Higham Knew Nothing About the Netwon Thing

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Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Post by Nine »

DaveO posted:
Nine posted:
And next week ... HC on how many angels dance on the head of a pin.
Fixed your typo. I am not the one making things up :wink:


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Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Post by AncientWarrior »

GeoffN posted:
it's pretty much in context; have you read Ian's full statement? I don't often agree with Dave, but in this case he's right.
It's out of context because the omitted part is the most important:

"I telephoned Peter Hood last Friday, a discussion which we both agreed was in confidence, to enquire as to whether they might be already considering such a possibility or might consider it for 2009...."

The initial contact was to secure the services of Newton in 2009 when, as Lenegan points out, several current players would be out of contract (I don't know whether or not Higham would be one of these). The later reference to 2008 is clearly an afterthought and not the reason for the initial enquiry.
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Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Post by weststand-rich »

Phew, I'll be glad when the season starts and there's proper stuff to talk about. This has got to have been the most indepth analysis of minutae I've seen for some time.

In any case according to my club contact, Micky Higham has drawn a line under it and described it as 'a storm in a teacup'. So, so should we as well!
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Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Post by jaws1 »

Do you not think this thread has gone on long enough its all suppositions and what ifs.
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Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Post by GeoffN »

AncientWarrior posted:
GeoffN posted:
it's pretty much in context; have you read Ian's full statement? I don't often agree with Dave, but in this case he's right.
It's out of context because the omitted part is the most important:

"I telephoned Peter Hood last Friday, a discussion which we both agreed was in confidence, to enquire as to whether they might be already considering such a possibility or might consider it for 2009...."

The initial contact was to secure the services of Newton in 2009 when, as Lenegan points out, several current players would be out of contract (I don't know whether or not Higham would be one of these). The later reference to 2008 is clearly an afterthought and not the reason for the initial enquiry.
Nope, you're still wrong! the word "or" in your quote is the clue!

"whether they might be already considering such a possibility, or might consider it for 2009"

In other words, the 2009 bit was the afterthought. As Dave's already said, Higham couldn't be offered as a swap for 2009 'cos his Wigan contract will have run out by then and he'll be a free agent.
butt monkey
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Re: Higham Knew Nothing Ab...

Post by butt monkey »

highland convert posted:
butt monkey posted:
DaveO posted: Why would Bradford suggest it when they are not interested in selling Newton? It is obvious it must have come from IL. In any case he said so himself in his post on rlfans.
How do you conclude that? Are you agreeing with me that because Wigan would have had to persuade Higham to leave it was an odd thing to enquire about Newton in the first place? If not I am not sure what you are trying to say when you say it gives credibility to your theory.
But none of those things had happened at the time IL enquired about Newton which is the crucial point.

If you are talking about possible offers for Newton in the future that has nothing to do with the ins and outs of what went on recently.

To get Newton on the books for 2008 would have required Higham to leave. No two ways about it.

And anyway conversational aside or not we get back to the point once IL was told Newton was not available that should have been the end of it. No need to mention Higham as said previously.
Maybe Newton was stirring for more loot or getting back to Wigan. IL said only x amount in the kitty. What if you offload Higham to us?
From IL's comments we know it didn't happen like that. Bradford were simply not interested in releasing Newton is the bottom line.
You must not even suggest a player that might be available for trade.

Dave O
Not when the player you want to trade him for isn't available, no! Common sense.
The deal could not have been dead when the barter was being discussed . Common sense.
Bradford said Newton was not available. IL knew Higham had a contract for 2008 so to instigate a barter behind the players back gets us back right back to the beginning. Anyway I thought you were arguing it was a conversational aside?
Oh and IL if you are following this thread, how dare you look out for players you might have to offload. Lets face it. IL could hand Higham his years wages and tell him to go west. Its called buying out his contract.

