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Re: Gareth Thomas

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:17 pm
by josie andrews
I've said this all along with those at the RFL who supposedly run our sport.

They are as bad as any of our political parties, just out to line their own pockets :sly:

Re: Gareth Thomas

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 11:32 pm
by 100% Warrior
On RLFans it's saying that Stuart Reardon has sent Gareth Thomas a "tweat" on Twitter to wish him luck at Wigan next season.

Must admit I don't know why we're signing him but when/if he lines up in a Wigan shirt he'll be like any other Wigan player who I'll support 100%

Re: Gareth Thomas

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:09 am
by DaveO
100% Warrior wrote:On RLFans it's saying that Stuart Reardon has sent Gareth Thomas a "tweat" on Twitter to wish him luck at Wigan next season.

Must admit I don't know why we're signing him but when/if he lines up in a Wigan shirt he'll be like any other Wigan player who I'll support 100%
I hope Reardon is on a wind up mission.

Over all my years of supporting Wigan RL I have adopted the same approach if a player I thought might not be up to it got signed which was lets see what he can do. Players like Sam Panapa and Billy McGinty spring to mind. Both turned out to be great buys. I could even see the logic of giving Mathers and Pryce a chance. Two players beset by injuries and we had no cash anyway so they could have turned into Panapa/McGinty clones with a bit of luck. Both got my support on the pitch.

The thing is though none of them were not 37 soon to be 38 and could actually play the game! Panapa and McGinty just got better with Wigan. Thomas is finished in the game if he ever started. He is too old. I just don't want to see him on the pitch at all for Wigan.

Re: Gareth Thomas

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:57 pm
by Jake
josie andrews wrote: I've said this all along with those at the RFL who supposedly run our sport.

They are as bad as any of our political parties, just out to line their own pockets :sly:
How come the suits at the RFL are involved with the running of the Wigan club,they are making a complete balls up of the affairs of the RFL,I don't believe whats happening. :conf:

Re: Gareth Thomas

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:23 am
by ancientnloyal
who 'tweats' on twitter? it's like having a Green Vauxhall Viva

Re: Gareth Thomas

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:48 pm
by cpwigan
If the move goes ahead and it look like it is then fans need cast iron assurances by IL that games will not be moved to SWales as part of this deal.

However, whatever happens, it shows RL is a 'dirty' sport and quite frankly Thomas is not good enough to wear the Cherry n White.

Re: Gareth Thomas

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:02 pm
by shevington
sounds about right for RL, move some Wigan games to Wales infront of a crowd of about 3k. I would not be going thats for sure.

Re: Gareth Thomas

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:24 pm
by shevington
if they sacrifice home games to go play in Wales then I will not be renewing my season ticket.

Re: Gareth Thomas

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:01 pm
by butt monkey
Irrespective. Who needs this deal the most?

The RFL? Why? They are funding wages for someone with nothing more than "gimmick" value and it fools no-one especially Wigan fans expected to pay their own hard earned cash to watch him!

Thomas? Why? He is at the end of his playing career any way you look at it!

Wigan? Have they seriously got no-on who can play wing or centre?

Wigan are in my line of thinking, in the "driving seat" as far as this deal should be. They either desperately need him (in which case the club are told what happens per-se) or they do not, and Wigan tell the RFL/Thomas what THEY want out of the deal (if anything).

Why should IL (and as such the fans) then have to cow-tow to the RFL (who hate Wigan anyways) for such a deal? If the club is expected to play home games in Wales - this will stink greater than any likely "good" that the club could perceivable get from the deal :(

Re: Gareth Thomas

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 4:15 pm
by josie andrews
Hull have recruited veteran Crusaders centre Tony Martin

Martin, the latest player from the defunct Crusaders to find a new club, is joining the Black and Whites on a 12-month contract,,15612 ... 1,00.html?

And who do we sign?? :exc: :exc: