Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

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Red Hot Mama
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by Red Hot Mama »

cpwigan wrote:No. I was asked to remove them because you are not allowed to record such events using any form of media. I was asked in a polite and decent manner and was happy to do so. However, I will be asking what the hell is going at a Riversiders meeting. If I am being slagged off behind my back then I will certainly find out. However, it was intimated it was plural so it should be very interesting. Supporters group :roll:
I did say you may have problems putting the recording on the site. As a moderator of this site I question your judgement in even thinking you could do this. I find your comments regarding the Riversiders extremely insulting. You come on here demanding to know what goes on in these meetings that slag YOU off behind your back. Questioning the Supporters group :roll:

Well they are open meetings where players etc attend. They give up their time to do the Q&A sessions that you dislike so much. They hold a raffle to raise money for the Club to support the young players. They have presentations for Man of the match for all the games for academy and reserves where they give a small amount of money to acknowledge their accomplishments and to my knowledge the words CP Wigan are NEVER mentioned. Neither do they slag off other fans, call them clapping seals or think they are better than any one else. The only person on here that I can witness doing that is you. I have said before you use clever words and comments to belittle peoples opinion, you call fans cowards because they disagree with you.
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by cpwigan »

Red Hot Mama wrote:
cpwigan wrote:No. I was asked to remove them because you are not allowed to record such events using any form of media. I was asked in a polite and decent manner and was happy to do so. However, I will be asking what the hell is going at a Riversiders meeting. If I am being slagged off behind my back then I will certainly find out. However, it was intimated it was plural so it should be very interesting. Supporters group :roll:
I did say you may have problems putting the recording on the site. As a moderator of this site I question your judgement in even thinking you could do this. I find your comments regarding the Riversiders extremely insulting. You come on here demanding to know what goes on in these meetings that slag YOU off behind your back. Questioning the Supporters group :roll:

Well they are open meetings where players etc attend. They give up their time to do the Q&A sessions that you dislike so much. They hold a raffle to raise money for the Club to support the young players. They have presentations for Man of the match for all the games for academy and reserves where they give a small amount of money to acknowledge their accomplishments and to my knowledge the words CP Wigan are NEVER mentioned. Neither do they slag off other fans, call them clapping seals or think they are better than any one else. The only person on here that I can witness doing that is you. I have said before you use clever words and comments to belittle peoples opinion, you call fans cowards because they disagree with you.
I think you will find RHM that Mike the site owner thought it was fine. However, that does not suit youtr agenda. Had I actually wanted to be difficult I could have left it because nothing is mentioned re recording on the ticket you buy. I may be wrong but recording it so you can listen to what was said privately is fine. Publishing it is different. You see technically taking photographs, publishing them on facebook etc is also not permitted so where does it stop. We even have the ludicrous state where you are not allowed to photography amateur junior sports now.

I have no doubt certain bitter people alerted and complained to the club. Who I do not care.

The reason I removed it because Mick Hogan asked. He is a gentleman and he speaks to fans properly. IL could learn from him. We actually spent 20 secs discussing that and 15 minutes discussing Saturday. Far more interesting.

Fans who slate players constantly at matches (IL's main bug bear BTW not fans forums) or fans that clap like demented seals are both as crazy as each other. You will find I offer positive and negative views. That is what fans should do. Not that is suits your agenda RHM.

Mike Binder misrepresented the views of Mick Hogan / Wigan RLFC on this site. He attacked this site and poster(s). He was clearly WRONG Whether he is worried it will affect his place on the Riversiders commitee God knows but he and I have both chatted as friends on several occasion and he has been clear in saying I cannot say what I want to say because I am on the Riversiders Committee and we cannot afford to upset the club. If that is how it is. That is his choice but he should not hide behind it when I said anybody who has a vested interest says and does things on that basis. I openly admit it re local authorities.

If Mike Binder had not misrepresented the Riversiders then you would not have read any posts criticising them. Had it been true they would have heard far worse. For the record I think the 18th man letters page is a waste of a page in the WEP. The Riversiders is not for me, the South Stand Bar is not for me. If it is for others then enjoy but if anybody wants to start attacking independent fans forums and individuals be they Wigan RLFC or Riversiders then I along with many others would not stand by and say nothing. This site that you malign is full of decent knowledgeable Wigan RL fans. has some too.

Maybe the Riversiders has an agenda, an aspiration that is their choice, maybe they should create their own internet forum for fans that do not like balanced view of both a positive and negative nature. Members of the Riversiders are no better or worse than fans here. Fans here are maybe more honest in their views. Independence is a great thing.
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by stacey c »

Just to post because everybody seems to be having their go! - I for one feel really silly sometimes when in the south stand bar people like Phil Vievers stand on the stage and say things like "we were awful, the worst ever, we had no style and no commitment, our pack let us down - but we will try to put this right" and people surround me clapping and cheering! :conf: What is there to clap and cheer for?

There is also the other extreme where "fans" boo players when their name is read out on the team sheet. This cannot be good for moral but hey if thats what they want to do - they paid their money to the club they support!