Dave O
IL isn't that daft. Higham's wages would still count on the salary cap. So if he did that we would just be a player down because we would not be able to fit Newton or anyone else's wages under the cap.
Not if he moved to another team where salary cap was not such a problem.
That is NOT what you said. You said buy out his contract, pure and simple. You can not do that in RL as it counts on the salary cap. Period.
Work that one out yourselves.
On a vote you are happy with the new management yet here is the first controversial decission and teeth are nashing.
What is your point? That because the new management has done well so far when they screw up we can't criticise? I am sure they will do something else right in future so am I not allowed to say so because I disagree with what has gone on here?
Higham wants the jersey offcourse he will be upset if the management want to give it to someone else. Offcourse he will be unhappy if Wigan value TN over himself. That's life.

Dave O
IL may value Newton more but if he had never mentioned Higham at all no one would be any the wiser about a potential swap, especially Higham. That is good man management. The fact IL didn't expect it to leak out is no excuse. Things that don't need to be said are always best not said and as soon as the answer was "no" about Newton's availability that should of been the end of it.
When did Hood say no? Was anyone privy to that part of the approach?
We all are privy to it. IL published details of what was said and when it was said on rlfans. He basically sets out the time-frame and sequence of events. Haven't you read it? IL tells us Bradford said Newton was not available.
The underhand dealings seem to be coming from Bradford. How far down the garden path was IL before the plug was pulled? Did the original approach originate in Wigan or Bradford?
You really need to read IL's version of events before trying to sugggest there is doubt about who approached who. It was IL who approached Hood. Of that there is no doubt.

Where Bradford screwed up was with McNamara rushing off to the press as soon as he ans Hood knocked back Wigan's approach.
Dave O wrote
That doesn't mean I am saying IL should not have asked about Newton. If he wanted to do that then that was up to him. He can run the club how he sees fit but are we bound to agree with all he does because he isn't Mo? I don't agree it was a good idea from an RL point of view but the controversy is/was about how Higham appeared to be being offered behind his back.
Back to the point where the confidentiality of the meeting should have been maintained. If management teams cannot maintain the confidentiality of such meetings they should not manage. If Hood is a gentleman Macnamaras days could be numbered.
None of which alters the fact IL made an approach for Newton which as I said he was free to do but is something I don't agree with.
Either we get a H that proves IL wrong or we look to change him at the end of his contract. Lets face it from school days how many of us have had disappointments when we were not picked. He has the chance. Twelve months to prove he is up to it. He now knows that IL thinks there are better players out there. Can't be a bad thing. Let's face it every player must play for his position. HC

Dave O wrote
I don't think having your name bandied about as a potential make weight in a swap deal is quite the same as playing for a new contract.

How many players come good in their last six months of their contract?
It is just not relevant as Geoff said. The decision at the end of 2008 will be whether to offer Higham a new contract or possibly go for a 30 year old Newton or even someone else altogether. They won't base that on Higham's last six months work. If he is garbage all season he won't stand a chance of a new deal but any player will hope to go well in the last season of a contract so if his current club don't want him another will. I am still not sure of what relevance this is.

DaveO posted:
highland convert posted:
Why would Bradford suggest it when they are not interested in selling Newton? It is obvious it must have come from IL. In any case he said so himself in his post on rlfans.
Dave O wrote
It wasn't an option to stay and be second fiddle. Higham would have had to leave for salary cap reasons
Not the case. Higham has a contract.
Can Wigan offload him without his permission?

Dave O answered
No. He could refuse to leave and see out his contract. Which IMO makes it all the more bizarre the approach for Newton was made in the first place. IL knew he would have to persuade a contracted player to leave for this to fly and the player has been doing really well in training and by all accounts was looking forward to the season. Why would he even consider agreeing to such a deal?
Gives more credibility to my theory. This is a storm in a teacup.
How do you conclude that? Are you agreeing with me that because Wigan would have had to persuade Higham to leave it was an odd thing to enquire about Newton in the first place? If not I am not sure what you are trying to say when you say it gives credibility to your theory.
Would H have his contract renewed if TN was still here?

