Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by GeoffN »

Sutty wrote:As a neutral in the current, ongoing "debate" in this thread. There appears to be more spin and different slants put on things than goes on during a morning of Prime Ministers questions.

Personally, I haven't read much that I would warrant calling a personal attack on anyone and all this seems to have been blown out of all proportion, mountain and molehill spring to mind.

I think it may be best to draw a line under this thread now (and don't start any, similar, new ones) and get on with what we are all on here to do. Support Wigan RLFC, and concentrate our emotions, anger or whatever you want to call it on beating Wire tomorrow and getting to Wembley for the first time in a very long, and overdue, time.
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by cpwigan »

When I mentioned in my post to be careful what you put on the forum in terms recordings it was not a threat or an attack on you it was a genuine concern because I am vaguely aware of legistlation that prohibits this sort of thing (and I mean vaguely). I am also a safeguarding officer for our club and the rfl, I too work with vulnerable youngsters for my 'day job' so your off the cuff remark about the taking of photographs of young players dissappointed me.
You are priceless when I said you mentioned Chorley Panthers at the forum you said oh no I have no involvement any more blah blah and 5 minutes later you openly admit you are the safeguarding officer for the club. Make your mind up :lol:

Your son went to St Helens because Wigan did not want him. Live with it. Do you think he is better than Paul Prescott? Eamon O'Carroll? Lee Mossop? Ben Davies? Neil Holland? and many more? I personally do not. He will be released eventually by St Helens but he will have given it his best shot and that is all anybody can do or ask. He will not have failed but for heaven sake stop letting your son's move to St Helens be the be all; and end all.

By and large Wigan sign the best youngsters out there. It is those at other amateur clubs with their own agendas that are paranoid about St Pats, St Judes, IRB etc. Sure the scouting network could be better. Thats paranoia. Is Jason Robinson's lad still at Chorley and on the Wigan Scolarship Scheme? Why did you not mention him. If you DVD your games, send them to John Pendlebury because ultimately for all the scouts out there only a few people have the real say so. Just as at Saints Mike Rush and co do. If I was involved with St Pats, St Judes, IRB i would be damn well annoyed at the insinuations that the youngsters at those clubs only get selected due to preferential treatment. No mention of how well they are coached at those clubs.

I was intrigued that you mentioned Matty Ashurst and claimed he was a Chorley Panthers player. Yet he played for St Pats and Chorley. No mentiion of that. Was he at St Pats when he was spotted and signed?

BTW who would you have not signed to sign Matty. Anybody and everybody knows Liam Farrell is a better player. Should we not have signed him just because it looked liked St Pats bias.

Where was Jonny Walker playing when Wigan signed him up. How did Wigan first spot Tom Halsall? Why are players with Westhoughton links being signed? Why did Wigan have a splurge of Orrell St James signings?

You want to take me on dear then please do. I am tired of your garbage. I am up front and honezst. Tough if you cannot handle it.
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by cpwigan »

Ian Lenegan I believe does read the forums if he ever has the time or inclination but he would be a fool to take any notice of what goes on here because as Mick Hogan said it only represents about 1% of the fans thoughts.
And the Riversiders represents what? 2% not that it matters but shows how stupid that argument / insult is.

Chorley Panthers are not the be all and end all of amateur RL and that is YOUR AGENDA one you even tried to deny.
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by GeoffN »

You're wandering completely off-topic now, Allan...
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by pedro »

Lock it Geoff
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by cpwigan »

RHM when somebody insinuates I am some rich elitist teacher which if you are involved in education you should refute because it so farcical that it beyond belief. When that poster is a friend of Mike Binder and ione of 3 that suddenly appears out of the woodwork and attack me then I will tell the truth. No lies, no garbage just the truth.

Mike Binder owes several people an apology. He should never have made the posts he did and whatsmore for him to then not come and put the matter right and have solved this is even worse. It should not have been left to Mrs B to put it right. I find that wrong. If Mrs B had not done so how long would this have dragged on for? Would I have had to speak to Mick Hogan? Barbara Phillips?

For Mike Bs friends to crawl out of the woodwork and simply compound the whole issue made things worse not better. Who needs friends like that. Friends whoser presumptions were so far off the mark that I felt the need to expose how ludicrous they were with the TRUTH.

The most important word in this thread, TRUTH
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?


As a born and bred Scot who learned to love Rugby League and Wigan RLFC in particular from watching Granstand in the 1960's and onwards it was not until i started travelling from Edinburgh in 2003 to watch Wigan home & away every week that i realised how deep pasions run for this great club .
I have been abused for being an outsider supporting Wigan by one or two very prominent Wigan supporters on occasions once at last years Challenge cup final , i dont care i love this club and will support it as long as i can .
i do not pretend that i can match the deep running feelings that born and bred locals have for Wigan that is in part what i love about this club .

Feelings are running high on this thread and i only hope this does not get out of hand as we are all aiming for the same goal OLD TRAFFORD & WEMBLEY WINNERS

Everybody who has posted on this thread has done so for the right reasons and for the same aims . SO "LETS ALL GET INTO THE WIRE TOMORROW" and put any other emotions behind us .
Sorry for the rant
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Re: Answers To Fans Forum Questions ?

Post by Sutty »

I agree, Lock it Geoff. It's like achildish playground squabble that's got out of hand now. :(

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