychologist's to support the team now to get us to concentrate on the good things?

It might work for golfers (and I was having a joke about the bunker by the way..) but come on, we aren't playing well and a suggestion we ought to concentrate on the good stuff was IMO a bit of an odd comment!
I think the idea is that if in your mind you focus on positive things then you will build your own confidence. This does not mean you ignore your faults. Do you think Lewis Hamilton will be thinking about his crash in Canada or something more positive when he races on Sunday?
Probably not but I read Sutty's post to mean it's the fans who should be adopting the positive attitude and since we are not the players we don't need to. We have the luxery to be able to offer a critical view.
I can only hope Noble isn't as "(common) sensible" as Sutty.
How arrogant. I didn't think such comments were part of this board?
Noble will not be adopting the "look to the positives ignore the negatives" approach because he has issues to address. I apologise if my frustration at fans who can't see this appeared arrogant. It was not intended to but is born out of frustration that some people seem intent on ignoring the obvious problems with the team. Which Noble won't unless he wants the sack.

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