Dave o wrote.
TN isn't still here and could not come here unless Higham left so that isn't relevant.
Feka goes down,.Pryce foot collapses. There is more money available than we think. The money could become available or the money is available. The two could be here. Remember the new rule. Prove you are under cap before you sign anyone.
But none of those things had happened at the time IL enquired about Newton which is the crucial point.

If you are talking about possible offers for Newton in the future that has nothing to do with the ins and outs of what went on recently.
IL's offer could have been doing him a favour. As it was said a looonnnnnggg time ago this was the initial approach and therefore a deed sodjer from first post.

What this thread is saying is IL how dare you manage WW. You can't look to new players. You cant hurt feelings.

Dave O wrote
It is saying he made a mistake for various different reasons. Some say so because as Geoff said he simply should not have mentioned Higham's name unless Newton was available. Some like me for that reason and because I don't want a 29 or 30 year old Newton back thanks. We could do without a change to a key position going into the season yet again as well.
For this reason I personally think the Higham swop was a conversational aside not a hard and fast negotiation offer.
To get Newton on the books for 2008 would have required Higham to leave. No two ways about it.

And anyway conversational aside or not we get back to the point once IL was told Newton was not available that should have been the end of it. No need to mention Higham as said previously.
Maybe Newton was stirring for more loot or getting back to Wigan. IL said only x amount in the kitty. What if you offload Higham to us?
From IL's comments we know it didn't happen like that. Bradford were simply not interested in releasing Newton is the bottom line.
You must not even suggest a player that might be available for trade.

Dave O
Not when the player you want to trade him for isn't available, no! Common sense.
The deal could not have been dead when the barter was being discussed . Common sense.
Bradford said Newton was not available. IL knew Higham had a contract for 2008 so to instigate a barter behind the players back gets us back right back to the beginning. Anyway I thought you were arguing it was a conversational aside?
Oh and IL if you are following this thread, how dare you look out for players you might have to offload. Lets face it. IL could hand Higham his years wages and tell him to go west. Its called buying out his contract.

Dave O
IL isn't that daft. Higham's wages would still count on the salary cap. So if he did that we would just be a player down because we would not be able to fit Newton or anyone else's wages under the cap.
Not if he moved to another team where salary cap was not such a problem.
That is NOT what you said. You said buy out his contract, pure and simple. You can not do that in RL as it counts on the salary cap. Period.
Work that one out yourselves.
On a vote you are happy with the new management yet here is the first controversial decission and teeth are nashing.
What is your point? That because the new management has done well so far when they screw up we can't criticise? I am sure they will do something else right in future so am I not allowed to say so because I disagree with what has gone on here?
Higham wants the jersey offcourse he will be upset if the management want to give it to someone else. Offcourse he will be unhappy if Wigan value TN over himself. That's life.

Dave O
IL may value Newton more but if he had never mentioned Higham at all no one would be any the wiser about a potential swap, especially Higham. That is good man management. The fact IL didn't expect it to leak out is no excuse. Things that don't need to be said are always best not said and as soon as the answer was "no" about Newton's availability that should of been the end of it.
When did Hood say no? Was anyone privy to that part of the approach?
We all are privy to it. IL published details of what was said and when it was said on rlfans. He basically sets out the time-frame and sequence of events. Haven't you read it? IL tells us Bradford said Newton was not available.
The underhand dealings seem to be coming from Bradford. How far down the garden path was IL before the plug was pulled? Did the original approach originate in Wigan or Bradford?
You really need to read IL's version of events before trying to sugggest there is doubt about who approached who. It was IL who approached Hood. Of that there is no doubt.