I actually like the debates on here as long as they dont get personal, i felt for a long time this site was being used instead of msn and was for friends to have a chat and joke etc, might be fun for those involved involved but was boring for others. I come on this site to read about peoples views and opinions about rl and in particular Wigan. Thats what forums are for! :doz:

I hope im somewhere down the middle in line with support for my club? I wont be "a clapping seal" if i dont agree with what is said, I dont believe in blaming the referees for every single game we lose but I do support Wigan home and away, i pay my money because i love the sport and i love the club. Its in my Blood! :lol:

I did not go to the fans forum as i felt it was too planned last time in that Leneghan had time to carefully rehearse his answers. Also i felt his attitude was ignorant and he did not consider peoples feelings when throwing snide remarks.

All this said, the ff has made for some cracking debates on here and its rugby related! :lol:
Keep it up guys - We all have, and are all entitled to an opinion!
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Red Hot Mama
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by Red Hot Mama »

CP can you inform me what my 'agenda' is?
Brian's Girl

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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by weststand-rich »

josie andrews wrote:I don't remember Mick hogan saying anything like that!!! at least not out loud to the audience at the Riversiders meeting.

He said that the posters on these sort of forums represent about 1% of the overall support of the club. Or words to that effect. But please, do not quote me :eh:
I will quote you Josie and I will hold you to account :lol:

~1% of the fans may post and that seems about reasonable, but a lot more will read the threads here. To be fair, the types of things that get written here are a genuine snapshot of fan opinions. The proportions of who thinks what are probably polarised across the negative and positive because only those with strong views are motivated to post, but I suspect everybody knows a fan who thinks like (for example purposes only) CP, Mike B, Red Hot Mama, Shevi4life etc. One fan who sits by me is obsessed by "GERRUM ONNNNNSSEEDE" and virtually nothing else.
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by cpwigan »

Red Hot Mama wrote:CP can you inform me what my 'agenda' is?
Well let's see you post re publishing a recording of what was said and Mike the site owner posts he sees no problem and asks for the recordings. Yet you somehow saw it as ooh let me attack CPW. Why did you not mention Mike? If you are being fair and balanced you would have.

For the record. As a moderator I have stopped an attack on the Riversiders and B.Phillips. Hardly Mr Anti the Riversiders or maybe my views as a poster are just that and my actions as a moderator are separate. I have moderated difficult issues like Gareth Hock. This site came out of that with huge credit. I was elected to the positon with no canvassing for votes / no campaigning. I drop in ass much as I can because as moderators that is part of the job.

The bottom line is that it was wrongly implied by a Riversiders Committee member that at the Riversiders meeting this site and poster(s) were specifically targetted and criticised by Mick Hogan. Do you not agree that was the case?

Did IL not say at the start of the fans forum that they take notice of internet sites? Personally it is up to them whether they do or not. It is not the aim of either popular Wigan forum that is why posters are free within the law to post their views. Do you not agree that was the case?

I am not the person you should be having a dig at but that does not suit your agenda.

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Red Hot Mama
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by Red Hot Mama »

cpwigan wrote:
Red Hot Mama wrote:CP can you inform me what my 'agenda' is?
Well let's see you post re publishing a recording of what was said and Mike the site owner posts he sees no problem and asks for the recordings. Yet you somehow saw it as ooh let me attack CPW. Why did you not mention Mike? If you are being fair and balanced you would have.

For the record. As a moderator I have stopped an attack on the Riversiders and B.Phillips. Hardly Mr Anti the Riversiders or maybe my views as a poster are just that and my actions as a moderator are separate. I have moderated difficult issues like Gareth Hock. This site came out of that with huge credit. I was elected to the positon with no canvassing for votes / no campaigning. I drop in ass much as I can because as moderators that is part of the job.

The bottom line is that it was wrongly implied by a Riversiders Committee member that at the Riversiders meeting this site and poster(s) were specifically targetted and criticised by Mick Hogan. Do you not agree that was the case?

Did IL not say at the start of the fans forum that they take notice of internet sites? Personally it is up to them whether they do or not. It is not the aim of either popular Wigan forum that is why posters are free within the law to post their views. Do you not agree that was the case?

I am not the person you should be having a dig at but that does not suit your agenda.
When I mentioned in my post to be careful what you put on the forum in terms recordings it was not a threat or an attack on you it was a genuine concern because I am vaguely aware of legistlation that prohibits this sort of thing (and I mean vaguely). I am also a safeguarding officer for our club and the rfl, I too work with vulnerable youngsters for my 'day job' so your off the cuff remark about the taking of photographs of young players dissappointed me. I did not see that as an opportunity to attack you. You are seriously getting paranoid now. Just in case you are wondering it was not me that informed Mick Hogan either but whoever it was well done!

