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Re: Catalans June

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 3:31 pm
by cpwigan
I said to you he had mentioned doing so. Absolute tragedy. He's the sort of lad who needs a kick up the backside. Arghhhh!!!

What a future, stood outside the local supermarkets playing pitch and toss etc etc :roll:

what's Perpignan like?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 4:45 pm
by josie andrews
Perpignan is lovely. The first year weather was glorius hot during the day but cold at night (it was first game of season). We went for 5 days, when all the fans came the place seemed to be overrun with Wigan supporters, it was great. Last year went for a week, the weather was okay when we got there and same Thursday, Friday we drove to Barcelona and again weather was great. Then came the Saturday. It started raining during Friday night and never stopped till Monday. The Catalans said it was the worst weather they'd had for years, (and they'd had no rain since September). It's okay if you are in a group and it may be different in June, but there really isn't much going on, the locals we made friends with the first time we went told us it's really a stoppover place for people travelling from Spain to France and vice versa.
We are stayin in Spain this time for 5 days and are travelling to the game by train.[/quote]

Re: what's Perpignan like?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:07 pm
by platt-warrior
josie hi,what airline are you using ie from l/pool to girona ?
ta baz

Re: Catalans June

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:34 pm
by mike binder
cpwigan posted:
I said to you he had mentioned doing so. Absolute tragedy. He's the sort of lad who needs a kick up the backside. Arghhhh!!!

What a future, stood outside the local supermarkets playing pitch and toss etc etc :roll:
getting a little merry ,the coach said a few times he has had to chace him ,problem seems to be apart from hus grandad whose is a great guy ,no 1 else as shown a interest in him

Re: Catalans June

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:03 am
by cpwigan
Usual story Mike. A likeable rogue but he could end up in strife down the line. Great pity.