Where Bradford screwed up was with McNamara rushing off to the press as soon as he ans Hood knocked back Wigan's approach.
Dave O wrote
That doesn't mean I am saying IL should not have asked about Newton. If he wanted to do that then that was up to him. He can run the club how he sees fit but are we bound to agree with all he does because he isn't Mo? I don't agree it was a good idea from an RL point of view but the controversy is/was about how Higham appeared to be being offered behind his back.
Back to the point where the confidentiality of the meeting should have been maintained. If management teams cannot maintain the confidentiality of such meetings they should not manage. If Hood is a gentleman Macnamaras days could be numbered.
None of which alters the fact IL made an approach for Newton which as I said he was free to do but is something I don't agree with.
Either we get a H that proves IL wrong or we look to change him at the end of his contract. Lets face it from school days how many of us have had disappointments when we were not picked. He has the chance. Twelve months to prove he is up to it. He now knows that IL thinks there are better players out there. Can't be a bad thing. Let's face it every player must play for his position. HC

Dave O wrote
I don't think having your name bandied about as a potential make weight in a swap deal is quite the same as playing for a new contract.

How many players come good in their last six months of their contract?
It is just not relevant as Geoff said. The decision at the end of 2008 will be whether to offer Higham a new contract or possibly go for a 30 year old Newton or even someone else altogether. They won't base that on Higham's last six months work. If he is garbage all season he won't stand a chance of a new deal but any player will hope to go well in the last season of a contract so if his current club don't want him another will. I am still not sure of what relevance this is.

DaveO posted:
highland convert posted:
No need for IL to mention Higham at all.
This still does not say who first broached the exchange. We probably never know.
Why would Bradford suggest it when they are not interested in selling Newton? It is obvious it must have come from IL. In any case he said so himself in his post on rlfans.
Dave O wrote
It wasn't an option to stay and be second fiddle. Higham would have had to leave for salary cap reasons
Not the case. Higham has a contract.
Can Wigan offload him without his permission?

Dave O answered
No. He could refuse to leave and see out his contract. Which IMO makes it all the more bizarre the approach for Newton was made in the first place. IL knew he would have to persuade a contracted player to leave for this to fly and the player has been doing really well in training and by all accounts was looking forward to the season. Why would he even consider agreeing to such a deal?
Gives more credibility to my theory. This is a storm in a teacup.
How do you conclude that? Are you agreeing with me that because Wigan would have had to persuade Higham to leave it was an odd thing to enquire about Newton in the first place? If not I am not sure what you are trying to say when you say it gives credibility to your theory.
Would H have his contract renewed if TN was still here?

Dave o wrote.
TN isn't still here and could not come here unless Higham left so that isn't relevant.
Feka goes down,.Pryce foot collapses. There is more money available than we think. The money could become available or the money is available. The two could be here. Remember the new rule. Prove you are under cap before you sign anyone.
But none of those things had happened at the time IL enquired about Newton which is the crucial point.

If you are talking about possible offers for Newton in the future that has nothing to do with the ins and outs of what went on recently.
IL's offer could have been doing him a favour. As it was said a looonnnnnggg time ago this was the initial approach and therefore a deed sodjer from first post.

What this thread is saying is IL how dare you manage WW. You can't look to new players. You cant hurt feelings.

Dave O wrote
It is saying he made a mistake for various different reasons. Some say so because as Geoff said he simply should not have mentioned Higham's name unless Newton was available. Some like me for that reason and because I don't want a 29 or 30 year old Newton back thanks. We could do without a change to a key position going into the season yet again as well.
For this reason I personally think the Higham swop was a conversational aside not a hard and fast negotiation offer.
To get Newton on the books for 2008 would have required Higham to leave. No two ways about it.

And anyway conversational aside or not we get back to the point once IL was told Newton was not available that should have been the end of it. No need to mention Higham as said previously.
Maybe Newton was stirring for more loot or getting back to Wigan. IL said only x amount in the kitty. What if you offload Higham to us?
From IL's comments we know it didn't happen like that. Bradford were simply not interested in releasing Newton is the bottom line.
You must not even suggest a player that might be available for trade.