It was not me that misinformed you of what went on at the Riversiders meeting it was Mike Binder. Mike I am sure will tell you is big enough to stick up for himself. He is an adult who will probably take responsibility for what he said and will stick stick up for himself. To be honest that is not my concern. As far as I am aware he is not the voice of the Riversiders anyway. I objected to your attack on the Riversiders in general. I find you extremely ignorant in attacking a group of people you know nothing about but you generalise and tar with the same brush. I consider myself to be a decent person who tries to make time for everyone and would help them if I can (even if they are saints fans - shock horror :o ).

Ian Lenegan I believe does read the forums if he ever has the time or inclination but he would be a fool to take any notice of what goes on here because as Mick Hogan said it only represents about 1% of the fans thoughts.

Now as for my agenda - you did a pretty good job on having ago at Mrs Feka this morning. She did not in any way refer to your family and your diatribe whilst touching was uncalled for. In your words YOU DON'T KNOW ME. Do not assume to even begin to understand MY AGENDA!!!! Until now I was not aware I had one. As far as your rant this morning goes in trying to appease people with your 'I'm a softie as far as children' is concerned IN MY OPINION you are just a bully. If someone dares to disagree with you, you shout them down. Yes we all enjoy a good debate on here, it is fantastic that people air their different views but I find that more and more instead of moderating the site you are domineering it with what appears to be a dictatorship. Frankly your opionions on rugby are fantastic to read but your belittling of others is getting boring now. Now if my agenda is to attack you which you seem to assume it is I think, Im sorry to dissappoint you. My agenda is to support Wigan Warriors and to cheer the players particularly Stuart Fielden and Brian Noble all the way to Wembly and Old Trafford :D
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by cpwigan »

I did say you may have problems putting the recording on the site. As a moderator of this site I question your judgement in even thinking you could do this.

Your word not mine RHM.

So knowing that Mike the owner had already posted he felt it was fine you take it upon yourself to attack me and question my judgement. Why? Surely you should be having a dig at Mike but hey that was not the reason for your attack was it. It did not serve your needs.
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lucky 13
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by lucky 13 »

Shevi 4 life wrote:First of, i'd like too say that i have been in australia, for the past three weeks, so just let it be if i make a couple of errors here.

From what i have read, IL has said he is disappointed with the fans, saying that us booing and sarcastically clapping is a disgrace, but correct me if im wrong, it is a disgrace. For example, I cant remember the exact details of who we played, but i distinctly remember, the wigan crowd sarcastically clapping, when mathers caught a bomb.
It's gone on for as long as I have watched RL Im not saying it's OK but is part of the way "SOME" fans react not just too a poor player performance but crap no heart perfomances, this has only been made worse by the crap we got served up at the start of the season. If IL wants that rule to apply too us then he should live by the same rules himself after slateing all the team and picking out Trent Barret last year. He also released Mathers not us, you could even blame the coach for picking him when it was clear he was not on his game, he was a risky signing that did not work.
Fair enough that he wasnt at his best for us, and he was very far from it, but tbh thats a disgrace. Another incident occured when karl pryce went down injured, the whole wigan crowd cheered when he came off, and people are moaning because they heard something that they dont like. In some cases, i know some people wont of been doing it, then it wasnt aimed at you.
No its not if so every sporting club in the worlds fans are a disgrace because it happens at every game or at least teams Ive watched for fact it happened at Bolton, Wigan, Man City, for starters just listen to the phone in on GMR enough fans come on and slate players, coaches and owners of clubs and thats broadcast too millions. You are wrong with the whole crowd cheering Karl Price getting injured I was sat around people that did not and as a season ticket holder these same people do not fact!
I'll then take us back a couple of years or less than, when we were signing aussies appose too our youngsters, everyone was calling for DW and ML out. As soon as IL invests some money into our youngsters, everyone is asking, why arent we singing aussies???
I think IL is pro youngsters but his coach has not been examples abound of the fact, Sam T only getting in the team through injury too others, the situation with Flanagan
he seems well upto SL standard but hes been left to rot in reserve grade hes 22 and should have been tried sooner. Im not pro Aus imports but think a couple of top quality players like Barret are almost a must for a top team.
Also i applaud him, as he is being very careful as too who he signs from aus, making sure they are right for the club, and if he and BN says they arent, then i trust them
with that.

I just want to know, Can IL ever win?
I agree with most of the last bit, but did he not sign Tim Smith who blows that out of the water?
The forum is like you say a thing that IL can not win most who go with the cup half empty come back with it the same if not even more so, and those with it half full the same.
We as fans have the rite too both speak our mind and put across our point of view, you may agree or disagree with that but we live in a free country most on here have the best interests of Wigan at heart even if you do not agree you should remember that.
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by Sutty »

As a neutral in the current, ongoing "debate" in this thread. There appears to be more spin and different slants put on things than goes on during a morning of Prime Ministers questions.

Personally, I haven't read much that I would warrant calling a personal attack on anyone and all this seems to have been blown out of all proportion, mountain and molehill spring to mind.

I think it may be best to draw a line under this thread now (and don't start any, similar, new ones) and get on with what we are all on here to do. Support Wigan RLFC, and concentrate our emotions, anger or whatever you want to call it on beating Wire tomorrow and getting to Wembley for the first time in a very long, and overdue, time.

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