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Re: Project Fear Fails Again, Remoaners Can't be Happy

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:55 pm
by medlocke
Caboosegg wrote:posting "Facts" from the express or the mail Medlocke is like reading your News from the Daily star. :roll:
just wetting a line :lol:

Re: Project Fear Fails Again, Remoaners Can't be Happy

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:45 am
by medlocke

Re: Project Fear Fails Again, Remoaners Can't be Happy

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:37 pm
by Wandering Warrior
After you've swallowed the drivel don't forget the nail on the toilet door!! :D

Re: Project Fear Fails Again, Remoaners Can't be Happy

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:58 pm
by DaveO
The funniest thing about this article from the comedy express is the mention of the FTSE being at a record high.

The reason it is, is directly linked to the drop in the value of the pound. Companies earnings are flattered by exchange rates when reported in pounds and also companies shares are cheaper for overseas investors to buy.

The problem is when you cash in and sell your shares or your pension fund does, the pound is still worth around 20% less so you really are not better off.

It's still phoney war time. We have not left yet.

Re: Project Fear Fails Again, Remoaners Can't be Happy

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:45 pm
by Wandering Warrior
Brexit will provide a nice little smoke screen to hide the crisis within the NHS for the Government.
I know which is my priority!!
But then again I always try to apply logic rather than gut feeling when I decide something. Let's hope logic is applied to the above two, I'm not optimistic.

Re: Project Fear Fails Again, Remoaners Can't be Happy

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 1:30 pm
by southernpie ... rney-says/
Now we have Mark Carney saying things will not be as bad as predicted, whether one agrees with Brexit or not, for me it shows a lot of the arguments for and against were just hot air, there are risks to our economy either way. We are not out of EU yet and there is a moderation of claims of financial armegeddon. The bankers didn't want change as change will upset the applecart and they only saw the downside.
He said: “As you'd expect a bunch of dour central bankers to be, we're focused on the downside and less focused on how everything could turn out well, but what could go really wrong... and where can we potentially mitigate that.

"We do have to ask ourselves continually what could go wrong. We don't have to see a ghost behind every corner, but we do have to ask ourselves what could go wrong."
So he is saying they only took the pessemistic view.
What I did find interesting was the bit about the researchers
Professor Alastair Buchan told the Education Select Committee that membership of the EU had "sidelined" Canadian and American researchers who used to come to work at British universities, as freedom of movement made it easier to recruit Europeans.

"One of the things that we did lose was that nice and easy flow of clinicians and clinician science from Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa," he told the Committee in the first public hearing since the vote to leave in June last year.

"We had really good collaborations, which hopefully in this Brexit climate might be reinvented, because that movement of English-speaking medicine was actually a casualty of joining Europe."
So now we are getting people coming out with things we lost by joining the EU.
Only history will now tell us who was right or wrong and as there is still so much to happen yet such as triggering Article 50 (if it happens)and negotiating our exit (I have no faith in our politicians to get the best deal)we still have nothing but guesswork to go off. IMO nothing that has happened so far proves anything either way as we have not left the EU yet.

Re: Project Fear Fails Again, Remoaners Can't be Happy

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:38 pm
by Wandering Warrior
Mark Carney is an expert. People are fed up of experts! :D
Do we want experts to sort us out when we are ill?

Re: Project Fear Fails Again, Remoaners Can't be Happy

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:05 pm
by DaveO
southernpie wrote: So he is saying they only took the pessemistic view.
The last ONS forecast didn't and it was still crap.

What I did find interesting was the bit about the researchers
Professor Alastair Buchan told the Education Select Committee that membership of the EU had "sidelined" Canadian and American researchers who used to come to work at British universities, as freedom of movement made it easier to recruit Europeans.

"One of the things that we did lose was that nice and easy flow of clinicians and clinician science from Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa," he told the Committee in the first public hearing since the vote to leave in June last year.

"We had really good collaborations, which hopefully in this Brexit climate might be reinvented, because that movement of English-speaking medicine was actually a casualty of joining Europe."
So now we are getting people coming out with things we lost by joining the EU.
As you may know I used to work for the Open University. The previous chancellor was Australian and being in the EU did not place a ban on migration from the US, Oz or NZ to the UK. There are plenty of nationals from those countries working in the UK and more than half of inward migration is from outside the EU anyway.

I think any top researcher who wanted to come here from the US or any country would have walked in so I don't see Buchan's point.

In any case the prospect something "might" (to use his word) return is not the basis for anything and I'd also ask the obvious question, does this imply Brexit will have exactly the same negative effect i.e. Brexit will mean that we lose that nice and easy flow of clinicians and clinician science from the EU?

When you think about the notion of slapping a £1000 a year levy on employing skilled workers from the EU which was being discussed yesterday I think the answer is yes.

What a daft idea that is, all companies will do is offshore the jobs. The company I work for now has offices in Poland and India. Recruitment is already restricted to those countries and that levy will mean they won't be bringing people into the UK (so paying tax here) or recruiting UK workers instead (who would also be paying tax here). No need.

Meanwhile Leadsome has promised the UK agricultural industry that migrant workers for fruit and veg picking will be exempt from immigration control. For farmers it will be as if Brexit never happened on that score.

So we are going to put barriers up against skilled labour and continue to let in low paid unskilled workers. Muddled thinking or what!

Re: Project Fear Fails Again, Remoaners Can't be Happy

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 3:25 pm
by Wandering Warrior
I don't need to tell you the whole scenario is an absolute farce and we've not started the wheels in motion to get out.
Folk voted with a gut feeling and jingoism for Brexit aided and abetted by the three stooges, and will expect logic to be applied by those left to negotiate the exit.
Let's hope they can cos the Krauts and frogs will despite the "they need us more than we need them" calls from example little Englanders.

Re: Project Fear Fails Again, Remoaners Can't be Happy

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 9:45 pm
by southernpie
DaveO wrote:
In any case the prospect something "might" (to use his word) return is not the basis for anything and I'd also ask the obvious question, does this imply Brexit will have exactly the same negative effect i.e. Brexit will mean that we lose that nice and easy flow of clinicians and clinician science from the EU?
Exactly my point it is all conjecture
DaveO wrote:When you think about the notion of slapping a £1000 a year levy on employing skilled workers from the EU which was being discussed yesterday I think the answer is yes.

What a daft idea that is, all companies will do is offshore the jobs. The company I work for now has offices in Poland and India. Recruitment is already restricted to those countries and that levy will mean they won't be bringing people into the UK (so paying tax here) or recruiting UK workers instead (who would also be paying tax here). No need.
I totally agree

DaveO wrote:Meanwhile Leadsome has promised the UK agricultural industry that migrant workers for fruit and veg picking will be exempt from immigration control. For farmers it will be as if Brexit never happened on that score.

So we are going to put barriers up against skilled labour and continue to let in low paid unskilled workers. Muddled thinking or what!
Which is ludicrous and why I have no trust in our current crop of politicians
The whole thing to me is a farce, however rightly or wrongly the referendum has given an answer (that is still to be decided whether it is advisory or compulsory) and we live in a so called democracy so as I said before it will be interesting to see how history records the last 6 months and the next few years. IMO Joe Bloggs is going to get a right kicking, but then again I have my suspicions he will if we do not leave the EU, whichever way it goes we will never know if we would have been better off the other way.