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Re: Get.Rid.Of.Wane

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:42 pm
by Caboosegg
Wandering Warrior wrote:What are tropheys?
I yam well awear itsnot a spelling kon test but weave one proper pot in three yers!?!
i have fat fingers and a small phone screen sadly.

Re: Get.Rid.Of.Wane

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 6:05 pm
by moto748
Caboosegg wrote:
i have fat fingers and a small phone screen sadly.
I liked the escape goat, though. :lol:

Re: Get.Rid.Of.Wane

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:37 pm
by eccywarrior
Bloody disgraceful tonight wigin. We should have got 60 and should never have let them score. Sack the coach :wink: :lol:

Re: Get.Rid.Of.Wane

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 12:56 am
by Wiganer Ted
I've liked this thread from the off, let's get rid of our coach who's got us to six finals in five years.
Yeah, right ok then!

Re: Get.Rid.Of.Wane

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 12:20 pm
by butt monkey
On come the starstruck chery and white glasses wearers claiming this has been some masterstroke to lull Hull into a false sense of security for the final and the rest of the league that all that has gone on before has been some sort of masterplan and tactical genius

IF you can post at the end of the season and we have retained the GF and won the CC then you can claim this, otherwise you are far better accepting Salford were poor and for the first time in months, Wigan looked like a cohesive team rather than a collection of individuals

Re: Get.Rid.Of.Wane

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 12:28 pm
by Wiganer Ted
Of course it's not a master plan.
We've been awful for most of the season and finished 8th.
I've been as fed up of the rugby played this year but with often having 10+ players out injured it is obvious Wane couldn't select a team. If any given player was fit - he played.

Now most of the injured are back and a few games played together last night we were able to play like a team once again. With Manfredi, Joel T and Flower the only ones missing from our first 17 we have a chance in.
We all know Salford are shot, they'd lost their last 6 or 7 before last night's game. Wigan though did look good.

Re: Get.Rid.Of.Wane

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 12:38 pm
by butt monkey
They did play well Ted, however Wane should not be exempt from critisism for what has gone on prior to last night.

Should he be replaced? At the moment we are in the same situation as we were with Noble, many thought he was irreplaceable and that as (at that point) was the most successful SL coach couldn't be improved upon.

Last night was enjoyable, I want to watch Wigan play like that. It gives me heart that we have the ability to play like that so why has is not been on show? Injuries are part and parcel of the game and in the last couple of months, have been used as an excuse for the returning players poor form whilst they have been out. Lose next week and whimper out the play-offs and this thread will be reignited. No excuse over the injury situation will buy that from me