Dave O
Not when the player you want to trade him for isn't available, no! Common sense.
The deal could not have been dead when the barter was being discussed . Common sense.
Bradford said Newton was not available. IL knew Higham had a contract for 2008 so to instigate a barter behind the players back gets us back right back to the beginning. Anyway I thought you were arguing it was a conversational aside?
Oh and IL if you are following this thread, how dare you look out for players you might have to offload. Lets face it. IL could hand Higham his years wages and tell him to go west. Its called buying out his contract.

Dave O
IL isn't that daft. Higham's wages would still count on the salary cap. So if he did that we would just be a player down because we would not be able to fit Newton or anyone else's wages under the cap.
Not if he moved to another team where salary cap was not such a problem.
That is NOT what you said. You said buy out his contract, pure and simple. You can not do that in RL as it counts on the salary cap. Period.
Work that one out yourselves.
On a vote you are happy with the new management yet here is the first controversial decission and teeth are nashing.
What is your point? That because the new management has done well so far when they screw up we can't criticise? I am sure they will do something else right in future so am I not allowed to say so because I disagree with what has gone on here?
Higham wants the jersey offcourse he will be upset if the management want to give it to someone else. Offcourse he will be unhappy if Wigan value TN over himself. That's life.

Dave O
IL may value Newton more but if he had never mentioned Higham at all no one would be any the wiser about a potential swap, especially Higham. That is good man management. The fact IL didn't expect it to leak out is no excuse. Things that don't need to be said are always best not said and as soon as the answer was "no" about Newton's availability that should of been the end of it.
When did Hood say no? Was anyone privy to that part of the approach?
We all are privy to it. IL published details of what was said and when it was said on rlfans. He basically sets out the time-frame and sequence of events. Haven't you read it? IL tells us Bradford said Newton was not available.
The underhand dealings seem to be coming from Bradford. How far down the garden path was IL before the plug was pulled? Did the original approach originate in Wigan or Bradford?
You really need to read IL's version of events before trying to sugggest there is doubt about who approached who. It was IL who approached Hood. Of that there is no doubt.

Where Bradford screwed up was with McNamara rushing off to the press as soon as he ans Hood knocked back Wigan's approach.
Dave O wrote
That doesn't mean I am saying IL should not have asked about Newton. If he wanted to do that then that was up to him. He can run the club how he sees fit but are we bound to agree with all he does because he isn't Mo? I don't agree it was a good idea from an RL point of view but the controversy is/was about how Higham appeared to be being offered behind his back.
Back to the point where the confidentiality of the meeting should have been maintained. If management teams cannot maintain the confidentiality of such meetings they should not manage. If Hood is a gentleman Macnamaras days could be numbered.
None of which alters the fact IL made an approach for Newton which as I said he was free to do but is something I don't agree with.
Either we get a H that proves IL wrong or we look to change him at the end of his contract. Lets face it from school days how many of us have had disappointments when we were not picked. He has the chance. Twelve months to prove he is up to it. He now knows that IL thinks there are better players out there. Can't be a bad thing. Let's face it every player must play for his position. HC

Dave O wrote
I don't think having your name bandied about as a potential make weight in a swap deal is quite the same as playing for a new contract.

How many players come good in their last six months of their contract?
It is just not relevant as Geoff said. The decision at the end of 2008 will be whether to offer Higham a new contract or possibly go for a 30 year old Newton or even someone else altogether. They won't base that on Higham's last six months work. If he is garbage all season he won't stand a chance of a new deal but any player will hope to go well in the last season of a contract so if his current club don't want him another will. I am still not sure of what relevance this is.

Just thought I would re-post it. Does that make it one of the longest this year (so far)? :lol: [/quote]
Yes :lol: But not as long as this one[/quote]
You win! :lol:
[img]http://www.webdeveloper.com/animations/ ... monkey.gif[/img]

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