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Re: the little drummer boy and his mates

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 1:04 am
by Bear
white elephant wrote:
Bear wrote:
Ill admit our lot are the main cause, but do you not think laughing along may make them behave differently.
Think your missing the point.
You laughing with them WHO ARE ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING, may make them sit down and behave. were as if your shouting at them then it will make them behave even worse due to attention.

Re: the little drummer boy and his mates

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 1:14 am
by white elephant
If you laugh at them or with them as you say, then they will think that what they are doing is ok! If i see someone up Wigan kicking the crap out of someone then i should laugh because it will stop them??? or what about someone who is younger!! say they see someone getting bullied, should they go tell someone to get something done about it ??? no.. they should just laugh along and it will stop as you say. Sorry pal your 100% Wrong!!

Re: the little drummer boy and his mates

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 8:59 am
by cpwigan
Bear. The moment the club / stewards / POLICE act decisively then this problem will END. People break rules / laws because they think they can get away with it. 99.9% of people do not do so if they know action will be taken and their will be consequences.

Re: the little drummer boy and his mates

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 9:07 am
by pedro
Bear wrote:I havent been on here for a while. but basically i think the adults are acting like the children. Your just acting pompus and think your special.
None of you can take a joke or have a laugh what so ever.
And now u talk about banning us. Makes me sick. no wonder you dont get my money any more.

Ill admit our lot are the main cause, but do you not think laughing along may make them behave differently.
If you act like this and think its ok to act like this then the club are better off without you. When you grow up and stop acting like a spoilt little boy maybe you will be welcome again.

Its not pompus its called acting responsible and civilised, and the people in the south stand dont think they are special but think they have a right to be able to watch a rugby match without being swore at, beer thrown at or intimidated, which I agree with

Re: the little drummer boy and his mates

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 2:17 pm
by Susi
Good post pedro.
I think anyone who condones this behaviour and finds it funny is just as bad as the persons responsible.
All anyone wants to do is watch the match in SAFE manner.

Shouting and swearing is one thing, but hurling any items at your own or opposing fans is well OUT OF ORDER.

Re: the little drummer boy and his mates

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 7:10 pm
by adiddy
Bear, When my son who is 10 years old and a massive Wigan rugby fan, says to me, that he is unsure whether he wants to come to another game, because he is fed up of being hit by objects thrown from the back of the south stand, and being covered in beer if we score, then its time to act! My son has more right to be at the game than any of those causing problems/throwing stuff/being violent! We sit towards the middle about halfway up in the south stand, so we know exactley where the stuff is being thrown from! If you stand/sit in the area to the back of the stand, then you are classed as one of the trouble makers.....If you dont want to labelled as this, then do something about it and shop the ones that are causing trouble! But you wont, and you'll continue to cause others discomfort.....until all the trouble makers are identified, caught, and banned...we wont miss you or your money, as other, better behaved supporters will take your places! and the atmosphere will still be as it is! Enjoy the rugby and stop disrespecting other people and their enjoyment of what should be a family game!!!


Re: the little drummer boy and his mates

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 9:15 pm
by Matthew
So you think that laughing along with the morons who already think it's funny to act like a complete idiot to their fellow supporters won't encourage them to keep doing it? Or worse yet, up the ante and throw something that could do some real harm?

You think that people who want to support their team and take their children along, who object to their experience being ruined by idiots throwing food, shouting foul abusive language and causing trouble are moaning?

Sooner or later this is going to end in tears. Either the club will ban the whole group, someone will get hurt by something being thrown or there will be an almighty punch up and a whole host of people are going to end up in court - or worse.

If you really can't see anything wrong with the
behaviour that has been listed; then I've got a solution for you - why don't you find a nice football team to support; I think that you will find a lot of like minded people there.

Re: the little drummer boy and his mates

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:47 pm
by TonyH
Why don't we move our games to a library and watch it there.

God sake the lads are only trying to create an atmosphere, I love singing and chanting and shouting encouragement to our boys, its a fans role at any game, i do not condone throwing anything in the stands or anything like violent behaviour BUT i am all for the boys wanting to create an atmosphere and be heard, i was doing my best at Murrayfield I was in the East Stand and there was a few of us singing and chanting but I really wanted to be over on the corner where our fans were singing away. Theres nothing like a group of people doing something for the same reason 'the love of rugby league'. Yes, cut the violence out and the drunkeness but lets not dampen the spirits of people wanting to create an atmosphere.

Maybe because our club is the most supported in the world and we have the most history, some of our fans are getting a bit older and a bit cranky, "Bloody youth" that sort of thing, im not offending anyone by saying that, it's just the way it looks on here.

In short: Cut the drunkeness and object throwing out but please dont look down on people for being passionate.

Re: the little drummer boy and his mates

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:55 pm
by cumbria_warrior
I agree in ways. Yes creating an atmosphere is a good thing, the throwing drink and pies etc is not. I like there to be an atmosphere and chanting/ singing as long as it is related to the game. The constant chant of barmy army is not creating an atmosphere and also just puts you alongside other sports fans, it was only a couple of home games ago where this went on for 20 mins and annoyed all, even all those that usually sing and shout.

In short, use a bit of sense and everyone will then join in with the chants etc

Re: the little drummer boy and his mates

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 10:59 pm
by cpwigan
It looks like several people involved on a regular basis in the anti social yobbish behaviour expecting everybody to understand them when in fact they have through their posts dug themselves a deeper hole and embarassed themselves.

We are not talking singing, shouting, supporting your team. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT BEING OBNOXIOUS ARSEHOLES WHO NEED TO BE TAKEN IN HAND.

Individually / collectively they outght to be ashamed of themselves and one has to question how they were brought up if their mentality excuses acting like prats and being offensive as just having a laugh.